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Medical experts see Covid-19 risk for Thailand from foreigners


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52 minutes ago, Strongheart said:

Criminal pseudo science politicized. The COVIT-19 "virus" has never been isolated. It's very existence is questionable.

The worldwide used PCR-Tests can not determine the presence of this "virus" nor are they able to determine if there is an infection.

This is a global hoax, a scamdemic. Entire economies are being crashed to be bought back later for cents on the dollar.

Wake up people !!!

Can I ask a favor while you're way out there in left field? Can you keep a lookout for the new Chinese crypto currency that will usher in phase three of Comrade Xi's global domination game.




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4 minutes ago, PEE TEE said:

So now other asians  are called as farang i thought was only westerners 

I don't see the word 'farang' anywhere in the referenced OP.


Now if some lonely farang sociopaths with fragile ego's and an overinflated sense of their societal value here have introduced it in the interim four pages, then that's par for the course IMHO.

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Unpopular but he is right. Coronavirus rates are far higher in other countries so letting in migrants, especially from Europe and America, raises the risk here in Thailand. Thailand and is a victim of its own success. Does anyone really think there was a grand plan to shut down tourism? Grow up.

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17 hours ago, PatOngo said:

With a population in excess of 65 million, why does Thailand even need to bring laborers from neighbouring countries? Could it be that the neighbours provide better quality, more reliable/energetic labor! ???? 



No ! they provide a willingness to actually work, and are a source of very cheap Labour and high profits for Thai Business Owners 

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17 hours ago, PatOngo said:

With a population in excess of 65 million, why does Thailand even need to bring laborers from neighbouring countries? Could it be that the neighbours provide better quality, more reliable/energetic labor! ???? 



Bottom line profit. 

The contract is done on 500 baht a day. 

The contractor puts it out at 450 a day.

Then sub contracts at 400 a day.

The labour is hired from neighboring countries at 300 to 350 a man day...


Sadly you get what you pay for. 

The owners think they are getting a quality job and pay 500 a day.

Reality is..

The labour is done by imported workers who get 250 to 300 a day...????

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2 minutes ago, johnny49r said:

Thailand has talked for decades about achieving a sufficiency economy but hasn't had the leadership to make it happen. Thailand can't simply drop tourism and switch to some other enigmatic occupation. If Thais want to achieve sufficiency and reduce or eliminate dependence on tourism they will need to dramatically improve their quality of education and develop a better class of government but it's a bit late for that now that the crisis is here.

So how are the people who rely on tourism going to live by following the 'sufficiency economy philosophy'? This works for the 1% but how about everyone else?


Everyone else gets protected from foreigners that might bring viruses into the country. 

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With a population in excess of 65 million, why does Thailand even need to bring laborers from neighbouring countries? Could it be that the neighbours provide better quality, more reliable/energetic labor! ???? Many Thai Husbands send their wives out to work while sitting at home or elsewhere with their hand out for beer and ciggarett money, put them to work


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7 minutes ago, Bobydog said:

With a population in excess of 65 million, why does Thailand even need to bring laborers from neighbouring countries? Could it be that the neighbours provide better quality, more reliable/energetic labor! ???? Many Thai Husbands send their wives out to work while sitting at home or elsewhere with their hand out for beer and ciggarett money, put them to work


Its getting better. Many Issan husbands now got jobs here in Chonburi (EEC), and they do work for their money. And still live together with their families. 


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28 minutes ago, Strongheart said:

Your "Medical Expert" is a lying shill.

And your evidence for that is based on what exactly? 

"Dr. Yong Poovorawan is widely recognized for his work on genetic sequencing and detection of the H5N1 avian influenza virus in Thailand, which saw outbreaks beginning in 2004, and is regarded as the national *expert* on the subject. He has received many awards for his research achievement such as National Researcher Awards from NRCT. He has published more than 500 Scopus papers with citation of more than 5000 and H-index of 39".

Yeah, sure, just sounds like a lying buffoon, right... :coffee1:

Edited by Kaopad999
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Thailand bringing in cheap labor from neighboring countries is analogous to America bringing in cheap (and often illegal) laborers from south of the Rio Grande River. We could even go back further to the roots of slavery in America. I once saw a bumper sticker on a pickup truck in the "Deep South of the USA". It read, "If I knew then what I know now, I would have picked my own damn cotton". America has and will continue to pay for slavery because the British immigrants to the USA wouldn't do the work themselves. Thailand has become more wealthy than its neighbors. There are still economic problems here but a large number of Thais are driving nice cars and getting fat at McDonalds and are too lazy to do their own hard work. Thailand will pay the same price as America. Maybe in the future (20 years hence) you might see bumper stickers on Thai cars saying, "if I knew then what I know now I would have picked my own fruit, build my own buildings, and worked in my own low paying hotel jobs".   

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aghh self sufficiency and all foreign debt magically disappears along with investment. a remarkable economic miracle in the making,last time tried quite recently in a neighbouring country,cambodia year one a la pol pot and the thai govt tried to assist in the rape as much as possible so certain groups inc the military and thai chinese biz elite could enrich themselves.its all sounding so familiar isnt it!!!guess who was the biggest recipient of all the rice the cambodians needed ,yes the PMs new friends in mainland china.they took it as payment for debts owed.the rest is as we all know history.yep sounds like a great plan.all coz of what?another thai returning home with corona.why arnt these people tested before they get on the plane with a PCR test in the same way everyone else must be?its all so very weird.the answers  are banal and bizarre just like re opening for tourism,the level of intelligence is breath takingly lacking whilst on the same day 65 dead at the side of the road and the same no die of injuries in the next few days,but they dont count as we will look stupid so shut up or ill attack you,beam me up scotty!

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