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Anyone else got a cold/flu?

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13 hours ago, Leaver said:

Happy to stand corrected, but some months ago, wasn't it reported on TV that the test was free, or the treatment was free?  

Free???? For dirty foreigners that brought the virus to Thailand? Are you out of your mind? ????

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33 minutes ago, LennyW said:

Cold and flu are quite normal during the cooler wet times we are having right now.

Apparently this is related to the increase in the size water droplets in the air.....the cooler the air, the larger the droplet.....the greater risk of infection.

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Before covid I normally get a cold/flu 2-3 times a year.


After Covid I has taken social distance serious, between people I do not know, and I have not get cold/flu since covid started, that is a new and better situation to me because of Covid.

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, finnsk said:

Before covid I normally get a cold/flu 2-3 times a year.


After Covid I has taken social distance serious, between people I do not know, and I have not get cold/flu since covid started, that is a new and better situation to me because of Covid.

You must hold a massive distance because most probably you don't know 99,9% of people around you.

19 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

The authorities giving something free to a foreigner? Have I missed something? Have they repented, and changed their ways? Have they begun to acknowledge the contributions we make to their economy, in any way, shape, or form? 

They still don't fully understand how much money all these backpackers and other low life dirty tourists have left in this beautiful country.


The wake-up call will not be one of the most delicate art. 


Pornthip can't send money home, Lek has lost four of her foreign money senders, Noi can't even find an older customer and many have lost their jobs.


   No light at the end of the tunnel for Thailand. 





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2 hours ago, robblok said:

How do you figure masks don't work well. Bit bias, but then again many covid deniers are.


Masks don't mean no flu, would mean less flu. So i take it you collected nice sample size and can compare the years so you can actually back your B.S up ?

Maybe read the post before yours, Assuming people are still wearing masks but colds and flu is still being passed around it probably means mask wearing isn't helping much or lack of washing hands etc

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16 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Maybe read the post before yours, Assuming people are still wearing masks but colds and flu is still being passed around it probably means mask wearing isn't helping much or lack of washing hands etc

Maybe you should grow a brain. I know covid deniers have a problem using theirs. You are saying it does not work because you found a possible case of flue. 


Just the fact that 1 person has a flue does not mean masks are not working. You can only make a statement like that if you compare flue numbers of this year and previous year. You can't make a statement based on one case.


I know how much you guys like to deny masks works and how its all a hoax but your pseudo science is totally wrong.


There are actual reports of my country that the normal flue was lower then previous time because of covid measures. These observations were based on real data. Not a one off like you just did.

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24 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Maybe read the post before yours, Assuming people are still wearing masks but colds and flu is still being passed around it probably means mask wearing isn't helping much or lack of washing hands etc

I contracted my heavy cold from a next door neighbours kid who comes round every day, throws his arms round me and gives me a kiss. Neither of us were wearing masks and I didn't socially distance.

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12 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

This hapless administration needs to develop some courage and initiative. They can't hide from the world forever. 

I think this government here is extremely brave. I could imagine that there are many influential people that are not happy with the strict fight against Corona. I think it is not easy for this government at the moment. But I am glad that they care. It is for sure much easier to do nothing... 

4 minutes ago, Oldie said:

I think this government here is extremely brave. I could imagine that there are many influential people that are not happy with the strict fight against Corona. I think it is not easy for this government at the moment. But I am glad that they care. It is for sure much easier to do nothing... 

Which is exactly what they are doing now, with millions out of work. 

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2 hours ago, giddyup said:

What I said was that I wasn't sure if that had anything to do with it, and it appears quite a few others are being affected the same way. As the symptoms have all but disappeared (which negates any comments about Covid), maybe it was some kind of allergy reaction, who knows? But to immediately diagnose it as Covid, yes, you'd have to be a dope.

You make a good point about allergies, I've had what I thought was a cold before only for it to completely disappear when I take some allergy meds, and when I sleep and wake up the next day it's 100% gone without a trace.


I've often wondered if it's some kind of allergy instead of a cold.


22 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Hey brainless one, I know you want an argument about mask wearing, it's a waste of effort, petty at best, move on and for information see below


Wow you totally ignored everything and went for a spelling error. Well done. Next time engage your brain and counter the arguments. 


https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01538-8   (here it shows how lockdown and other measures shortened the flu season) 


I know you hate masks but they have proven to work your misinformation and stupid reasoning did not work. But seeing your arguments were shot down all you could do was go for a spelling error. ????

  • Haha 1
26 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Hey brainless one, I know you want an argument about mask wearing, it's a waste of effort, petty at best, move on and for information see below


In the UK, flue is normally used to refer to the vagina.

  • Haha 1
17 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I have had the cough, the sniffles and lots of sneezing.  I put mine down to seasonal allergies.  Can't have the flu, I got the flu shot earlier in the summer.  Won't go to a hospital or a clinic as it is not debilitating. 

That was my thought...the allergy thing is bad this time of year, and can make you feel ill.  The sore throat was missing, but not the sneezing, disgusting mucous flow, and headache, chills, etc..


Many still get the flu after getting the shot.

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18 hours ago, Leaver said:

if there is any doubt, there is no doubt.


What's the harm in getting tested?  

Any farang or foreigner who pops positive for Covid in the middle of Thailand will cause an avalanche of hysterical anti-foreigner sentiment in Thailand that would effect us all very negatively.  
"But if he has Covid it will infect us all.  We'll all die!"
We all have probably already been infected. And unless you're quite elderly with pre-existing health conditions - you'll probably be just fine.  And if not.  When your ticket is punched it's time to go.  That's life.


  • Thanks 1
17 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Can't have the flu, I got the flu shot earlier in the summer. 

You actually believe you can't get the flu if you're vaccinated?  Research the effectiveness of any given annual flu shot. Trust me - yes you can "have the flu" after a flu vaccination. Well, unless your being facetious. 
Flu shots don't offer much protection other than to provide a placebo effect and assuage the fears of the fearful. 19% effective in 2015.  29% effective in 2018.  That's laughable.


Source - Center for Disease Control (CDC)


Here's why most average people are running around like chickens with their head cut off about SARS-Cov-2.  Only a handful of us actually take the time to read medical journals and epidemiological data.  Everyone else takes a 15 to 60 second sound-bite from main-steam media and think they understand.  Anything.  And most people don't have a clue.

  • Thanks 1

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