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EU-bound trucks from UK could face two-day delays after Brexit, Britain says


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6 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:



They stopped counting at the end of January because it was impossible to differentiate between Brexit and corona. 

Still 436 000 jobs lost and we haven't even left yet.

What a load of nonsense that site is. 


Try checking REAL UK unemployment figures. See the huge spike after 2016? No, neither do I. Because there wasn't one.



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4 hours ago, JonnyF said:

This is simply a warning from Gove to wake people up to get their paperwork in order and to also expect some delays for the first couple of weeks.


Entirely predictable that the sore, bitter, moaning losers would jump all over it ????. No pain, no gain. It's lucky these Remainers aren't in charge of our country if they'd hand over our sovereignty/liberty to avoid some short term inconvenience.  


Reminds me of The Dead Kennedy's satirical album title, "Give me convenience OR give me death" ????.



Do you think Jello Biafra would be a Brexiteer? 

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Interestingly you post a graph of percentages and not the actual numbers provided on the same site.


Early indicators for August 2020 suggest that the number of employees in the UK on payrolls was down around 695,000 compared with March 2020.”


436,000 of these job losses occurred before end January.

What on earth are you talking about?


The number on UK payrolls fell 695,000 from March 2020 to August 2020. But you think 436,000 of these were lost before January 2020? Couldn't see that little nugget anywhere on the site. If they were lost before January 2020, why were they still counted on UK payrolls in March 2020? That makes loads of sense 555.


If we're looking at job losses since March 2020 (which is what the site is doing) then it's clear that most of the world is suffering from mass unemployment due to Brexit, including Thailand. Who would have thought Brexit would have such wide reaching effects. Or is there something else that happened in March 2020 that may have caused this. Hmmmm, let me think for a moment. The job losses from March 2020 to August 2020 are due to Corona Virus or the vote to leave in 2016? That's a tough one ????.


You'll be blaming Brexit for 911 next.


Try harder.

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20 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

What on earth are you talking about?


The number on UK payrolls fell 695,000 from March 2020 to August 2020. But you think 436,000 of these were lost before January 2020? Couldn't see that little nugget anywhere on the site. If they were lost before January 2020, why were they still counted on UK payrolls in March 2020? That makes loads of sense 555.


If we're looking at job losses since March 2020 (which is what the site is doing) then it's clear that most of the world is suffering from mass unemployment due to Brexit, including Thailand. Who would have thought Brexit would have such wide reaching effects. Or is there something else that happened in March 2020 that may have caused this. Hmmmm, let me think for a moment. The job losses from March 2020 to August 2020 are due to Corona Virus or the vote to leave in 2016? That's a tough one ????.


You'll be blaming Brexit for 911 next.


Try harder.

“The number on UK payrolls fell 695,000 from March 2020 to August 2020. But you think 436,000 of these were lost before January 2020? “


That’s not at all what I said, try again.



“If we're looking at job losses since March 2020 (which is what the site is doing) “


Except we are not, the job losses being discussed are those resulting from Brexit.


Refer post #43 for 436,000 job losses before January.


If Gove is correct wrt delays at ports this too will work wonders for unemployment.



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7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

“The number on UK payrolls fell 695,000 from March 2020 to August 2020. But you think 436,000 of these were lost before January 2020? “


That’s not at all what I said, try again.



“If we're looking at job losses since March 2020 (which is what the site is doing) “


Except we are not, the job losses being discussed are those resulting from Brexit.


Refer post #43 for 436,000 job losses before January.


If Gove is correct wrt delays at ports this too will work wonders for unemployment.



More nonsense. If we've lost 436,000 jobs due to the vote to leave (voting, NOT actually leaving) then why has unemployment been consistently decreasing since the vote in 2016?




Specifically from 4.9% in 2016 to 3.8% in 2019. The 800,000 job losses after the vote in 2016 never happened. It was another Remainer lie. Assuming you can read graphs, please see below for the official stats.


Also of interest is the increase in our first 10 years after joining in 1973. From 4% to 12%. Now that's an increase! Scotland beware (if they ever agree to take you).



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3 hours ago, Proboscis said:

Do you include the Conservative government as drama queens too? They are the ones who have bought a huge plot and changed the local planning laws so as to have a huge truck park at Ashford.

The Ashford site is part of the planning for Brexit. So now planning is a bad thing? ????‍♂️

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@Chomper Higgot



I think the differences between the number of jobs lost and the unemployment rate is due to the fact that smallbusinessprices.co only counts jobs lost, without taking into account the fact that some (most) people have found a job elsewhere.

It's different from unemployment rate, which is a balance between job lost and recruitment.

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5 hours ago, englishoak said:

Not sure whats more amazing the news cycle that still finds all manner of things to panic and make headlines about or the idiots that fall for the same old shtick and go off on the usual waaa waa waa... as usual it will work out.. the sky isnt going to fall in and never does... wont be happening so best the drama queens stop salivating it will, or look stupid ... again. 




I'd suggest the idiots are those who continue to believe every word uttered by a government that continually fails to deliver e.g. easiest deal in history, 'world beating' track and trace apps, etc. 


Everything will 'work out' fine unless, of course, it doesn't.

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8 minutes ago, candide said:

@Chomper Higgot



I think the differences between the number of jobs lost and the unemployment rate is due to the fact that smallbusinessprices.co only counts jobs lost, without taking into account the fact that some (most) people have found a job elsewhere.

It's different from unemployment rate, which is a balance between job lost and recruitment.

Indeed. And so typical of Remainers to only include one side of the argument (jobs lost) without including all the jobs that replaced them which led to an overall decrease in unemployment % since the vote in 2016. They'll probably be back in 2024 when the number finally reaches 800,000, despite those 800,000 being replaced by 1,200,000 new jobs 555. "See, I told you the vote to leave would result in 800,000 job losses, is this what you voted for?" ????


A bit like RookieScot claiming that tariffs on goods from the UK to the EU is great for the EU ("free money" for the EU in his opinion), but simultaneously proclaiming that tariffs on goods going the other direction is an absolute disaster for UK consumers ????.


You gotta love 'em.

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