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Brexit back in crisis as UK threatens to undercut divorce pact


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1 hour ago, Result said:

I also want my government to behave in an honourable manner and not renege on agreements.

know one has yet reneged ,  maybe the ultimate bluff but the naive cannot understand how to negotiate in tough talks , my own experience was to explain how far you are prepared to go and if the other side are prepared to take you on which was rarely the case , you stick to your guns which always lead to eventual concessions from the other side . However it is important that all of your side understand the ploy but if not involved keep out and mouth shut .  

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37 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

So you think Boris is going to U turn on this?

He cant.

Do you think the EU is going to cave in and accept all the Brexiteers demands?

They cant.


Its done now. Its over with. Its a no deal Brexit which is what you guys voted for.


Are you sure you are experienced in these kind of situations? 


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5 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

Why would the EU want to blockade Northern Ireland? Is it a hotbed of Taliban? Oh maybe its full of ISIS fighters? Wait I got it. Its a hub of Thargonian lizard people hell bent on world domination.


In what universe would the EU want to blockade food from Northern Ireland? Seriously. Whats in it for the EU? Its never going to happen. It is a constructed argument made by a Brexiteer government with no credibility and no bargaining power because the UK is a small insignificant country in negotiations with a world power.


They lied to you. We dont hold all the cards. Its not the easiest trade deal in history. German car manufacturers are not going to help us. They don't need us more than we need them. 

Wake up man.  

It's an EU threat, so you should ask them why. I think it was to try and force us to take their deal. Sorry but those threats simply don't work. We will invoke the Internal Markets Bill in our own UK, without the EU meddling with our internal borders. Our cards, in our country, trump anything they can threaten.

No Deal is coming so bring it on, we don't want or need to hang onto the EU coat tails. Accept it man.

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5 hours ago, Surelynot said:

Of course they are going to vote for it.......why wouldn't they? If push came to shove they would be happier with a land border than a sea border.


I suspect they knew all along this was the play....I was surprised at the time how they seemed to roll over and accept what Johnson had done.........similar deal with Baker...vote for this and we will bin later.

Yes, of course they would vote for it, Good for NI and good for UK. The EU has been allowed to us the NI for too long and it's about time they were told where to get off.

Some Remainers have often said Boris has no idea and no plan. He didn't let me into his strategy, but it looks like he may have done all along, and what's more he is winning for us.

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23 hours ago, paddypower said:

shut the borders, but remember to let those filthy rich East Euro and Arab trash in, 'cause the Tories need their bribes, corrupt banking transactions, buying up British newspapers, buying up financial interests in football players of opposing clubs...and why? because it suits nobody to adopt internationally developed regulations governing anti fraudulent banking and secret company shennanigans.

Was not talking about Arabs or East Europeans and you know that  and I am surprised that your slurring  on other countries was allowed to be published . But if the borders were shut we will have avoided all of the evils you describe . 

People in glass houses should not throw stones ,     WHY ?    French created  MONACO is a convenient tax haven for the French and goes ignored by the rest of the rotten EU , FYI companies based in Monaco pay zero taxes and corruption in your face within the EU , no need to go outside the EU  . 

Try to keep to the topic .


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26 minutes ago, superal said:

Was not talking about Arabs or East Europeans and you know that  and I am surprised that your slurring  on other countries was allowed to be published . But if the borders were shut we will have avoided all of the evils you describe . 

People in glass houses should not throw stones ,     WHY ?    French created  MONACO is a convenient tax haven for the French and goes ignored by the rest of the rotten EU , FYI companies based in Monaco pay zero taxes and corruption in your face within the EU , no need to go outside the EU  . 

Try to keep to the topic .


Monaco isn't in the EU. It has existed as a separate principality since 1297.


If you want to talk about tax havens, how about the Isle of Man?


Jersey is one of the most aggressive tax havens in the world.


Apple loves Jersey.







Edited by polpott
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36 minutes ago, polpott said:

Monaco isn't in the EU. It has existed as a separate principality since 1297.


If you want to talk about tax havens, how about the Isle of Man?


Jersey is one of the most aggressive tax havens in the world.


Apple loves Jersey.







copied from Goggle below


Relations with the European Union

The Principality of Monaco is a third country with respect to the European Union. The Monegasque state nonetheless established a permanent relationship with the EU by accrediting an Ambassador to Brussels in 1999.

Rather convenient wouldn't you say ?    BTW we are talking about the EU and not the UK which is not a member of the EU in case you are not aware or your name is Rip Van Winkle 


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2 minutes ago, superal said:

copied from Goggle below


Relations with the European Union

The Principality of Monaco is a third country with respect to the European Union. The Monegasque state nonetheless established a permanent relationship with the EU by accrediting an Ambassador to Brussels in 1999.

Rather convenient wouldn't you say ?    BTW we are talking about the EU and not the UK which is not a member of the EU in case you are not aware or your name is Rip Van Winkle 


Monaco has a relationship with the EU (which the UK is unsuccessfully trying to establish). It is not in the EU.

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3 minutes ago, superal said:

copied from Goggle below


Relations with the European Union

The Principality of Monaco is a third country with respect to the European Union. The Monegasque state nonetheless established a permanent relationship with the EU by accrediting an Ambassador to Brussels in 1999.

Rather convenient wouldn't you say ?    BTW we are talking about the EU and not the UK which is not a member of the EU in case you are not aware or your name is Rip Van Winkle 


The US has had an ambassador to the EU since 1961. Rather convenient wouldn't you say?



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On 9/16/2020 at 7:27 AM, superal said:

The loss of UK  revenue must be hurting cos we were third highest contributor Now what with the disruptive c19  ,subsidies  from the big 2 i.e. France & Germany , to prop up the remaining weak countries , seeming perilous we could be witnessing the beginning of the end of the power struck EU .     Shut The borders and keep the migrants over there . Bring back the peseta and escudo , drachma  ect ,   

youre engkish? the term is ''no one''

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1 minute ago, polpott said:

OK. I'll name them. Crispin Odey one of Boris Johnson's main backers. Reece-Mogg and his hedge fund colleagues.


This is the reason Boris has been engineering a no deal Brexit for the last 4 years:



thank you! now add the Greens (who just might have some of those pension shortfalls in a bank in Monaco).


I say - keep adding to this list !

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3 minutes ago, paddypower said:

thank you! now add the Greens (who just might have some of those pension shortfalls in a bank in Monaco).


I say - keep adding to this list !

I provided links. Can you?


The Greens are ardent remainers and against a no deal Brexit.



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On 9/24/2020 at 8:24 AM, superal said:

Was not talking about Arabs or East Europeans and you know that  and I am surprised that your slurring  on other countries was allowed to be published . But if the borders were shut we will have avoided all of the evils you describe . 

People in glass houses should not throw stones ,     WHY ?    French created  MONACO is a convenient tax haven for the French and goes ignored by the rest of the rotten EU , FYI companies based in Monaco pay zero taxes and corruption in your face within the EU , no need to go outside the EU  . 

Try to keep to the topic .


well, here's a fellow who has changed the topic ???? Brexit, the friend who keeps giving. 555



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