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Chula virologist unravels mystery of global Covid death tolls


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19 hours ago, Susco said:

So the US death toll is high because of high median age, while the Japan death toll is very low, despite the high median age,


The only mystery revealed here is that the guy wanted his 5 minutes of fame, but actually has no idea what he's drivelling about, and that wasn't a mystery either

"Look Scooby, it was old man Poovorawan all along!"  "...and I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling Falang"

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19 hours ago, ukrules said:

Average age of death........

no...... he said median age of the population, not of those dying

and you might also take the time to look at what is the difference between average (the mean) and median

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20 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:


Well, that's interesting to see China where the virus emerged from has a very low death rate. Could that be because of a cover up.

It also depends on whether a million are in one hi-rise block or spread over a small town.

Contraction rates would be different as would the death rates.

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21 hours ago, ukrules said:

Japan is a bit of an anomaly here, I expect it's due to some other factor, like adhering strictly to rules that prevent infection.

Japs are 'at home' in a mask - went there mid '80s, was surprised / shocked to see so many in the streets wearing what appeared to be sanitary napkins -


Edited by DekDaeng
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Few days ago I saw a report about these differences of deaths in different countries. They brought it down to different treatments of patients. One of the examples was Switzerland. While there where few deaths within the German speaking population, Italian and French speaking parts had significantly higher numbers. Reason given was that the Italian and French parts where following the medication scheme of these countries, which is an extremly toxic coctail of several drugs subministered in high overdosis and the use of "off label" medicines. + when they put you on a ventilator your chances to die rise by 50%. Same with Portugal and Spain. One follows the scheme, other one doesn't and it refleccts in numbers. They ironically asked if the virus in Switzerland was racist

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3 hours ago, Oxx said:

Does anybody actually believe that the American statistics are accurate, given Trump's efforts to suppress testing?

Considering the US has tested more than anywhere else in the world he’s doing a pretty bad job at suppressing testing. Thailand, on the other hand....

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1 minute ago, woogoo said:

There was an article earlier this year which covered how almost all of the reporting on the virus in Thailand was coming from Xinhua news agency. I wonder if the good doctor here gets his talking points from the same people.

Quite sure!


There is this toxic brotherhood of the Thai generals and the CCP. Xinhua is a propaganda tool of the CCP, and it took over already the reporting not only on Covid in most of the Thai media. These two hardcore scaremongers Yong and Thira are quite obviously part of this propaganda machinery.

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22 hours ago, ukrules said:

Japan is a bit of an anomaly here, I expect it's due to some other factor, like adhering strictly to rules that prevent infection.

I think low obesity rates and generally healthier population is the main cause...maybe genetics, maybe more exposure to coronaviruses...everything i heard about japan was that internally things were more lax there than elsewhere in Asia.

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1 hour ago, pikao said:

Few days ago I saw a report about these differences of deaths in different countries. They brought it down to different treatments of patients. One of the examples was Switzerland. While there where few deaths within the German speaking population, Italian and French speaking parts had significantly higher numbers. Reason given was that the Italian and French parts where following the medication scheme of these countries, which is an extremly toxic coctail of several drugs subministered in high overdosis and the use of "off label" medicines. + when they put you on a ventilator your chances to die rise by 50%. Same with Portugal and Spain. One follows the scheme, other one doesn't and it refleccts in numbers. They ironically asked if the virus in Switzerland was racist


... yes, interesting.





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22 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:


Well, that's interesting to see China where the virus emerged from has a very low death rate. Could that be because of a cover up.

could be.


could also be the ccp has the authority and the will to lock down the entire country if needed.  if you can believe the sociable media videos, they went so far as to weld apartment doors shut when people refused to stay indoors in wuhan. 


they also have sufficient testing capacity.  when the odd local transmission is detected, they are able to test entire cities of 5-10 million within a week, and will lock down apartment complexes, districts or cities as appropriate.


half a billion people were traveling domestically during national day golden week, 1-8 october.  after ten days, we should be seeing a huge spike right about now if the virus were running rampant in the countryside.  so far, nothing. 


we had a short, modified lockdown here in hainan in january.  fewer than 200 cases on the entire island.  no restrictions now and life has returned to normal. rarely see anyone at the fever clinic outside the main hospital, mask use has dropped off, businesses are operating as before, no surge of funerals in the villages.


i suppose it could be a big, fat cover up, but i've seen nothing to suggest that to be the case.

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4 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

I can understand the skepticism about China....but why India, its reporting well over a 100K deaths, which seems consistent with its neighbor  Pakistan with over 60K deaths . Most Asian countries seem to be fairing better than the west.

....because, overall, they tend to be warmer.

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On 10/16/2020 at 3:31 PM, webfact said:

A specialist in virology at Chulalongkorn University has highlighted the huge differences in Covid-19 death tolls from country to country across the globe.

Virologist turned Epidemiologist? 
Virologist turned media-darling? 

Do make up your mind Dr. Yong as we are tiring of seeing your face pop up every other week.

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On 10/16/2020 at 3:31 PM, webfact said:

Dr Yong said the huge differences in Covid-19 death tolls were due to various factors, including median age of the population, Covid-19 prevention methods and DNA.

Huge difference in deaths?  The huge difference in global metrics used to determine what constitutes an actual Covid-caused death. 
In the US - someone dies in a car crash but the body tests positive for SARS-Cov-2?  Cause of death?  "Covid-19." 
In Thailand - someone dies in a car crash but the body tests positive for SARS-Cov-2?  Cause of death?  "Trauma." 

Huge difference in "cases?"  The huge difference in global testing.
In the US - "Testing, testing, testing!  Everyone needs a test! Even if you've no symptoms!"
In Thailand - "Doctor, if have the sniffles and a sore throat."  Don't worry - it's just a cold.

But - let's wait until actual epidemiological surveys are conducted next year.  My guess is the results will be damning - well, those that get to see the light of day that is.

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On 10/16/2020 at 3:46 PM, Susco said:

So the US death toll is high because of high median age, while the Japan death toll is very low, despite the high median age,


The US people are more fat than the Japanese. So a higher amount of viruses can gather in their bigger bodies. Just my theory ????


Edited by Oldie
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23 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

I have some doubts if this "expert" Yong ever reads somehing like this, otherwise he would debate on higher standards and should feel quite embarrassed himselve by his dumb weekly gossip. Reading his gossip between the lines shows again his strong and hardly hidden anti-western racism and his aim to boost xenobhobia against caucasians in Thailand. 

I wonder if this fellow rocked up to some international conference or other, billing himself as an expert, spouted some drivel, and had the <deleted> taken mercilessly? It could explain rather a lot!

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