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For how much longer do we have to wear masks in supermarkets for?

Keyser Soze666

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We have been wearing masks here long before COVID-19 because of air pollution. Not withstanding the farmer's burning season, COVID-19 has greatly reduced PM2.5 air pollution worldwide. The problem is that Corona Virus is PM1.2 and also invisible. Every few days the government intercepts people coming across the border illegally and some are infected. It takes only one infected person to infect you and you can become one of the second wave superspreaders. Every day in the U.S. many people who refused to wear masks have died due to COVID-19. If you went into a building with Blue Asbestos, you would want to wear a mask wouldn't you.

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We will have to wear masks in supermarkets and all other public spaces where we cannot reliably social-distance until the Thai government tells us they are no longer required. I assume that will be many months after a vaccine has been developed, if that proves possible, and enough people have been vaccinated that the government feels the threat of COVID-19 has been significantly reduced.

But, I think that the wearing of masks and social distancing are going to be the "new norm," and will just become a part of our everyday life, like wearing shoes and clothes.

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18 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I go to a local mall for a cup of tea once a week, to meet a couple of friends. I am not permitted to enter the mall without a mask, but having walked probably 60 yards to where we sit, which is not partitioned off from the rest of the mall, I am then allowed to sit there mask free for the duration of my stay !

A bit contradictory to the necessity to wear a mask. 

You could always poke a hole through your mask to drink your weekly cuppa

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19 hours ago, 2long said:

I'm currently in a Japanese restaurant in a shopping centre.

I put a mask on as I walked in, only so I don't get glared at, spoken to or otherwise. Many people here not wearing them. No temperature check but a guard sitting at the entrance if I insist on one. 

i strongly feel that Covid passed through Thailand a year ago and it's done most of the damage it's likely to here, and around much of the globe. Governments are either scared to be different and allow life to go on, or they want to control their people.

I'm very bored of Covid19

Bored to death?

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18 hours ago, evadgib said:

I recon the rest of the world will start taking theirs off from 4th Nov. How long the 'Mexican wave' takes to reach LoS isn't yet clear but if they want tourists for Christmas some U turns can be expected.

IMO the whole thing was little more than seasonal flu, aided and abetted by politically motivated espionage & skulduggery.


Great sense of humour you have

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20 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I get it, in Europe and the US. I do. But here? No new cases in 90 days and people are still buying into the apocalypse? What is the point of masks, at this stage? What is there to spread? Any remaining cases were gone long ago. Sanity and rationale, please. 

And you can guarantee that there will not be some who breach the Thai Borders (as has already happened) and are infected with the Virus and spread it like wildfire.  No I didn't think so Mr Medically Unqualified!  A mask is just a minor invonvenience.  An infection could be terminal.

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20 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I get it, in Europe and the US. I do. But here? No new cases in 90 days and people are still buying into the apocalypse? What is the point of masks, at this stage? What is there to spread? Any remaining cases were gone long ago. Sanity and rationale, please. 

Wearing a mask is a small price to pay to protect our society and freedoms. I get that we are fortunate to be in a less affected country but the virus is still out there. Like wearing a seatbelt, we get used to it and in most cases appreciate the added safety “ in case”.

the next 12 months here in Thailand will be dangerous as we open up To the rest of the world and god forbid we fall into the disgusting situation that is ongoing in USA ( as an example). 
let us all help by setting a good example and that we have respect For this country and our neighbors.
the lives we save may include our own


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1 hour ago, billsmart said:

We will have to wear masks in supermarkets and all other public spaces where we cannot reliably social-distance until the Thai government tells us they are no longer required. I assume that will be many months after a vaccine has been developed, if that proves possible, and enough people have been vaccinated that the government feels the threat of COVID-19 has been significantly reduced.

But, I think that the wearing of masks and social distancing are going to be the "new norm," and will just become a part of our everyday life, like wearing shoes and clothes.

i have invented a mask that is in two folds.   with just a quick snap you can undo the fold and it becomes perfect size to carry as a spare pair of underwear.    Very useful for those who easily panic

when someone nearby coughs or sneezes.


send 1.99  to Rumak    email:  ijuskidingu 55  @ farcemail .com

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Do you ever watch the Thai news or the international news. 


The answer to your question is very very obviously in the 'Covid 19 death rates', 'new infections' rates and the 'positive' tests, and the 'spread' when positives are discovered is reducing.


Plus the full certification of a vaccine and large numbers of people have already been vaccinated and many more will be quickly vaccinated going forward and vaccination is clearly helping in terms of deaths, positives etc.


Timelines? At this stage unknown. 


Not difficult to understand. 

Edited by scorecard
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43 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

With no cases recorded for months outside of a few quarantined arrivals, the chance of anyone transmitting the virus has to be zero.

It does, however, beg the question...... what testing has been taking place outside of quarantine suspects? The reason Thailand is a no fly country for the UK is because of a serious lack of testing......Trump was right....if you don't test you don't get positive results.

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21 hours ago, Poet said:

Those impositions are tiny compared to what is happening in other countries. Just be glad that you can go to a restaurant, or wander around those shopping centers with no fear of getting infected.

I get that wearing a mask is not pleasant, but they might have played some part, along with other factors such as the hot weather, in allowing Thailand to escape the first wave. If so, it is a small price to pay to continue having so much freedom in other, more important ways. Remember, this situation is almost certainly going to last a few years, and could actually hit Thailand pretty hard in the cooler weather.


"Hot weather" has been debunked ages ago.  Just ask the people in Florida, Texas, Indonesia or the Philippines.  In some places in the Philippines, like where I live, we have to wear face masks and face shields inside of public places, outside walking and inside transportation.  In the case of a motorcycle, the requirement is a mask, a shield, a helmet and if there are two riders there needs to be a shield between them.  In my city alone, there have been well over 500 arrests for violations.  The penalty is ~ $21 for the first offense and by the time you get to the 3rd offense it is ~ $100 plus jail time.  The Gestapo even enters private property to enforce the rules.  Then, of course, we have nightly curfews too with arrest and detention for violators. 

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21 hours ago, Oldie said:

There is a reason that there are no new cases and we should not start here like in Europe or in the US. I don't have a problem with the mask. I have more problems if people think they are above the law and don't use them. 

I am above every law that I don't agree with, and usually find a way around them.

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1 minute ago, polpott said:

Not at all. I know that wearing masks in Thailand serves no preventative purpose. I do it out of the respect for the people I live amongst.

I wasn't referring to wearing masks, I was referring to people who automatically obey every law.

By the way, do you wear underpants or drive shirtless? ????

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20 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

At this rate, probably years. And all cloth masks do is to prevent someone who is already infected, from spreading it. With no infections here, it is tantamount to a horror stage play. 

Yes Mike.


But keep in mind that it is as likely that Thailand really has zero cases as it is in Turkmenistan and North Korea, which are the only 2 other countries of reasonable size, which self-claim to be virus free, and which have dictatorships in power with governments as honest and honorable as the Thai government.


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