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State of emergency set to be extended through October


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Ha! My prediction was right. The Bangkok post is reporting right now the government might consider a shorter 7 day quarantine in November if the number of infections in October is manageable.


Even earlier than I was anticipating. But there you go - Thailand is following the same trends as other countries. Vietnam too has stated that it will likely reduce the facility quarantine requirement down to 5-7 days for future arrivals, with the remainder to be done at home. 

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:
2 hours ago, NanLaew said:

And all this affects YOU how exactly?

It affects every Thai, and every ex-pat. It lowers the quality of life for everyone here. It is regressive, and prevents the nation from moving forward. Competency is a beautiful thing to witness. When is the last time you have seen that from this administration. I do admit they did well with their response to Covid. Other than that?

So from that I take it that you, like myself aren't really seriously affected.

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23 minutes ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

Ha! My prediction was right. The Bangkok post is reporting right now the government might consider a shorter 7 day quarantine in November if the number of infections in October is manageable.


Even earlier than I was anticipating. But there you go - Thailand is following the same trends as other countries. Vietnam too has stated that it will likely reduce the facility quarantine requirement down to 5-7 days for future arrivals, with the remainder to be done at home. 

The timeline seems to rely on them getting STV procedures up and running in October.

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1 hour ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

They're not going to make many profits when only a few hundred or a few thousand will come. 

I suspect that they were do taken with the idea of "high spending tourists" that they didn't look at these projections in too much depth!

1 hour ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

With no incoming tourists immigration officers may soon be out a job.


I can see how this scheme protects the wealthy (to some degree) but it certainly does nothing for a large segment of the population previously dependent upon large numbers of foreign arrivals. 

Unfortunately this government is beholden to the wealthy, and pays little or no attention to the large segment of the population previously dependent upon large numbers of foreign arrivals. 


If they wake up to the need to do something, if for example they see neighbouring South East Asian countries starting to receive tourists again, their hands will be tied. By the time they have managed to free them it will be too late!

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39 minutes ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

Ha! My prediction was right. The Bangkok post is reporting right now the government might consider a shorter 7 day quarantine in November if the number of infections in October is manageable.

Are you sure?

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16 hours ago, mr mr said:

this is going to get so messy. who made these decisions in the first place to get our world into this absolute cluster f. 


let it rip already for the sake of humanity. we cannot take much more of this. the dire consequences being ignored are staggering to say the least. 



Roll on fast the final testing which proves the vaccine works well with very little side effects.


Roll on fast mass production and distribution of the serum.


Roll on fast the situation where massive numbers of folks, globally, have been inoculated.


Seems to me until all of the above happens we will continue to see chaos and confusion in all aspects of the negative effects of the virus.



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2 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

They're destroying the economy. If they keep the borders closed for one more year or even more, what makes you think they'll ever swing open the doors again?


It looks like Thailand will become a country you can depart from (only via Suvarnabhumi) but it's a one way journey. Once you've left don't expect to easily return. It's becoming a hermit Kingdom, even more difficult to enter than Bhutan or North Korea. 

It’s not only Thailand, Australia is far worse. The many Australians abroad who wish to return are only being allowed in at a trickle, and it’s estimated that it won’t be until after Christmas before they’ll all have been able to return. People from a state like WA which has had zero local transmission of China virus for months still have to serve a 14 day hotel quarantine under guard if they wish to enter Tasmania. Australia’s international borders will definitely be shut for quarantine free entry for far more than the next twelve months.

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54 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

This is true. Millions will remain out of work, possibly for years to come. And they are assuming when they finally do open up, the tourists will come flooding in. The old TCU (Thailand is the center of the universe) mentality. Not so. The longer they wait, the harder it will be to get them back. 20 million at most, during our lifetimes. If they are fortunate. That means thousands of hotels will go under. It will have a minor effect on some very wealthy people. But, who will carry the burden of most of this? The common man.

Well I don't know how old you are, but I wouldn't underestimate the ability of the global economy to quickly bounce back, once all restrictions are removed.


The BP post is reporting expectations of 60 million visitors by 2023, which I find totally unrealistic given that even if the floodgates were reopened on Jan 1, 2021, I can't see a massive build up of tourists after such a major global crisis. 20 million would be an excellent figure though, indicating the country has bounced back. Even Vietnam, which is becoming wildly popular, has only managed 18 million thus far, but is set to see an increase to 25-30 million within a couple of years after restrictions are lifted. 


Lots of hotels will go under, but new ones will emerge in their place.


That's the thing. Countries can and do emerge from the rubble, so to speak. The longer the country remains closed, the longer this process will take and the harder it will be. 


My point though is that the country's tourism industry bounce back will be dependent upon how the rest of the world does seeing that international visitors are it's lifeblood. Of course this can't happen without a complete removal of all restrictions. I am assuming Thailand will eventually remove it's restrictions in line with what the rest of the world is doing, but like most of the world, it will happen gradually over the course of several months at least. 


A removal of restrictions will enable people to get on with their lives meaning we could easily see 10 million plus arrivals to Thailand next year (if restrictions were theoretically lifted by Dec 31), and a doubling of that by 2022, and potentially 25-30 million by 2023 assuming nothing of this nature happens again in the meantime. 

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3 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

They're destroying the economy. If they keep the borders closed for one more year or even more, what makes you think they'll ever swing open the doors again?


It looks like Thailand will become a country you can depart from (only via Suvarnabhumi) but it's a one way journey. Once you've left don't expect to easily return. It's becoming a hermit Kingdom, even more difficult to enter than Bhutan or North Korea. 


They might as well permanently close all the minor land border checkpoints, stop construction of new ones (what's the point?) and declare the larger ones open to freight operators only. 


Oh and forget about the Thailand-Laos-China railway. If borders remain closed, this railway will be unnecessary, unless for freight purposes, so a single track would be sufficient. 

It will come back be sure give it time and you and me can relax again don't worry be happy 

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So there is a new visa available starting 30 Sept. And on 30 Sept they will discuss the new visa? What the uck did these useless clowns until now? Decide about first, and then discuss it again? Just to increase reliability?


By the way on facebook hotel prices are published. Bangkok hotels betwern 45 and 80K for the fun quarantine stay. Per person! Not per room! Should I quarantine my wife in a different room?? The mercyless rippoff has just begun.


Remember those who participate and boykott them forever!

Edited by P100
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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Put all the old people at risk from dying into sealed homes (voluntary basis in large hotels free of charge), test everyone for COVID every 3 days, not allow different floors to mix, not allow staff to service different floors, all staff tested every day (maybe have live-in staff). No contact with the outside world.

Operate the rest of the country as normal.


Then the country would still be making money and be seen as the most forward looking and caring country in the world. And no old people (that participated) would be dying.


Surprised no countries have done this, but I guess they don't actually care about their old people dying but would rather use the disease as an excuse for total control and domination of their people.

Can old people still have sex?

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18 hours ago, sherwood said:

What can you say about this country? FDCs, you know what I mean.

Every day contradictions and BS


Well that comment cheered me up sipping on A shaking cup of coffee in freezing UK blooming wind blowing a gale last night , where the fk r u scotty when I need beaming up ???? 

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19 hours ago, petermik said:

I doubt whether the government will ever want it lifted....:whistling:

Don't forget, all these restrictions are mainly made for the money-making of a special group - near to the general and his cronies.


Do you think that the money for a 14/15 day-quarantane-invoice from government selcted (specified)  hotels will only "land" on the  bank accounts of those hotels??? The prices are so high because of .......  you guess it!  Only 1 example of many.

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17 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

Can’t wait for the antibodies tests to become available 

UK government bought millions way back in February with public money Then claimed they were only 97% accurate so shelved the idea. Strangely about the time these kits were on the black market selling for £600+ a time. 

you can get tested by many via post but it’s trusting yourself to do it right!

I decided to USA bupa as same price £65 next day, I had to hire a car as not near Trainline , total cost inc car £100 results came in online account neg , I was sure I had it as coughing hard in January 2 weeks after arriving in UK from Bkk where I was in Long queues with coughing chinese to get VAT back, ???? I convinced myself even further after the date matched first confirmed case in the world outside China was in Thailand the day before I traveled.


funny how the mind always thinks the worst, still it’s £100 well spent as I know I haven’t had it and the relief is the actually knowing , I didn’t matter one way or the other so long as you know .., 

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7 hours ago, Nout said:

There can be nothing more inane than referencing the relatives who have died for their opinion. Of course they would have an illogical skewed viewpoint not based on reason but emotion. Imagine trying to ban cars because the relatives of traffic accidents had a hostility to cars.

I rest my case. 

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China is responsible for this.

Please remember, the world is a mess, not just Thailand.

France about to go into total lockdown again, the U.K. will follow.

China should be banned from the rest of the world.

I agree with Thailand and New Zealand, keep the foreigners out.

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17 hours ago, NanLaew said:

What exactly is the problem that has become so unbearable for others here?


For me, I can still go shopping, buy food, run my kids to school, dine out, drink beer with my mates, go to beach or a National Park, stay in a hotel, access unlimited high-speed internet and enjoy uncensored social media video chat with family and friends back home, bring money into the country, buy a condo, order stuff online, etc., etc..

What about that free unfettered access you once had to international travel that allowed you to go and work overseas for a living to pay for the kids in school?

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