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Pattaya’s homeless problem comes to the attention of resort’s authorities


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5 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

The fines were for the Cambodians selling things .

Not a clever way to end homelessness , fine the people who are earning money , stop them from selling things and take their money................which will actually make them homeless  

REading the article the Cambodians are obviously here and working illegaly

they will be deported, but they probably will be comeback soon, or other will

be coming, there are cambodians selling things in walking street since at least 

20 years, just under the eyes of the police, so i presume some thais have interest

in the business

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Do they really need 50 Para military's to round up just a few harmless hobo's as they put it arresting them isn't going to solve the problem let me tell you homeless people dont give a flying <deleted> about the police all part of living rough from meal to meal at least here in Thailand it's still warm.

The Thai government would rather this problem would go away on it's own well it's not this is just going to get worse by the day

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2 hours ago, Stocky said:

Sure that's what wikiwhatever says, but do people actually say "I'm a hobo" or "I'm a vagrant"?  I doubt it. 


It's a label attached to them, not something they would profess to be. A bunch of crappy circumstances has put them on the street with no roof over their head.



Not all, say I. Send them to Suksabai Villa and get rid of the squatters with 5 cats, 5 or more dogs, 15000 Roosters (Seems like it at 0300hr), hens and garbage everywhere. Probably a few crocodiles and mossies the size of March flies in the stagnet water at the bottom of the abandoned swimming pool. 

When I was a Hobo I enjoyed my rare trip to Walking Street. Specially the Mekong Knee Walk Runs. ON ON.

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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

yep .... get those hobo's into a facility with a roof over their heads. Problem is with the drug addicts and vagrant's they will just return to the same area like in most cities. They don't want help just more drugs.

Also addiction can be cured, sure not by people with your mindset.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

the problem of vagrancy in Pattaya was "chronic" and the image they present was unseemly for what they described as a "world class resort". 

They really must get out more.. or use the internet to see what's outside Pattaya.

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Jomtien beach needs to be cleared out as well. Mentally ill drug addicts and homeless are everywhere on the beach, the cops were down there a few days ago poking a thai laying drunk in the sand to make sure he was still alive. Didn’t move for about 10 minutes, he looked dead but they got some reaction from him and let him be. thais have really shown their true selves to me during the last 4 months. Never seen such an angry bitter side to them as many are struggling to make ends meet and easy to blame the foreigners. The scowls are there everyday, it’s something in their eyes that’s hard to explain but I recognize it immediately when I see it. I’m leaving soon and will never return. 

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4 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Well, some people say "I am a politician", and not only do they get away with it, but they sometime get respect for it... Go figure... 

"Well, some people say "I am a politician","  if in Thailand they will say "I'm a soldier". 

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7 hours ago, mr mr said:

ya those pesky human beings struggling to survive. the nerve. 


is there not a local temple that could take some of these people in and help feed them get them back on their feet ? i could be wrong but is that not one of the reasons temples are open ?

No, temples are in business to worship non-existent deities and holy men. They are not interested in the here and now, only the hereafter.????

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7 hours ago, JWRC said:

The person who wrote that has never truly travelled or is totally ignorant. To call Pattaya a world class resort  is a joke, they wouldn't know what world class is.


By number of visitors, it is.  Or, at least it was- up until Covid19.


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2 hours ago, LiamB80 said:

Jomtien beach needs to be cleared out as well. Mentally ill drug addicts and homeless are everywhere on the beach, the cops were down there a few days ago poking a thai laying drunk in the sand to make sure he was still alive. Didn’t move for about 10 minutes, he looked dead but they got some reaction from him and let him be. thais have really shown their true selves to me during the last 4 months. Never seen such an angry bitter side to them as many are struggling to make ends meet and easy to blame the foreigners. The scowls are there everyday, it’s something in their eyes that’s hard to explain but I recognize it immediately when I see it. I’m leaving soon and will never return. 


Headed to Portland?  Or Seattle?  Or maybe Minneapolis?  Perhaps London?  Or Southern California...


There's desperate people all over the world.

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6 minutes ago, impulse said:


By number of visitors, it is.  Or, at least it was- up until Covid19.


Pattaya can not be a world class resort

there is none of the basics standarts for it in the city

the quality of the beach and the sea water, the traffic

the sidewalks, the electric wires and the list is endless

nothing here is even at a normal good standart

Of course if a visitor stay all his holidays in the Royal Cliff resort

and never put a foot outside of it. he is allowed to think he was

in a world class ressort.

Edited by kingofthemountain
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7 minutes ago, impulse said:


Headed to Portland?  Or Seattle?  Or maybe Minneapolis?  Perhaps London?  Or Southern California...


There's desperate people all over the world.

This is the exact response I knew I was going to get. Refusing to acknowledge the problem in Pattaya/Jomtien and just point your finger at western culture and say look.  Thai apologists at their finest.

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1 minute ago, LiamB80 said:

This is the exact response I knew I was going to get. Refusing to acknowledge the problem in Pattaya/Jomtien and just point your finger at western culture and say look.  Thai apologists at their finest.


Sure there are problems in Pattaya/Jomtien.  But not unique problems.


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40 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

Pattaya can not be a world class resort

there is none of the basics standarts for it in the city

the quality of the beach and the sea water, the traffic

the sidewalks, the electric wires and the list is endless

nothing here is even at a normal good standart

Of course if a visitor stay all his holidays in the Royal Cliff resort

and never put a foot outside of it. he is allowed to think he was

in a world class ressort.


You're judging based on totally arbitrary criteria.  Here's a judgement based on numbers alone...


In 2019, Bangkok ranked 1st surpassing Paris and London in Mastercard's list of "Global Destination Cities Index 2019" with 22.78 million visitors. Phuket was 14th with 9.89 million visitors and Pattaya 15th with 9.44 million visitors.


15th most popular destination in the world...  That's world class.  In terms of strictly beach towns it's #2 in the world, behind Phuket.  Which, I'm sure, will put even more panties into a wad...





Oooh...  And just to rub it in...  Thailand has the #1 destination city, and the #1 and #2 destination beach towns IN THE WORLD.  Maybe TAT is doing something right after all?

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1 hour ago, impulse said:

You're judging based on totally arbitrary criteria.  Here's a judgement based on numbers alone...

You realize a judgement based on numbers alone is a totally arbitrary criteria do you?

Do you work for TAT by any chance?


At least my criterias were multiples, the whole city

is a stinky s...t hole, that's the reality on the ground

and i love it !!


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17 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

You are right, every man can have a shelter and food in a temple in Thailand

however they need to comply with the rules of the temple, no smoking, no drink

alcohol, respect the hours, work to clean the temple and so on

a lot of the homeless are drug or alcohol addicts, they are unable

and don't want to respect any rule, the problem is the same in western countries.

Plus you have the problem of the women, a lot of them want stay with their ''boyfriend''

and vice versa, and the temples don't accept couples.

It's not simple and there is no quick solution to solve the problem.

By chance you don't have here (Yet) on the sidewalk hordes of 10\15

homeless with dogs, both with agressives behaviour. like it is in my country of origin.

Someone who knows what these street sleepers are actually like. Folks on here haven't a clue about how how these people act and what they are like. They don't want a nice warm bed and comfy pillow, they want a packet of smokes and they want to sit in the alley and abuse anyone walking past.

They don't want to follow any rules .... they want their drug whatever that may be. 





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20 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

The authorities need to address the problem of homelessness during the pandemic , rounding them up and talking them all to the Police station wont help the situation  

But it helps the police who have a long back-log of fines to collect to ensure their life-style doesn't suffer.

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

Someone who knows what these street sleepers are actually like. Folks on here haven't a clue about how how these people act and what they are like. They don't want a nice warm bed and comfy pillow, they want a packet of smokes and they want to sit in the alley and abuse anyone walking past.

They don't want to follow any rules .... they want their drug whatever that may be. 





Are these people long term homeless or have they recently become homeless due to the pandemic ?

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