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Thailand delays hosting of first foreign tourists since April


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"The tourism-reliant country could see just 6.7 million foreign visitors this year, the government predicts"


And just where are these 6.7 million tourists coming from as there are no tourists allowed entry at the moment? Or did they all arrive before Covid struck, and are now stranded here due to being unable to return to their own countries?


And "tourist reliant"? Just a few months ago people in high places were "belittling" the amount that tourism contributed to GDP - quoting  figures of just 6 - 7% i.e. from Wiki:-

"The tourism industry is one of Thailand's main economic sectors, accounting for 6-7% of its GDP. Revenue reached THB 2.5 trillion (USD 71 billion) in 2016, with THB 1.6 trillion coming from interna- tional markets and THB 870 billion from the domestic market"


However :-

" According to the secretary-general of the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council in 2019, the government projects that the tourism sector will account for 30% of GDP by 2030, up from 20% in 2019.[4]


So it would appear that someone is telling porkies!!! 




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Maybe there weren't 120 people who booked to come to Thailand on this flight. The delay is so that TAT can save face for their stupid and expensive compulsory prison quarantine scheme which probably has minimal people who can afford or want to take the time to come to shut down Thailand. 

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35 minutes ago, sambum said:

"The tourism-reliant country could see just 6.7 million foreign visitors this year, the government predicts"


And just where are these 6.7 million tourists coming from as there are no tourists allowed entry at the moment? Or did they all arrive before Covid struck, and are now stranded here due to being unable to return to their own countries?


And "tourist reliant"? Just a few months ago people in high places were "belittling" the amount that tourism contributed to GDP - quoting  figures of just 6 - 7% i.e. from Wiki:-

"The tourism industry is one of Thailand's main economic sectors, accounting for 6-7% of its GDP. Revenue reached THB 2.5 trillion (USD 71 billion) in 2016, with THB 1.6 trillion coming from interna- tional markets and THB 870 billion from the domestic market"


However :-

" According to the secretary-general of the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council in 2019, the government projects that the tourism sector will account for 30% of GDP by 2030, up from 20% in 2019.[4]


So it would appear that someone is telling porkies!!! 




As l said great minds at work

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

welcome back visitors vital to its economy.

When they put it like that it is quite concerning!   At the start of the Wuhan China virus there was no mention of the word vital in regard to tourists.  I doubt very much I have not read or heard every comment or statement but I am sure the hotshot posters on this and other forums would have mentioned a statement such as that.


So with the drop in tourist numbers and the associated job losses in tourist related (and non related) jobs the monkeys in charge of the country wide circus are starting to get some blowback from the organ grinder.   Starting to see a dip in the profits at the mega conglomerate organ factory are we???  I think it will be an amusing and interesting next 12 months!

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Thailand is pushing back plans to receive its first batch of foreign tourists due to administrative issues,

What they are trying to say is that nobody applied because of the expense and paperwork , so lets tell people it as been delayed to see if we can get anyone to prevent embassisment.

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16 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Either you open the country totally, no conditions, no rules, or you don't.


Nobody is going to come with 2-week quarantines, charter flights, mandatory insurance, especially as all of these conditions could change, or the whole country be closed down again at a moment's notice, if someone appears to contract Covid.


The Thai government, like many others, has painted itself into a corner by suggesting that the only social and economic metric that counts these days is "number of infections due to Covid".


They have successfully scared the population so thoroughly, that they cannot possibly U-turn now, thus dooming the Thai hospitality and service industries to extinction.


For those hanging on for a safe and effective vaccine to swoop in and save the situation, history shows that they are betting on a long shot - at best.


Keep it closed 

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17 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

Wow! So it's all a big lie, a big scam, a big bubble!


Welcome to Thailand, the land of lies :cheesy:

That is what all the meetings were about, how to get money from foreigners without actually letting them in the country. STV is the scam that they came up with. You would think that thailand would give a refund if it was legit, but none forth coming. Just a scam. There excuse is that it is just delayed but not cancelled. Can people get a refund if they cannot travel at another time. I don't think so.

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Accepting people only from selected countries is a joke????. whatever the country, if the persons are China-virus free and accept being locked for 2 weeks, why not let them enter ?  

Edited by Alainpm
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18 hours ago, mark131v said:

Oh no Lieland caught out again!!


Some times it's better not to speak but most Thai's in any position of authority seem to have missed this incredibly valuable advice, it speaks volumes....

Empty kettles make the most noise !

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18 hours ago, Forza2002 said:

By all reports there are thousands of retirees being denied entry as they have Non O, not Non OA visas, pathetic situation. Many lives being ruined due to the ignoramuses in charge...

They were trying to remove farangs before COVID. It's no shock

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Darling put the dim sums in the freezer. Just move the frozen dog over. We are going on a holiday. To Thailand. We are being locked up.for 2 weeks. Same like China camp honey.  Then billed excessively for starvation.. Then we can enjoy getting robbed and taken back to airport l can't wait.

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3 hours ago, Paul Christian said:

Perfect analysis of this deranged reaction in an unwinnable battle - as with all the other afflictions and diseases, we have to strive to build facilities to accomodate them medically and accept them  mentally and move on. Chimeras of vaccines are historically unachievable with this family of viruses but treatment can be improved. In UK I'm noticing large numbers of people trying to get slimmer and fitter and that's a proven way to give the body a great chance to stave off the worst symptoms of any virus. 

Dedicated medical facilities work better than a panicked mass hysteria over a flu virus. The wonderful dedicated HIV and cancer facilities prove this. Neither has gone away but if we take responsibility for our own health, we have a chance.

The madness must be replaced by pragmatc and realistic accomodation with a new virus in humans, that was welcomed into our species by our own encroachment into habitats and cruelty to species that should be protected for myriad reasons.

At some point we have to grow up and face facts.

that was welcomed into our species by our own encroachment into habitats and cruelty to species that should be protected for myriad reasons."


Well said!!!

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1 hour ago, tomauasia said:

They were trying to remove farangs before COVID. It's no shock

Yet, it's the "dirty unwashed farangs" that have organised the collection and distribution of free food in many places in Thailand - maybe the Government don't like the fact that farangs seem to care more about the poorer Thai people than they do?

And now that there are virtually no tourists, the ex pat/farang community are probably the ones that are keeping many businesses "ticking over" - especially the restaurants and bars and rented accommodation in "tourist" areas!

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8 minutes ago, Johnthplumb said:

I think you are correct, time for another Chang or two.

If they keep this up and the online alcohol sales are truly closed off, looks like no one will be drinking anything except Lao Kow, or the local Thai beers.  I might just have to stock up on whiskey, rum, and tequila in order to assist in supplying my neighbors in the Condo.

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