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Thailand’s PM dismisses speculation over formation of a national government


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1 hour ago, daveAustin said:

lol So he is human then. This is quite amusing. As to a coalition with PT, we all know that is a non-starter. Like matter-antimatter, it'd be fireworks.

But perhaps they will invite pojaman, maybe she could provide a feminine soothing touch.

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51 minutes ago, jonclark said:

I am thinking that the government's ship maybe taking on water...and the pumps have packed up. 


Another couple who of big student led protests, an economy in free fall, and a public who have lost faith in the PM. Despite his bluster the PM is a worried man.

IMO, his only worry is from Apirat and his sponsor....

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37 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

They are not playing nice with cha cha, so he is going to take his ball and leave. 


He and the army party being squeezed out would be the best thing for Thailand.  

Who has the guns (tanks and attack helicopters) wins!

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1 hour ago, colinneil said:

the sooner they are gone, the better

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. 

If/when they go, who'll fill the void? Highly unlikely to be somebody who actually cares about the country and the well-being of the population. Politicians, the world over, only care about filling their own pockets.

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6 minutes ago, djayz said:

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. 

If/when they go, who'll fill the void? Highly unlikely to be somebody who actually cares about the country and the well-being of the population. Politicians, the world over, only care about filling their own pockets.

But the quality of life varies between countries! First world country residents are far better off than third world residents!



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1 minute ago, PatOngo said:

But the quality of life varies between countries! First world country residents are far better off than third world residents!



Very true, but this place will never achieve developed status as long as all the power and wealth belongs to a handful of families. Changing politicians and parties isn't going to change that. 

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15 minutes ago, djayz said:

Very true, but this place will never achieve developed status as long as all the power and wealth belongs to a handful of families. Changing politicians and parties isn't going to change that. 

Look all around Asia, democracy still has'nt caught on. China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, Singapore,   most countries in Asia have authoritarian rule!



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19 minutes ago, djayz said:

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. 

If/when they go, who'll fill the void? Highly unlikely to be somebody who actually cares about the country and the well-being of the population. Politicians, the world over, only care about filling their own pockets.

Unless it is the devil you don't like in which case you howl about the injustice from the rooftops. What poor excuses for repression you make! If that was said about the family this vile individual userped, your rage would know no bounds. Be honest with yourself, here.

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4 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Mumbling to himself. I always thought that was considered as the first sign of madness.

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad."
-- from "The Masque of Pandora" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Soon to be ex Army chief Apirat is waiting in the wings. From 2018 when he assumed the position of army chief:


"Gen. Apirat Kongsompong on Wednesday refused to commit to not staging another military coup when asked by a reporter if how he would handle another political crisis such as that which precipitated the 2014 coup that brought the current ruling junta to power".

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