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Teacher knifed to death in France after showing class cartoons of Prophet Mohammad


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Dissolution of the 2 Muslim associations (CCIF and Baraka City) -"enemies of the Republic" -  responsible for the "fatwa" declared by the students parents against the Teacher beheaded last friday in under exam.


CCIF: Collective against Islamophobia in France

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4 hours ago, Oxx said:


If being shrouded in black is so great, why don't Muslim men do it?


The reality is that Muslim women are indoctrinated from birth and are, throughout their lives, the property of a man who can impose his will upon her.  The French try to give Muslimas a freedom that should be their birthright - a fundamental human right - but which is completely unavailable to them under Sharia.


The number of such women who would genuinely, as a free choice, free from indoctrination and repression, want to be shrouded like this in Islam is probably similar to the number of Christian nuns who dress similarly in the West, i.e. virtually nobody.



For someone who has been making quite reasonable arguments in this thread and appears to have done more than binge watch endless questionable YouTube's, that's a rather ridiculous opening question rounded out by a baseless assertion all in one post.


4 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Not to mention some girls forcibly having their sexual organs sliced up, being married off against their will and having higher education frowned upon. French values and laws must always supersede any ethnic or religious offense, hurt feelings or threats of violence.

Not sure about France, but in the USA, arbitrary decisions on a woman's right on what she can do with her body are habitually being made by quorums of male-only council members.


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A state within a state, basically. France is <deleted> because of its colonial history. Luckily, here in the UK, we have a lot of guys coming in who are more British than we are, imbued with British culture. All power to those guys who disseminated the values that allow this.

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22 hours ago, Opl said:

How did the teacher meet his killer? 

 According to French security forces,  the killer waited outside the school and asked passing pupils to identify him.


There is now a whole topic on that in news: Teenager asked pupils to identify French teacher before beheading him; to which I see you have contributed.

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8 hours ago, Oxx said:


... because forcing a woman to shroud herself in a black sheet severely impinges upon liberty, equality and fraternity.

Whereas telling her she can't choose to so do is enshrining it?


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11 hours ago, onebir said:

Is this the wind-up post?

Posts maybe be removed as off Topic (UK)


Polls have demonstrated the majority of Asians do in fact view themselves as supporters of Britain, but of course not the Islamist extremists.


There have been later YouGov polls, but can't immediately locate,


Two-thirds (59%) say they feel completely/a lot British, compared to 73% of white people.







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9 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Whereas telling her she can't choose to so do is enshrining it?


The Great Pantin Mosque - the one that supported and published the call to go after the teacher on its facebook page ( removed after it led to the the teacher's beheading) is now beeing under temporarily closure threat  (which solves nothing) 

The daughter of the imam who promoted what now other imams themselves - after the killing- recognized was a "fatwa" declared against the teacher -  goes to a "school" - with no teacher - where children (2-6 y.o) wear hijab... what a choice - no real teacher  but hijab - in short : a jail.

And there are still people - in France (I repeat non Muslim country)  who pretend this is "choice" - 

Why choose to live in France? - that is the REAL question. 


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The 13 regions of France have taken the initiative to publish a book of political and religious caricatures for high schools, in reaction to the assassination of teacher Samuel Paty.

 “We are going to ask a college of historians to put into perspective the right to caricature in the political history of our country.,“By this gesture, while respecting our skills, we want to bear witness to our commitments to defend the values of the Republic and the fundamental right of each and every one of our fellow citizens to live in peace and freedom.



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On 10/17/2020 at 6:08 AM, alien365 said:

As usual, the actions of the extreme Islamists ends up causing more damage to the religion and it's people. I understand Muslims get upset when they see images of Muhammad but Buddhists also get upset seeing Buddha being used for decoration. It's the response from the extreme elements that is worrying.


I don't have any problem with the vast majority of Muslims. I have close Muslims friends who have integrated to western society. They have not been happy with any of the terrorist attacks either. 

Yes if everyone cared about their own case and educated their souls without trying to force others into heaven, the world would be better off.

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No assimilation, no integration, but dis-integration, it's up to the host society to adjust... the reason why - secularism and free speech beeing  Frances's core values - we  have problems


The Strategy for Islamic Cultural Action outside the Islamic World

"The future of the Muslim community is first and foremost contingent upon its own will, which hinges in turn on the development of its conditions so as to build moral personality of Muslims in countries of emigration. Almighty Allah says: “Verily never will God change the condition of a people until they change it themselves.”. 



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On 10/20/2020 at 6:44 AM, NanLaew said:

A good start would be for some of the rightfully riled up French officialdom to stop labeling the teacher's murder as an 'assassination'.

It may be a translation issue, but even if not, since English definitions of 'assassination' often stress a political motivation  it seems  accurate enough.

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On 10/22/2020 at 6:16 PM, Opl said:

No assimilation, no integration, but dis-integration, it's up to the host society to adjust... the reason why - secularism and free speech beeing  Frances's core values - we  have problems


The Strategy for Islamic Cultural Action outside the Islamic World

"The future of the Muslim community is first and foremost contingent upon its own will, which hinges in turn on the development of its conditions so as to build moral personality of Muslims in countries of emigration. Almighty Allah says: “Verily never will God change the condition of a people until they change it themselves.”. 




I can find nothing in that document which justifies the summation you make in your first paragraph.


Did I miss it; it is, after all, a lengthy document? If so, can you  quote the page numbers where such justification can be found?

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


I can find nothing in that document which justifies the summation you make in your first paragraph.


Did I miss it; it is, after all, a lengthy document? If so, can you  quote the page numbers where such justification can be found?


It's all in green.  But to get it you need to stand on a non Muslim POV, in a country like France where the State (Republic) and the Religion are separated and Religion strictly a private  matter.

Education in France aims at forming "Republicans"  not Muslim moral personalities. 


In this context:



- The education of young Muslims is at the heart of the strategy of Islamization “outside the Islamic world”.

- The attacks targeting public schools are part of an assumed strategy aimed at removing European Muslim children from public schools - strategy defined and assumed by the Islamists ( a good Muslim is an Islamist).
- But above all, this strategy advocates the development of Islamic education, the only way "to spare children from encountering problems characteristic of life in the West and to free them from this cultural split from which they suffer" ( => call for blasphemy laws in France where teaching focuses on critical thinking).  


This is a strategy of dis-integration 

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17 minutes ago, Opl said:


It's all in green.  But to get it you need to stand on a non Muslim POV, in a country like France where the State (Republic) and the Religion are separated and Religion strictly a private  matter.

Education in France aims to form "Republicans"  not Muslim moral personalities. 


In this context:

- The education of young Muslims is at the heart of the strategy of Islamization “outside the Islamic world”.

- The attacks targeting public schools are part of an assumed strategy aimed at removing European Muslim children from public schools - strategy defined and assumed by the Islamists ( a good Muslim is an Islamist).
- But above all, this strategy advocates the development of Islamic education, the only way "to spare children from encountering problems characteristic of life in the West and to free them from this cultural split from which they suffer" ( => call for blasphemy laws in France where teaching focuses on critical thinking).  


This is a strategy of dis-integration 

 I did read the bits you highlighted in green. None of which justify your statement.


I cannot find the new parts you have 'quoted.' They're not highlighted. What page(s) are they on?


I did find examples of the opposite. For example at the end of page 78 and start of page 79:-

"a) For the Islamic side: the reinforcement of Islamic culture which is based on the eternal facts of Islam, its teachings and noble principles based on peace, moderation, coexistence, rapprochement, cooperation, integration and other Islamic civilizational values, inspired by the Holy Quranic verse “We made of you peoples and tribes for you to know each other; the most blessed among you is the most pious”. Therefore, there should be a new perception based on the reconciliation of Muslims with the others by “respecting their ways of thinking and living, their freedom, their laws and the systems they have chosen of their own volition to organize public life in their countries, and by respecting their traditions and customs in such a way as to create a sense of trust and tranquility”. (7by7 emphasis)


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32 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 I did read the bits you highlighted in green. None of which justify your statement.


I cannot find the new parts you have 'quoted.' They're not highlighted. What page(s) are they on?


I did find examples of the opposite. For example at the end of page 78 and start of page 79:-

"a) For the Islamic side: the reinforcement of Islamic culture which is based on the eternal facts of Islam, its teachings and noble principles based on peace, moderation, coexistence, rapprochement, cooperation, integration and other Islamic civilizational values, inspired by the Holy Quranic verse “We made of you peoples and tribes for you to know each other; the most blessed among you is the most pious”. Therefore, there should be a new perception based on the reconciliation of Muslims with the others by “respecting their ways of thinking and living, their freedom, their laws and the systems they have chosen of their own volition to organize public life in their countries, and by respecting their traditions and customs in such a way as to create a sense of trust and tranquility”. (7by7 emphasis)



The last parts you emphasised are what I'd call PC blah blah - totally challenged by the rest I've quoted and by facts - both in schools and mosques - and proven by the chain reaction - starting with the parents - that led to the fatwa against the teacher and his beheading.

As the whole document exposes the strategy very clearly - this is finally the reason why we in the last decades  had to:

- close some muslim schools that provide courses in opposition to our french values   

- shut down mosques that promote this strategy 

- shutdown some Muslim associations and NGO, pretending to go after Islamophobia ( the new Blasphemy) while in fact promoting Islamist propaganda ( in total adequation with the strategy we are talking about)

- deport Imams


This is so true that Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar, SA.. have expressed their condemnation of France Macron speech.

Now too, we better understand why young Muslims in France, put Sharia Law above all (Islamism is Islam in motion) 

Everything is clearer now and we are just at the beginning of it.  

But it would be an error to consider this is just a French issue. 




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Your rant above is the same as your previous ones. Based upon your prejudice alone.


This is proven by the simple fact that there is nothing in the document you provided which in anyway supports what you say; even your claimed quotes do not exists in the document!


No one denies that there is a problem with Islamic extremism in Europe and elsewhere. But your ignorant prejudices lead you to believe that those extremists, terrorists and murderers represent the majority. Even the document you, yourself, provided as 'proof' shows otherwise!


Your attitude only adds to the problem as it helps the extremists by alienating otherwise peaceful and law abiding young Muslims.

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28 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


Your rant above is the same as your previous ones. Based upon your prejudice alone.


This is proven by the simple fact that there is nothing in the document you provided which in anyway supports what you say; even your claimed quotes do not exists in the document!


No one denies that there is a problem with Islamic extremism in Europe and elsewhere. But your ignorant prejudices lead you to believe that those extremists, terrorists and murderers represent the majority. Even the document you, yourself, provided as 'proof' shows otherwise!


Your attitude only adds to the problem as it helps the extremists by alienating otherwise peaceful and law abiding young Muslims.


You're always judgmental, and reluctant to link facts that challenge your narrative. Of course It's uncomfortable to confront a different POV if you have to submit to an ideology.

It's not a problem for me at all to admit my prejudices, reinforced by this document and facts.

We now in the West are more and more able to understand how things evolve under cover - and it's all clearer now Islam is Islamism at rest and islamism is Islam in motion. It's the same.

This highschool student  (she was sanctioned and posed as schocked by the cartoons) who lied to her father who in his turn- peaceful as he is - took advise from islamists and the Mosque, .and finally talked to the author of the beheading - to name a few who took part in this atrocious chain of events - and you know how things ended - were all good people , until.. 

Let's not bury our heads in the sand.. in respect to Samuel PATY's legacy. 

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The mere fact that the only evidence you have been able to produce to support your claims actually does the opposite only proves that not only didn't read it, but also no other mainstream evidence exists!


I make no comment on your use of a victim of terrorism to spread your hate.

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2 hours ago, Opl said:


Wether you like it or not, it's not just my understanding, it's how we in France now understand what is going on.

I have no hate - and I advise you to avoid defamation - I don't need to call people names to make my point.  

It's always a pleasure for me to provide documents so everyone can check - and that's precisely what disturbs your agenda.  



Twice before I asked you to give the page numbers from where you obtained your 'quotes' from that document; you have yet to do so.


We both know why that is so; because those 'quotes' do not actually appear anywhere in it; there is nothing in it which justifies your remarks!


You can carry on linking to it; anyone who bothers to read it will know the truth.

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2 hours ago, 7by7 said:


Twice before I asked you to give the page numbers from where you obtained your 'quotes' from that document; you have yet to do so.


We both know why that is so; because those 'quotes' do not actually appear anywhere in it; there is nothing in it which justifies your remarks!


You can carry on linking to it; anyone who bothers to read it will know the truth.


I've looked through the document too, and even I couldn't find the quotes you are referring to, my feeling is that certain passages of the text seem surreal.

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