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Hey guys, how are you doing?


On 27th of September the visa amnesty will end. Do you think the govt will extend it? If not, what "stranded tourists" will do?


Have a good day

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As immigration have put affected foreigners on notice that they need to either extend their "visa" or prepare to leave by September 26th, I wouldn't bank on any additional time to get out in case the government doesn't extend the blanket extension again.


What to make of this depends on your personal circumstances. Some qualify for extensions that could be applied for at the very end of the automatic extension. Others don't and might need weeks of preparation to extend their stay.

  • Like 2
49 minutes ago, Kay McDonnell said:

I was at immigration yesterday and today.  they said that tourists will 100% have to leave on the 26th September or apply for a student visa.

My understanding is that you can only apply for a student visa from outside the country?


1 hour ago, Kay McDonnell said:

I was at immigration yesterday and today.  they said that tourists will 100% have to leave on the 26th September or apply for a student visa.

Yeah, sure

19 minutes ago, The33 said:

Appreciate all the help, advice that I can get..! Thanks!

Given your situation and time constraints, personally I would be finding an agent asap. Your imm office has poor track record according to some reports on various threads. 


  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Bikke said:

My understanding is that you can only apply for a student visa from outside the country?

As others have said, you can get a student visa without leaving the country, but you need to apply immediately.  We have already passed the deadline to apply at many language schools.  It takes 2 weeks to get your application approved by the ministry of education and then you need to apply for your visa.

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9 minutes ago, jackdd said:

They want you to use an agent.

I assumed the same... One IO that I got in contact with down the hall, told me to ask them about 30 day extension, having a letter from my embassy and so on, seemed like it was an option, but didnt really seem like that were something they would consider providing me with, a big fat no, again.. So I guess they need more money coming in.. Who knows, maybe I will have to move for a month, just to have more pleasant IOs..

But thanks, looks like an agent is my only way of doing something that shouldnt have been an issue in the first place... Thai immigration really needs to separate how they treat a 19 year old tourist coming here for fun wanting to extend, and people having families to take care of here..! ???? 

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, Kay McDonnell said:

I was at immigration yesterday and today.  they said that tourists will 100% have to leave on the 26th September or apply for a student visa.

Can you study TVF posts that make not much sense? 

  • Confused 2
40 minutes ago, teacherclaire said:

Can you study TVF posts that make not much sense? 

No, that privilege is reserved for teachers only.  ????

  • Haha 1
50 minutes ago, JeffGroves said:

It was mentioned to me to try for a visit wife and family visa extention this month and not next month, so i went to Puthumthani Immigration today and they looked in passport and said you have 1 more month before you need to apply.

I came in as torist visa then applied wife and family visa then had a Thai Work Permit then company not extend it and then emnesty 

Note - yes it was said the 26th September NOT 27th ok. 

I live and base here but do work around in many countries 

Hope this helps some

Built/construction errected most of the bridge Railways and motorways here since 2005 just for info


22 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

a whole lot of points, that made sense...

Well, spot on what Im thinking, feeling here right now... Especially after more or less getting confirmed that it was a bull reason for not to... I have never had any issues dealing with extensions and visas on my own over the years, but it gets hard not to turn to an agent when they start to make up reasons to make you ineligible to apply...

Well, the moving part is tempting, at least giving someone else the agent-money, and not the ones working in this IO..

Guess there isnt any way around using an agent at this point, like you said, they know theyve got the leverage... They know that for most people, leaving your 8 months old child isnt an option... That would also mean that her mom would have to quit working as well, to stay home and take care of our daughter, without the father.. How about Impact Arena, the temporary office there, werent it mentioned that they would have a look at all applications by case-to-case basis..? Maybe thats where I should go, I do feel I have a valid reason to stay.. Talking about how to get foreigners back safely to Thailand, while splitting up families that are already here, safe and healthy..   


  • Like 2
11 minutes ago, Jack Hna said:

I have been in very similar circumstances and am facing the exact plight you are on at present.


When our child was 6 months and I had to jet back to UK within 48 hours of realising I was needed there.


Got off the phone drove straight to bigC spent 18k on supplies so the Mrs did not need to do any chores and could concentrate on the child.


Was gone for 5 weeks but to be sure I primed her for 2 months before I left.


Our child is nearly 4 now and being home based I am privileged to have watched him grow up for the last 4 years and only been out of Thailand for 9 weeks in that entire time.


I used non O visa based on being a parent to a Thai child and all I had to get that was my name on birth certificate, copies of my woman's tabien bahn and our sons tabien bahn some other easy to obtain proofs of Mrs.

Sounds like a hurdle but it worked for me for years. Recently I had to show 400k in my bank (Vientiane Dec 2019) but that was a new rule as far as I am aware.


All that, got me was 90 days entrance and a further 60 days extension and rinse repeat every 5 months.


So now I'm on amnesty and I'm willing to wait until the last 72 hours before booking a flight anywhere. I'm keeping all options open based on a rapid change environment. 


It's worth the wait. 


Yes you could be outside Thailand for a prolonged period and that is going to be painful.


No it will not last as long as all seem to say but you have to wonder what their agenda is for stoking such fear.


Be prepared for the worst and be strong for you and the family.


Best of luck.





Thanks, appreciate the advice and good thoughts! It will work out somehow at the end I hope, but it feels hopeless when the authorities are working against you, for no reason... My missus will have to stop working as well  if I leave, as I, just like you, am the one staying home, taking care of our daughter, as the missus works 6 days a week... The bigger issue with me leaving, is my daughter growing up without me being there, and it might be long until Im able to see her again, if I have to leave.. Just quarantine is 10 + 14 days, then the "waiting list" and applying to be allowed to enter...

Im positive for now, that I will find a solution, but its hard not to be frustrated by the way things are done here at times... 

Wish you all the best, good luck there as well, nice to have some good people helping out, giving advice, some good thoughts in these frustrating times, highly appreciated! I know, jai yen yen, I try, but not easy when everything that matters to you, are basically taken away from you, if even just for a shorter period of time ????


Anyone considering Cambodia as a last minute resort? If I’m right the extra cost would be just 150 USD for the tests if you get lucky and nobody test positive in your flight.

  • Thanks 1

Removed a troll post (unhelpful comment)

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