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No plans to open Thai skies yet: Aviation authority


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57 minutes ago, fraggleRock said:

I spent time with illness in ICU in March at a major Bangkok hospital... over 50 beds apparently, I was the only person there! 

- What's your point?

- What major hospital in Bkk has 50 ICU rooms/beds/

- Re Covid 19, the numbers of infections/hospitalizations in Thailand have been way down for quite a while.

- What's your point? 

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48 minutes ago, fraggleRock said:

Well New Zealand thought they had cracked the nut, they are now heading for a very severe shutdown... Thailand will follow this model and crush the economy .... the military will get harder.   No planes in until 2022 at the earliest...

NZ & Thailand had exactly the same policy: border closed to tourists + 14 days quarantine.

Both countries were proud to announce that there was zero local new cases for more than 2 months.


And surprise in NZ with 4 new local cases in Auckland 2 days ago !
That clearly shows that the virus was still spreading in NZ even if the borders were closed.

No countries will stop the virus when they ban their international flights. The virus is everywhere in the world now, sooner or later it will come back in Thailand. Ban international flights is just a waste of time and money ?


In Thailand the virus was everywhere in february/march, I just hope Thai people are allready immunized.


PS; Thailand immunized because I believe in that cross immunity, that covid is a "local" covid for people in SEA, that could explain the few deaths in SEA & China... but that's another subject.

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9 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


So your answer is to throw open the gates, and encourage the virus to come flooding back into Thailand from all the places in the world with far worse rates of infection and death... So Thailand can become more like the U.S. or U.K.???

You cannot compare because Thailand reached its peak of the epidemic several months ago:




Source: https://covid19.ddc.moph.go.th/en

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16 hours ago, RR2020 said:

This is a virus and people will die.

Will they ever...


From Johns Hopkins Aug. 10 update:



EPI UPDATE The WHO COVID-19 Situation Report for August 9 reports 19.46 million cases (273,552 new) and 722,285 deaths (6,207 new). The global cumulative incidence could potentially reach 20 million cases by tomorrow or Wednesday’s Situation Report, and the global mortality could reach 750,000 deaths by the end of this week.




The US CDC reported 4.97 million total cases (54,590 new) and 161,284 deaths (1,064 new). We expect the US to surpass 5 million cases in this afternoon’s update.



The U.S. has pretty consistently been running 1000+ COVID deaths per day in the past month... The death toll is heading toward an estimated 230,000 in the U.S., and CV will become the third leading cause of death behind only cancer and heart disease.


In a typical flu season in the U.S., the seasonal flu might cause 20-30,000 deaths. In a bad flu season, that number might rise to 60,000 flu deaths.  COVID, with 160,000+ dead already, is NOT the same as, equal to, or similar to the seasonal flu.


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1 hour ago, RR2020 said:


A sensible attitude is one where :


This is a virus and people will die.


Flu kills circa 600K people every year


Tuberculosis kills circa 2 million people every year.


For the above 2 - killing over 2.5 million people every year...........nobody cares. Its normal.


50 people die on Thailand roads every day on average.........nobody cares. Its normal.



The UK, USA etc... have open borders.....all is fine......life continues......not many are dying now......they know how to treat it.



The very high early death rates were due in the most to INCORRECT MEDICAL TREATMENT.


They were treating this with STEROIDS AND IBUPROFEN.   They now know that both of these massively increase the Covid seriousness.  the moment they stopped using these, you can see from the charts, the death rate fell off a cliff.


Covid-19 is now less deadly than normal flu - now they know how to treat it.  The statistics are all skewed because in the early stages they gave steroids and ibuprofen to people and it killed a lot of them.


Look at the chart of cases (PCR test confirmed) and deaths.............they are diverging massively now.  It started diverging when they stopped treating people incorrectly.



Agree with some of your comments as believe most countries are using blunt tools instead of relying on disciplined quarantine of known cases, sensible distancing and masks. Face masks were so under-rated for too long and cost many many lives in the northern hemisphere.

Yes, treatment has probably improved and the elderly are hopefully being better protected.

But don't kid yourself with your comparison to flu. Latest CDC Infected Fatality Rate is 0.65% which is mirrored in isolated countries where they've controlled Covid and did lots of testing, e.g. Iceland. The IFR for seasonal flu is 0.1% so Covid is at least 6 times more deadly. There is also much less immunity with Covid, so pushes it above 10 times more virulent than the flu, which can bring some countries and Western cities hospital resources to their knees. Those hospital news stories are real and clearly demonstrates why Covid needs to be carefully managed. 

Nevertheless, many authorities are being way too conservative, including the Thais. With community discipline and masks in place as well as the heat & humidity advantage (there's a reason Victoria is getting smacked in Winter) they could at least allow people return to their loved ones with airport testing and follow up. This is what Iceland has been doing for tourists generally for two months with very new few cases, which can be quickly contained.

I suspect once we overcome this 2nd wave, and there are good signs in the region, that travel bubbles will again be considered. Covid will have done it's worse with better treatments underway and some phase 3 vaccine news. The mood will change and the conservative authorities will increasingly be compelled to revive their economies with less risk involved.

Edited by Donga
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15 hours ago, Spellforce said:

You cannot compare because Thailand reached its peak of the epidemic several months ago:


Yes, and Thailand closed its borders, the US did not.


Thailand, especially in urban areas, took mask wearing seriously, the U.S. did not.


The Thai govt made the CV something to rightly be feared. The U.S. govt. did not.


And look where Thailand is now... compared to the U.S.  The facts speak for themselves.


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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Yes, and Thailand closed its borders, the US did not.

And Thailand closed its border to China in december/january/february/march when hundreds of thousands of chinese tourists came to Thailand with their covid-19 ?

Do you really think that the covid-19 has start to come in Thailand only in march 2020 ? Same month as in Europe & USA ?


China & SEA countries had that covid-19 at least 2-3 months before the rest of the world.

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7 hours ago, mrfill said:

So the CAAT has given the green light for some foreigners to enter but they have given the red light to commercial aircraft landing.


I believe that is what we call a paradox

It’s more like the second syllable of Oxymoron..

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At this point, all Chinese Covid19 virus closures and shutdowns worldwide are 100% political and/or "stupidical" and against all science and logic.  At this rate, the Chinese Covid19 virus will still be here 100 years from now.  


As the enemy says, "Never allow a crisis to go to waste."

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16 minutes ago, miketu said:

At this point, all Chinese Covid19 virus closures and shutdowns worldwide are 100% political and/or "stupidical" and against all science and logic.  At this rate, the Chinese Covid19 virus will still be here 100 years from now.  


As the enemy says, "Never allow a crisis to go to waste."

The Ramblings of an intellectual person would understand that Covid isolation and sequestration of a country is not political or "Stupidcal".  Countries are closed in order to either contain the virus, and or the Covididiots as some people would say.  The issue at hand is whether to throw all caution to the wind and keep shut down or, throw the baby out with the bath water, and go balls to the walls and just open everything up and let Hundreds of thousands more become infected because of a lack of personal responsibility and an uncaring attitude of so what if Thousands die  they were old and it was there time........Yes very heavy on sarcasm.

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

what does this mean ?

A staycation (a portmanteau of "stay" and "vacation"), or holistay (a portmanteau of "holiday" and "stay"), is a period in which an individual or family stays home and participates in leisure activities within driving distance of their home and does not require overnight accommodation.


Thank you Google!

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6 hours ago, brain150 said:

I would really like to know where all these numbers come from.


According to Scientists from Universities in Germany and Canada the PCR test does not 

show an infection or the virus !!! It actually shows just genetic material which is produced by the body.

The hospitals are empty ...


Still people BELIEVE their very trustworthy Governments ???? or the Media like BBC CNN HSNBC ... The Nation ???? (just to name a few) who have all a really good track record of being fully trustworthy and honest ????????????


Facebook, Twitter, Youtube all censoring any information that says "The VIRUS" is not as dangerous as they say ...

Stupid people wearing stupid masks ... they probably also leave their pants on when they go to the toilet ....


The world is an insane place and gets more insane every day !

Even a 3 year old kid can see through this HOAX !!! ... maybe because the Brainwashing is not that advanced in children,

but with making them wearing masks and being super scared to infect their Grandmas they will be traumatised for life !!!


... what is going on and being done by Governments is plain EVIL !!! And they know it !!!




Oh...so your username is a joke!

Good one!

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7 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

The rules and regulations are in place to control the import and spread of Covid-19 in Thailand...not to facilitate travel to the country.

No need to point that out, that fact is very clear in my post.....however it is not thailand that are slow or overcharging for the flights. The embassy and dfat has been extreamly helpfull but they dont control australian boarderforce or the cost airlines are charging

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4 hours ago, JaneM said:


I hear yah, but you're preaching to the wrong crowd here. On this forum there are mainly sheeple who believe everything the MSM says about this made up non existing virus. They don't have two brain cells on active duty to figure this out for themselves...

Did you do your resurch on Youtube or do you have a direct line to Alex Jones, your intellectual highness?

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3 hours ago, fraggleRock said:

I spent time with illness in ICU in March at a major Bangkok hospital... over 50 beds apparently, I was the only person there! 

Excellent evidence, that the whole world is in on the plandemic!

I am so glad we have people like you, so we can finally put this nonesense to bed!

>severe sarcasm off<

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11 minutes ago, HaleySabai said:

Here in Chiang Mai we are getting two daily international flights from Shanghi and Seoul.

Are you saying there are tourists arriving on those flights?  The flights possibly are bring in folks who qualify to be here as in 1 of the 11 types of people allowed but must go into quarantine, but it could be just commercial flights brining in goods, and then taking people out of the country.  Just my thoughts.

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8 minutes ago, Anton9 said:

Lol people really believe wearing  a mask will stop a virus,it's hilarious how easy is to brainwash people.

Everyone is now realizing how ridicolous this Covid madness is, a virus so weak you have to literally  test everyone because 80% of people don't even cough a single time.


Don't know, why you are quoting me, especially because I didn't say anything about masks!

...which (I think) have proven to be quiet helpful!

Also: do yuou know what an "asymptomatic carrier" is?

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