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Tourism facing further suffering as fears of escalation in protests mount, industry leader


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19 hours ago, jaiyen said:

Years ago people would tell me never go to Vietnam, it's a communist country and not safe !  It is a lovely country with very nice people, great for tourists, no speeding mini vans and coaches, efficient travel around the country and plenty more bonuses. Thailand will never even be half as good.  Seriously, Thailand is only worth going to a couple of times to see all the tourist sights and then that's it. Never need to go again.  Now there is still the appointed for life dictator in charge of a huge bunch of dummies and bum lickers who are making it impossible for anybody to go there, and moaning about the lost income ! And as for TAT !  What a joke.

I also found Vietnam very welcoming especially as being an American. I was greeted by name at immigration and welcome to the country. Everywhere I went the people would want to talk with me. Once they found out I was an American more people would the conversation and have so many questions. So polite and so friendly. Many asking why I live in Thailand instead of Vietnam. If they had a retirement visa I would be there in a heartbeat ????

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2 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Thaksin was the best PM Thailand's ever had, you couldn't in your wildest dreams compare him with Prayut and his mob.......  Thaksin was ousted purely on Jealousy........ from well above......  He did too much on his own back, hence his massive support in the North......  

:cheesy: x a lot


Ever wonder why Suvarnabhumi airport is such a disaster?

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

I think your overestimating the results of a democratic government vs a military one. But it depends on how you look at it. I don't think that they will suddenly double the GDP growth or get less corruption. So it depends what you measure it by. If freedom is measurement then yes your million times might be closer. If its economic performance then i doubt it.


But i fully agree with your checks and balances only we seen previous democratic governments removing those not strengthening them. None of them want to loose their privelidges once they are in power. They want to keep the status quo with the only change them at the feeding through of money. 


I have yet to see a democratic government go after their own corruption. Like before it will be going after the party before neglecting their own faults.


I am a pessimist because of what I have seen.

Some of us have actual experience of a good Thai democratic government. From the posts I've read on here I doubt that applies to many. The last good one was many decades ago.


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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

I think for now the protesters have made their point clear and it can't be argued with. They simply want their basic human and political rights to be respected.

Given that I know of no country where such a utopia exists, why do you think Thailand would achieve such just by putting a different lot in charge?

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given that I know of no country where such a utopia exists, why do you think Thailand would achieve such just by putting a different lot in charge?

Sorry, you don't know of a single country where basic human and political rights are respected? The right to vote, the right to freedom of expression, etc. 


Also, you equate having basic human rights respected to living in a utopia? 


As for your question, I don't hold the common Thai in such low regard. I believe that's what they call the 'soft bigotry of low expectation'. It means you subconsciously, or often consciously, deem people of other ethic or social groups, etc, as intellectually inferior. 

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4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Well, the economy has been s**** the last 6 years.


Democracy is supposed to counter corruption, but Thailand hasn't had democracy before. So how about you give it the benefit of the doubt and support the protesters and their goal of deciding for themselves what's best for their future.


Military men and and people who yearn for a Game of Thrones kind of reality have no place making decisions on the economy, etc. 

Of course i give it the benefit of the doubt, I want these guys gone. I want that to be 100% clear. Just not a great optimist given the past.

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Under the present conditions, international travel has come to a stop. However Thailand could once again become a tourist center. The big problem is the ruling party and until they have gone, nothing will change. I was talking with a retired couple today here in Australia. They have been on two tours of Thai gemfields last year and already booked another this year which was cancelled. They tell me that on each tour there were 60 people. If Thailand ever gets democratic rule again, tours like this will thrive. It seems that Prayut does not care a "rats <deleted>" about Thailand just as long as he and his corrupt cronies are in charge. Such a shame as Thailand has so much to offer the world. You have become a millionaire on your army pay ? Mr Prayut, how about retiring and giving your country a chance.


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6 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Sorry, you don't know of a single country where basic human and political rights are respected? The right to vote, the right to freedom of expression, etc. 

What's the point of having the right to vote when all the candidates are chosen by the same rich elite globalist bankers hiding in the shadows?

I never had any right to 'freedom of expression' in the UK, if I'd stood on a street corner saying I didn't like this, that or the other, I'd have been in jail in a goddamned second, same as poor old Tommy.


Thailand has more personal freedom than any western country IMHO.

Edited by BritManToo
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On 10/19/2020 at 5:36 PM, Baerboxer said:




And those countries with "real democracy" are doing so fantastically well with their economies and social environments, law and order etc, are they?

You need to realise that DDG  would be correct but for the Covid Pandemic

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On 10/19/2020 at 5:44 PM, Naturesway said:

So instead of crying you have or should have the brain and ability to act about it to solve this economy suffering, then why don’t you act? What’s the point of that? You wait until it’s too late. 

No one in government are prepared to risk their jobs, and they are all too gutless to stand up to Prayuth.

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On 10/19/2020 at 6:14 PM, vandeventer said:

Your right, they keep throwing sh-t against the wall seeing if people will like it, but in the end they do nothing. Every country that relies on tourism is having trouble world wide. I know this is going to be hard but try other ways of helping Thailand. This virus is not going to last that long with a whole range of vaccines coming out soon[just make sure we have a choice] so than you can start the ball rolling again.

How many other countries are ruled by a dictator ?

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21 hours ago, sezze said:

It is culture based , yes . Europe had a large struggle towards democracy which in fact took 100's of years and many wars , and it still isn't easy .To have a democracy 1 side needs to pay respect to the other side and it's opinion ( see the struggle in many countries these days ...) , and learn to live with it till next election . Democracy can't be pushed on to people , it just doesn't work like that . Thailand is still 100's of years behind on that matter with its feudal system still in place .

Only an uneducated idiot would declare the EU a democracy.

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9 hours ago, scorecard said:

What rubbish, his massive and to some extent open corruption was one factor which brought him down, and there are court cases on this still going through the courts.


Have you forgotten the many times when journalists asked him awkward questions, and they either got his 'NO' indicator meaning I'm not taking/answering that question, or they were sued for very large amounts of money? And the case of the foreign journalist being instantly deported?


Have you forgotten how he amassed his red shirt army who intimidated anybody who challenged him in any way and brought about a scenario where if they said anything negative in their village they (and their family) were promptly ostracized by the village/runout of town. And more....


But don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not suggesting the current guy is even remotely acceptable, his 'gov't' is a dictatorship, nothing more or less. 


Rubbish . Thaksin was the greatest all time PM . Doing so much for his people, why do you think they love him. This was why the "born to rule" types demanded the army upper echelon be on their side and get rid of this "dangerous PM" who had the gall to consider his people, the poor of Thailand.

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2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Well, you come across as disingenuous to me like you're secretly rooting for the junta. But hey, maybe that means I'm not a great optimist either. 





Not rooting at all.. its just evil what they did to the demonstrators. The emergency decree.. ridiculous its just a tool too use against the demonstrators. 


So yea your not a great optimist.

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1 hour ago, Huckenfell said:

Rubbish . Thaksin was the greatest all time PM . Doing so much for his people, why do you think they love him. This was why the "born to rule" types demanded the army upper echelon be on their side and get rid of this "dangerous PM" who had the gall to consider his people, the poor of Thailand.

He did things for people, mostly in the early days, but it was very much in the traditional Thai way of centralized power distributing largesse to reap the gratitude from the adoring masses, leaving him free later on to help himself. The benefits he brought were real but he wasn't interested in democracy (until removed), put the beginnings of a more open and free press into reverse to stifle criticism, and brought out thugs to beat up a few elderly protesters who didn't like him. 

The young people protesting at the moment are very much looking for a more democratic movement and system. 


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