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Democrat Joe Biden chooses U.S. Senator Kamala Harris for White House running mate


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26 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

Why Biden then do you ask his replacement pick? Why not trump, Pence or Harris? Fox did a fair job in reporting the Harris pick. 

The two exceptions were Gutfeld but he is always a sickie and Jeanine who was making a sick prediction he won't be there on Election Day. 

Thanks for the Fox news updates.

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

The same procedure as happens if Trump gets incapicated ?? before the elections.

Come now, why should Trump become incapacitated? Is he not, by his own admission, amazingly fit for his age (and cheeseburger consumption rate!). It is not as if he cannot walk down a gently sloping ramp without assistance or anything like that?

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11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Please explain where all the trained social workers will come from? They can't be just magiced up.

Also, how many will be willing to go in harm's way to carry out their job? It could be argued that they would be putting themselves at risk by dealing with many of the situations currently dealt with by cops, or are you suggesting that they be escorted by cops, which would make the entire policy worthless?

Your comment just shows how out of touch you are with reality. You do not realise that these social workers already exist and you do not understand that they put their lives at risk every day. There is so much that you do not understand.

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16 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

I would absolutely expect the same treatment for Biden and Harris. A vigorous and free press should always be holding the fire to politicians feet, with no exceptions. 

I agree with that, but unfortunately the US media is openly biased against Trump. Sadly also media of other countries like the BBC and Al Jazira.

Real journalists report news, they don't insert their opinions.


17 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

He should be above so many things he gets involved in (including a Twitter spat with Bill Maher yesterday).

IMO any that think twitter is a medium for serious people are "mistaken". I've never ( and never will be ) been on that thing, whatever it is, as it is obviously, to me, where the easily offended like to lurk. IMO he's playing them on it, and it seems to be working.

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17 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

It truly beggars belief and I for one can't wait until the grown ups get back in the White House and the USA gets back to some form of former glory.

That sounds great, except the candidate that you apparently support is Biden, which makes a mockery of it. It's not as though he is unknown, as most of us remember him as VP.

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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's a good question. Obviously if its a temporary problem then things stay the same. If it's permanent than I reckon it makes a big difference if it happens before or after Biden is nominated. As the convention is soon then its fair to assume that Biden Harris will be nominated. So from there if Biden is out I would assume Harris would be the presidential nominee. But then Biden would probably still be on ballots. I don't know if that's a problem or not. I recall dead candidates have even won elections before. 


If it happened before the nomination then of course it would be based on DNC rules. Perhaps then an open convention as Bernie wouldn't have enough delegates.

I don't see as to how a person ( Harris ) could be the candidate for POTUS if they had been rejected in the primaries. If Biden is not the candidate then she is ( or should be ) NOT automatically the candidate, as her legitimacy, IMO, stems only from Biden.

However, in the real world, I'm guessing the DNC will pick whomever they think can defeat Trump.

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10 hours ago, mikebike said:

Trained social workers come from the same place all employees come from... is this a difficult concept? Why "magiced up"? Like many cops, a B.A. and training for the job. Simplest stuff in the world.


Many are on the record that they are willing to do it.

My point, which you apparently missed, is that it takes years to produce a qualified social worker. If they defund the police now, there are not going to be enough. Far as I know it takes less time to train a cop than it does to gain a degree.

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8 hours ago, Morch said:


"The cancel culture has made most people unwilling to express their political views (like in 2016) but they wont stay silent in the voting booth."


The majority of voters did not cast their vote for Trump in 2016, "cancel culture" notwithstanding. Is there any credible assessment things would be radically different this time around?

Still beating that "majority vote" thing, I see. In the US it's irrelevant, as you very well know, as the founding fathers made it impossible for the largest states to dominate the election of POTUS.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Let's hope such a scenario won't happen because if it did, no matter the eventual candidate, it would mess things up and create a lot of division in the democratic party that is now totally committed to defeating the wannabe fascist dictator in the white house. In other words, the Bernie factor. 

Interesting that you bring up Bernie. If Biden loses ( as many hope ) it will be the second time the DNC has picked a loser over Bernie, who would IMO have been a clear winner. However, as he was apparently against rich people they couldn't have him in charge, IMO, as many of them are very rich.

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2 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Is there any truth to harris's Jamaican side was involved in the slave trade?  

Does it matter?is it relevant?kinda sounds to me the trump side is floundering and grasping at straws lol

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