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STV not available to UK travellers - only ‘low risk’ countries able to apply


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6 minutes ago, Guderian said:

The list of safe countries will basically be their neighbours in East and South-east Asia: China, Hong Kong (same same, as Chairman Xi will tell you, lol), Taiwan (sorry, but Chairman Xi says no way!), Japan, South Korea, Singapore and perhaps Malaysia. That basically covers four out of the five countries that send most tourists here, hopefully even the idiot Tourism Minister isn't going to suggest allowing Indians in at present, and that's enough to revitalise the industry. Not the Gogo Bars in Pattaya and Patpong, of course, or other farang-centric places, but they're way down the list of priorities I should think. 


Another thought occurred to me: there have been numerous posts from disgruntled condo and house owners who are stuck in their home countries and feel that property ownership should entitle them to priority in returning here. Dream on, folk, the whole idea is to stimulate the tourism industry, in other words, hotels, bars, restaurants and tourist attractions. Since people who own their home here are unlikely to spend anything in hotels or on tourist attractions, and will probably eat and drink at home a lot, I don't see them being any sort of a priority to be allowed back in. I might be wrong, but that's my take on matters.


A little simplistic, Guderian. As a half timer, when in Hua Hin, I eat out every night with my partner, bar every now and then, golf couple of times weekly. I shop for all sorts of things, buy petrol. Much like a tourist without the accommodation. Plus I stay for months at a time and assist my partner slowly renovate her house in the village.

Not sure I classify as disgruntled, more like bemused that Thailand, like so many countries, is taking so long to enable people with skin in the game (property and partner) to return with the appropriate precautions. Safe processes do exist (e.g. Germany, Singapore https://7news.com.au/travel/singapore-to-allow-entry-from-australia-c-1356866) even if many countries have relaxed their borders too much.

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48 minutes ago, hashmodha said:

"Despite all this paperwork spokesman Natthaphanu Noppakhun said interest worldwide was rife"....

.oh my word! a Thai spokesman uses words like'Rife'!!!!......or was it rooof wrooof!????????!

Yes, he’s right, people are having a good laugh worldwide ! 

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47 minutes ago, Guderian said:



Another thought occurred to me: there have been numerous posts from disgruntled condo and house owners who are stuck in their home countries and feel that property ownership should entitle them to priority in returning here. Dream on, folk, the whole idea is to stimulate the tourism industry, in other words, hotels, bars, restaurants and tourist attractions. Since people who own their home here are unlikely to spend anything in hotels or on tourist attractions, and will probably eat and drink at home a lot, I don't see them being any sort of a priority to be allowed back in. I might be wrong, but that's my take on matters.

Actually condo owners do not need to show their bank accounts for STV as all other people need to show minimum 500 K balance for 6 months,,


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3 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

Still have to do 14d quaranten, so why does it matter where you're from? 

i suppose it reduces he risk on top anyway , double security check unless you are Chinese I guess ????

Edited by david555
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9 minutes ago, thaitero said:

Actually condo owners do not need to show their bank accounts for STV as all other people need to show minimum 500 K balance for 6 months,,


Could meant this for those who ARE  buying a condo .... might be not for those have already .....

Hope I am wrong for those ones , but it looks really only for new tourists ….. new money to Thailand , not the one already in their banks / pockets 


Complicated list from that embassy ????

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2 minutes ago, david555 said:

Could meant this for those who ARE  buying a condo .... might be not for those have already .....

Hope I am wrong for those ones , but it looks really only for new tourists ….. new money to Thailand , not the one already in their banks / pockets 


Complicated list from that embassy ????

No, very clear IMO



7.  Accommodation reservation:

       (a) In case the applicant/ immediate family member owns a condominium, please submit

            - Confirmation of applicant/ immediate family member’s complete property ownership

            - No financial/ bank statement required.


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3 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

Still have to do 14d quaranten, so why does it matter where you're from? 

Possibly because of talk of lowering the quarantine time in the near future to make travel more acceptable to more people.

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1 hour ago, GeorgeCross said:

just guessing but lets say they take in 10K tourists from high risk countries and 30% test positive..


this happens daily until all quarantine hospital beds are full (because they cannot clear to fly back)


now lets say they take in 10K patients from low risk countries and 0.05% test positive


the latter would be a far more sustainable model


or its a a big conspiracy to allow china to cheaply buy up thailand!:cheesy:

Only the vulnerable require to be hospitalised, healthy people recover in 4/5 days.

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Despite all the tough requirements, there are still so many applicants, is Thailand really heaven on earth?


There are more than few thousand countries in the world and people want to go to Thailand and stay long-term?

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I would start the ball rolling with allowing current (as at March 20, 2020) Retirement visa/extension 

holders entry on condition,

The monies are still in place in a Thai bank used for the visa/extension

Insurance policies as required (This will become a permanent requirement soon anyway)

14 day quarantine

Pre booking of hotel or advice of lease/own condo.

These people know Thailand, & would just slip into the way of life as before & help the economy with

little fuss/advice/policing or control required

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2 hours ago, anchadian said:

They must also have local accident and health insurance to the tune of 400,000 baht inpatient and 40,000 baht outpatient.


And a policy for Covid-19 insurance in the sum of at least $US 100,000.



So all these 100+ Chinese arriving on an AirAsia charter flight on Thursday will be able to produce the above?

CCP sponsored...no problem.

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What is the Difference, Low Risk or High Risk ?

EVERYONE has to Quarantine for 2 weeks Anyway.

It's foolish to block affluent countries from visiting

here, but granting the Chinese the first privilege.

I remember when they were NOT wanted due to their

Thrifty spending habits.

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37 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Abbott has received FDA emergency use authorization for a COVID-19 antigen it is pricing at $5 that delivers results in 15 minutes. Other companies including BD and Quidel already sell antigen tests but Abbott’s scale led some analysts to identify its entry to the market as a potential game-changer. Abbott plans to ship 50 million kits a month starting in October, making mass testing more feasible

PS. The test that was used for the rose garden event in the US president's case was the Abbott rapid test. 'Rapid' currently comes at the price of a relevant number of false negatives. The test is still valuable, but it should not be the only means of protection. For that, the test has simply too many holes. You also wouldn't say: Checking every 10th person for guns is sufficient at an event with the president. Unfortunately it isn't.

Edited by pentagara
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3 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

Still have to do 14d quaranten, so why does it matter where you're from? 

Probably because the authorities don't want to be stuck with a bunch of positives cases appearing during the quarantine and having to deal with them. 

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