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Big bike riders will now need separate licence


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4 minutes ago, wombat said:

The question should be how many Thai people do you know that 'have' a bike license?
A quick ask around i did came up with a figure of zero.

Well, there's no such thing at present!!     That's what all this talk is about!!!!!

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1 hour ago, LivinLOS said:

Your blaming the rider for an accident you caused which took his legs ??? 


Unreal !! 

No yer Donkey his crazy speed, the Police took no action against all 3 of us Drivers. You clearly need an attitude assessment. He flew out the morning mist . If he had hit the Door of the Lady in Front of Me a Mother would have died, and a  Me Me Slob too.!.

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This is all a bit silly as a big bike license doesn't stop the car, truck, bus hitting you when you are doing nothing wrong.


Australia's law used to be not to exceed 250cc, however in the 80's the 250 used to easily do over 200 km/h so what was the point? Even more so now as it's >600cc that defines big bike.


Should be licence for mopeds and then different licence for actual motorcycles (which are significantly in the minority anyway)

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5 hours ago, ChipButty said:

make them all get a license and wear a helmet first, stop under age riders

as an applicant once told me when I described the role's duties:
"That sounds too much like hard work ainit"
Quick interview that was 555.

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2 minutes ago, aussiexpat said:

licence for mopeds

Mopeds, in European terms at least, are less than 50 cc.
in about ten years here, don't remember seeing those on the road.

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55 minutes ago, Greenhill said:

Well, there's no such thing at present!!     That's what all this talk is about

Are you saying there's no such thing as a bike licence at present ? There 100% is such a thing so no that's not what all this is about.

Edited by Abs14
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big biker need to have special training for at least 6 months by qualified instructor for driving skill ( not showing off ) cautionary and defensive technics coz most big bike i see here is speeding and weaving in and out of traffic recklessly and taught how to behave properly on the road and also a very stringent test with a not easy passing rate of at least 95% and every 2 year must retest, penalty for traffic offenses must be heavy too 

Edited by renz
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3 minutes ago, renz said:

big biker need to have special training for at least 6 months by qualified instructor for driving skill ( not showing off ) cautionary and defensive technics coz most big bike i see here is speeding and weaving in and out of traffic recklessly and taught how to behave properly on the road and also a very stringent test with a not easy passing rate of at least 95% and every 2 year must retest, penalty for traffic offenses must be heavy too 

Well then I can see no one getting a license except for a very few people who have ridden for a long time and have the skills as you say.  Helmets being worn and no more than 2 people on a bike would be nice.  No driving on the sidewalks, or against traffic being enforced would also be good.  However, Thais are Thai, and laws just do not apply to many of them as they just do not care in reality.  You can place all the laws you want on the books but that only stops those people who are honorable citizens or expats from breaking them.  Everyone else just could care less and that goes for the RTP, who if they enforce the laws without force, fear or favoritism would slowly take back the roads and drop there mileage per death rate.

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Thousands upon thousands do not have a bike licence, how is making big bike riders have a separate licence going to reduce accidents? are the police all of a sudden going to do there job? its laughable and will do nothing, the huge road death toll will continue, now big bike riders will feel special and go even faster!, 

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3 hours ago, LivinLOS said:
6 hours ago, pineapple01 said:

I and 3 other Cars pulled out in front of one whilst crossing a Hi Way, technically our fault but it tried to whiz between 2 of us. The Bike ended up so far down the Hi Way the Cops did all but apologise for the young lad. It was a top end Ninja, doing guesstimated 150kph and in this case a test would have saved the lads legs imo.

Your blaming the rider for an accident you caused which took his legs ??? 


Unreal !! 


Pineapple01 wrote that it was estimated the bike was doing 150kmh. 

3 Cars were crossing traffic and the bike wizzed between two of them. 


The motorcycle is most definitely complicit in this accident while pineapple01 also accepts his part in causing an accident which shows a level of humility. 


Unreal is your sanctimonious response....




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Yesterday I was passing the outside of traffic (two queueing lanes of cars), one oncoming lane (empty of traffic).


A motorcycle just pulled out from in-between two cars to turn right (he was doing a U-Turn amongst queuing traffic). 

If I didn’t brake (hard) I would have hit him and come off. 


Fortunately, I saw his helmet across the cars, I saw him thread infont of one car. I didn’t see him turn his head and look. 

I was already braking hard when his wheel crossed out into the road. I stopped, forks suspension on full depression !!!!

I was just waiting for a bike to hit me from behind, luckily that didn’t happen. 

The guy just drove off without even an apology, I’m not sure he is even aware that I’d averted an accident he’d nearly caused, he would have been hurt, as would have I.


My point with this: There are so many careless idiots on the roads who have no concept of the dangers they cause to others. 

For the most part I find other (private) cars quite reasonable and considerate. I find over half of other motorcyclists dangerous, pulling out blindly, sitting in my blindspot or simple riding within touching distance to my side. 

Other dangerous vehicles seem to be the busses who just pull out randomly without care for motorcycles and Works Pickups (either trade pickups or refrigerated pickups) which seem to be driven by racers... 


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2 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

are there more death with big bikes or the regular 125CC whatevers on the road...


can you go onto highway with big bike ?

I can't find any publicly available data. Certainly more deaths on bikes under 400 cc, even under 150. However, as a percentage of bikes, hard to tell. Big bike accidents are more newsworthy - the bikes are usually traveling faster and make more of a mess. Given the relative rarity of big bikes, they are good 'examples' of how big bikes are dangerous... 


Big bikes have no special road privileges here. Highways and tollways are off-limits as are tunnels and bridges sign-posted 'no bikes'. Having said that, I crossed the Bhumibol 1 and 2 bridges a few years back. Stopped at the lights for Phu Chao road with a Snoopy. The cop in the booth walked across and pulled the Snoopy over - let me go...

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Again, with all trying to logic it out what big small whatever....  its just a genius solution of a well paid caring department showing something is being done, we all know it wont do much at all.....  ah.. there goes past a bike with 5 underage no licence no helmet

school kids right now, ah, wait, one has a facemask on....  good to see the rules protecting the future responsible citizens...

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7 hours ago, jackdd said:

According to this site: https://www.prachachat.net/breaking-news/news-507835

The changes will come into effect 120 days after they are published in the Royal Gazette (so not this year), and a big bike is classified as 400cc or more.

You then in fact got 3 kategoriens now.
At pressent you can drive a motorbike op to and inc. 110cc on a bike licens up from the age of 15 until 18.
And can drive any bike when over 18.

Seems it will now them be that you can drive up till 400cc if over 18.

If bike is over 400cc you need to be over 18 and have a big bike licens.

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7 hours ago, Brunolem said:

France has (had?) the two licence system for decades now, with big bikes starting at 400 cc. 


There are pretty few of those in Thailand where the large majority rides scooters and bikes with less than 200 cc. 


Same in the UK for decades, although I don't know what cc is classified as big bike. Nice to see Thailand catching up, although we all know the effectiveness of the Dept of Transport and their requirements and testing.

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