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600 facing quarantine after Thailand’s first locally-acquired COVID infection for 100 days


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25 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Sorry to burst the bubble of the panic mongering Zombie Apocalypse crowd, but one case does not represent "the reappearance of Covid in Thailand". It is less than a pimple on the cheek of a teenager. It will be easily managed. Now, if hundreds or thousands of new cases were to appear, that would be a concern. This is not. Not on any level. 

The problem with that statement is that the first case must have gotten infected somewhere locally. So, there is at least another case out there- who also must have gotten it somewhere and so on.

Once more and more people are tested, more cases will show.

Still not a concern as these cases are all mild and don't require hospitalization 

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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

Damn good question.. he hasn't been outside the country or in quarantine...

I was thinking the same.

That test goes off for many more reasons than only covid-19...the guy might have lungcancer or another corona virus and the test will be positive.

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18 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

good question indeed.

Is the Virus among us at  all times, and this guy was only found to be Positive due to a Policy of testing all people who are about to enter Prison.

Or, has he been in contact with a " Super Spreader " who is still walking the Streets completely unaware that they are the source.

Or, is the Virus in the Sewage system of Bangkok

I will add some more questions:


1) So, you tested someone positive for the (assumed, not proven) RNA of a virus, after millions or billions of reduplications: Did he show any symptoms, is he sick ?


2) Even under best conditions the specifity of a rPCR test ist 99.3% - so: 7 false positive per 1000 tests. - Did you confirm the result with a second test ?


3) TiT ... are you sure that: taking the probes, transport, preparation of the probes and the test itself were done exactly according to the rules? - Otherwise, the specificity easily drops to 90% with 100 false positives per 1000.


4) The rPCR test is not a yes/no test like a pregnancy test (easily confirmed after 9 months 555), you have a “sliding” target depending on the number of cycles, you run for duplication... - Where did you cut off the test? After 20 cycles ( ~ 1 million reduplications), 30 cycles (~ 1 billion) ... or did you let it run, until you had a positive result, eg. 40 cycles ( ~ 1000 billion reduplications) ???



In summary: If you are a someone of “influence”, who wants “No Covid”, cut off the cycle rate of PCR tests early, eg. 15 cycles. If you want “Covid”, make sure, the cycles keep going, eg. 40 cycles. ???? Make sure, rPCR tests are perceived as showing Covid, omit secondary diagnostic checks !


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1 minute ago, Miami007 said:

He must have gotten it from someone (but it doesn't have to be a super spreader).  That person may still be walking around infecting others - same as in the rest of the world. Not everyone has covid, as people test negative.  Does anyone really believe that there are no cases in Thailand - especially as Chinese tourists were allowed in January, February.. 

Just look how many people without symptoms are being tested and then decide

Hong Kong have just started mass, free testing of everyone (but voluntarily) and are already turning up positive test results out of hundreds of thousands of people who all thought they didn't have it. 

Think over a million have registered for the free test. But the tracing of those positive people is going.to be a nightmare. 


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It was just a matter of time, I had a feeling it was too much of a fairy tale that the ‘Thailand, COVID success story’ was true... People have suffered so much hardship here already, I forsee the government making daft decisions now, starting with scapping the ‘Phuket leper coloney’, and locking down in a very harsh manner, this in turn is a perfect excuse to quash the protests planned a more hardened cerfew.  This all is starting to turn into and a ‘Birthday party with alcohol and guns’ ... its not going to end well.

Edited by fraggleRock
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Some people here in this forum seem to make fun or a joke out of this possible local Covid19 transmission recently here in Thailand.

I wish to make those people aware of the second wave in Melbourne Victoria Australia very recently , authorities failed to detect a major failure in their quarantine proceedures, resulting into a Stage 4 Lockdown for millions of people again. Additionally a massively prolonged State border closure to prevent the virus spreading into other States too. Hundreds of death with Covid19 recorded in Victoria. They are talking of some 100 billion dollars additional costs in their economy due to this latest Lockdown.


How would you feel being back in that scenario again? 


Covid19 infections are not a joke, but utter disaster if not very quickly brought under control.

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7 minutes ago, Virt said:

If they quarantine 600 because of this, I fear how they will react when numbers most certainly will rise after they open the country some more. 



Don't worry, this government will do everything possible not to open up the borders of Thailand.

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20 hours ago, thaitero said:

Since he is a drug criminal he may have met his colleagues from neighbouring countries. These guys know how to cross borders without borderformalities,,


That's right now the Thai authorities will have to go into Burma,Laos,Cambodia and Malaysia to do more contact tracing to see if he infected his druggie mates?

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21 hours ago, webfact said:

Almost 600 people have been found to have been in close physical contact with a COVID-19 infected DJ,

So have the traced each of the people these 600 have been in contact with yet and the 600 that each of those 3600 people were in contact with and so on?

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