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Thailand Has Excellent COVID-19 Screening System


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7 hours ago, SteveK said:

So you believe that Thailand has had 58 deaths vs 30k France, 178k USA, 41k UK etc?


You must be braindead.  They simply are not testing.

Who cares if they are good at suppressing the virus or the numbers,fact is whatever they are doing its better than all those 'developed' 'braindead' countries working themselves into a tizzy.  Life has returned to normal, apart from tourism of course.

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59 minutes ago, Yinn said:

many countrys have many flaw, conspiracy loon, anti maskers, anti vaxxers, protesters, riots, statues, right wing QAnon, left wing snowflake etc etc. 

= million will be dead


thailand trust them?? No way. 


Life again is relax in Ranong. We have ZERO case. Diligent= success.

Actually there was most likely nothing to worry about Yinn since purely asymptomatic cases are most likely immune and non-infectious. The panic caused by that egyptian was most likely completely unwarranted and Thai diligence most likely had nothing to do with the result of 0 cases.

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4 hours ago, cmarshall said:

For some of the expats here their most deeply held conviction is of the utter inferiority of everything Thai, especially compared to the West.  In fact, the public health system in Thailand is quite good.  Do you think the S. Koreans, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, New Zealanders, Greeks and others are all lying?

Many Expats just couldn't accept that Thailand is good at something, baffling why many by choice live in a place that fails so miserably at everything..........

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18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Mr Anutin said the screening system included COVID-19 tests before travelers board their planes and after they land. Besides, arrivals must be quarantined for 14 days, during which time they will be repeatedly tested for the disease.

If flyers have to have "fit to fly certificates" and are tested before boarding, why are so many found to be infected when they enter Thailand?

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3 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

If flyers have to have "fit to fly certificates" and are tested before boarding, why are so many found to be infected when they enter Thailand?

The thai returnees are not required to be tested prior to their return if my recollection is correct and only must have fit to fly, but I think someone else should verify this. i might be way off.

Edited by vermin on arrival
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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


There are 1318 hospitals in Thailand. 


Thailands death rate is 7.068 per 1000 of population. Approx 500,000 people die each year anyway. 

IF there were 20,000 or even 50,000 additional deaths, would it be noticed when decided amongst all the hospitals ???


Of course, not everyone dies - for arguments sake, say 50% of people die in a hospital. Thats 250,000 across 1600 hospitals: 


Would an extra 3 deaths per month be noticeable ????



Looking at the numbers vs the argument that if there were more covid-19 it would be noticeable, I don’t think it would. The vast majority of cases are asymptomatic anyway and thus not noticeable if there is little testing and spread amongst the hospitals an additional handful of deaths per month is also not really notable. 


Of course there are flaws in the above logic with regards to population clusters etc, however the point is made to highlight the relatively small numbers and the fact that it would be easy not to notice higher numbers.


If Covid were widespread in Thailand, even more noticeable than the excess deaths would be the excess hospitalizations, because the Covid sick vastly outnumber the dying.  But we never heard reports of hospitals filled to capacity as we have heard in Arizona, New York, and Northern Italy.   In fact, the problem that the Thai hospitals have faced in the pandemic is just the opposite: underutilization.  That explains why some posters here, including myself, have started getting marketing calls from Bangkok hospitals flogging flu shots for the first time since we have been in Thailand.  Reports of people who have visited hospitals in the past five months are that they are indeed empty, since the public has been avoiding them as possible sources of infection.


So, the only way to "support" the narrative of a vast hidden Covid epidemic in the absence of any actual evidence to support it, is to reason from a supposed conspiracy.  Conspiracy theories are not falsifiable and are therefore junk.  

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14 hours ago, SteveK said:

Yinn wake up. If you think that Thailand has used its superior intellect, organisational abilities, openness and sheer brainpower to "control" this virus then you need to go back to school. They either aren't testing, aren't reporting, or are *severely* suppressing the numbers. Probably all of the above. I don't believe any of the Thai numbers.


Dishonesty is a way of life here. 


Frankly it's amazing that western countries believe the stupid figures put out by Thailand about coronavirus.

What is your evidence of the existence of active coronavirus cases in Thailand? That's right. You have nothing. You are just another moaning farang. Please leave Thailand and do NOT return.

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26 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

The aim of Thailand on the other hand seems to be eradication of the virus from its shores. It would appear that Thailand has been successful at this, however, this comes at great economic cost. 

This is only true if you believe that in the absence of a government objective to eradicate the virus, the economy would be humming along normally.  But that's ridiculous.  There are no restrictions on domestic flights in the US and yet airline capacity is down to 25% to 30% of normal.  People don't want to take the risk.  


The only way to reduce the damage to the economy in a country like the US which has completely lost control is to institute a total, nationwide Wuhan-style lockdown for ten weeks or more until the new infection rate drops to a level low enough for the government to implement the best practices for epidemic control: test either widely or focused on clusters of infection, isolate the positives, by force if necessary, and trace all their contacts.  Once that level of control is achieved the economy can resume to something approaching normalcy with periodic local interruptions to regain control after an outbreak.  China locked down Wuhan for eleven weeks and now Wuhan is Covid-free.  Failure to adopt such a program will certainly prolong the epidemic, perhaps indefinitely.


So, that's what Biden is going to have to do in January if he is elected.  There will be outrage and shootings probably, but three months later when the economy can begin to recover the wisdom of that approach will be apparent.

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2 hours ago, davemos said:



I think the unelected "PM" and his "government" will keep the 14 day quarantine as long as they can get away with it, again it is mostly down to money, about double the price for hotels and meals, plus the extras for testing etc. How many pockets are being filled in that lot for the connected?

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19 hours ago, YetAnother said:

one of the things i really like about this fool, similar to the PM and watch deputy PM, whenever they open their mouths publicly there wont be one iota of valuable content resulting

Much as I dislike the man, one needs to consider that he probably said a lot lot more but the article only gives us one paragraph to comment on. 

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2 hours ago, The Barmbeker said:

You are aware that all these agencies are working with the numbers, given to them by the Thais,,,,right!?


Of course...who else would be supplying them with Covid data from Thailand...it's the same for their data from all countries.

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