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Celebrations erupt in major U.S. cities after Biden election win


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14 minutes ago, quake said:

Think Biden, has just ordered one of these to 

carry around the nuclear football.




I don't favor anyone as old as Biden being the leader of a country.    The job  of  POTUS is simply too stressful for a person that old I believe.


Unfortunately for Mr. Trump he seems to be having some issues several years earlier than any Mr. Biden may have.


"Dr. Bandy Lee, a Yale psychiatrist took to twitter to analyse these physical patterns suggesting that these could be a neurological sign that was concerning enough to require a brain scan





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19 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Whereas Donald needed one of these:




I don't think there will be parking space for that in Sing Sing (however there will be plenty in Riyad, Moscow or Pyongyang, all fabulous choices for exile in style.)

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6 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I was referring to the businesses in DC who boarded up their windows anticipating rioting for the election. Have there been riots? No. It would lead me to believe the businesses feared the liberals. 

Then you have been mislead. What they feared is violence from both sides. Trump supporters walking around with guns is still pretty scary to me. 

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5 hours ago, ravip said:

I fervently pray, that the world can celebrate on the first anniversary of this great happening in November, 2021


It should be a national holiday in every country. An day to remember that vigilance is the first defense against tyranny. 

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5 hours ago, Tagged said:

My experience it have always been like this, it just feels like it is a new thing. 

It's true that landslide presidential elections are rare. What's new is the record voter turnout and the extreme polarization of society. Those two facts taken together are ominous.


The partisanship will not fade as it has in the past. Americans have crossed a threshold of misunderstanding that will not easily be reversed. 


I am sad to admit that despite trying I am unable to fathom the minds of the earnest Trump supporters. How can that possibly be good? Many friendships, marriages, and personal relationships of all forms have suffered irreparable damage from this divide. 

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5 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Nah.  This will drag out for about a month.  Multiple court cases coming.

It will be minor amusing 5th page stories only for the majority of Americans. It will be interesting only to those who believe it significant. 


It is not and will accomplish nothing; a tempest in a teapot. In fact only one or two  cases at most will ever make the courts, and win or lose will change nothing. 


What will drag on for months, and will capture the public imagination is watching Trump implode and display his emotional and psychological deficiencies in lurid detail. In the best of all worlds some folks may even find it in their hearts to pity him.


I will not be one of those. 

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5 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Yes.  The dancing in the streets is for Trump losing, they don't know/care about who they elected or what he will do for their country.


Seems like a win for their "team" but a loss for democracy.

I partially agree with your first paragraph, disagree with your conclusion. 

Trump is a proven loss for democracy, a threat in fact.

Americans know what they got from Trump and that more of the same was coming. 

Biden is simply a gamble and people came out in force to accept that bet. Biden has history and a record to guide voters. Trump is a failed investor who hosted a sadistic reality show and utterly failed to govern even his own babbling mouth while in office. 


It's clear Americans are willing to take a chance. Can you really blame them? 

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59 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

It's true that landslide presidential elections are rare. What's new is the record voter turnout and the extreme polarization of society. Those two facts taken together are ominous.



Both you can thank social media for good and bad. The extreme polarization is quite well explained in the Social experience on Netflix, and Ihuman 



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5 hours ago, sucit said:

"Finding inspiration" lol.


You think that copying speeches is a forgivable mistake at these levels. Ok, fine. But I just have much much higher standards than that... I wont accept a candidate that says word for word what others have said in a sad attempt to gain popularity from past powerful speeches. What could drive such a person to do this? Thinking they can't inspire with their own words perhaps? 

Your post is laughable. Trump would plagiarize fairly tales if he had ever read any. 

As far as his words and your standards, can your truly say you are inspired or even moderately informed by the incoherent word salad the man speaks and tweets? The man can't read, can't write, can't spell, and can't even follow a script given to him by those who can. He is functionally illiterate. His claims to "stable genius" are ludicrous. 


I suggest you tackle meaningful arguments that you can actually support, as you generally do. 

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5 hours ago, placeholder said:

Where the margin is close thr state do revounts. And last time I checked the Trump campaign had launched 5 suits and not one of them alleged fraud. Does that tell you anything?

Trump and his lawyers don't influence recounts. They are either mandated by state laws or requested by candidates with rational arguments backed by verifiable evidence. Losing is not an acceptable argument. Justice is blind but not stupid. 

He can "launch" as many as he wants but virtually none of them will float into a courtroom and any that do will not make any significant changes except to lawyers' bank accounts. 


But, hey keep checking and counting. It's now an even freer country than it was last week. No need to demand evidence, the courts will do that. It's bound to be as entertaining as Judge Judy...... probably. 

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1 hour ago, RocketDog said:
6 hours ago, ravip said:

I fervently pray, that the world can celebrate on the first anniversary of this great happening in November, 2021


It should be a national holiday in every country. An day to remember that vigilance is the first defense against tyranny. 


I heartily agree. Something like our American version of D-day or Bastille Day for November 7th.

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5 hours ago, sucit said:

What on earth does "1988" have to do with anything? He was a professional politician. He was not in 5th grade. Would rape be ok if it was in 1988. Stop rationalizing. Just accept that the president is a complete wreck. 


He is here because he is a bought candidate. You seem to confuse being bought with being a fighter. 


Rape was OK for Trump. Grabbing pบรรเes was OK for Trump. Publicly declaring his lust for his daughter was OK for Trump. Losing lawsuits for his fake real estate school was OK for Trump. Defaulting on business debts and multiple failed business ventures was OK for Trump. Violating the Federal emoluments law was OK for him and his family. These are all facts. 


And you are nattering on about plagiarism and unproven accusations of bribery? 


You can do better than this. 

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6 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

These are all facts.


To be fair you're going over the top now. 


"Rape was OK for Trump." unless you have a link to his conviction you're sinking to his level.


"Publicly declaring his lust for his daughter was OK for Trump." is also somewhat misleading.

Edited by Salerno
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5 hours ago, greenhornfarang said:


Biden will raise taxes, that is bad for business. Watch the stock market react.

The stock market reacts to any event, good, bad or irrelevant. How would we know what drives the market on any given day? Will it react to Trump losing or Biden winning? 



The stock market is drunk on its own particular brand of kool-aid. Nothing to be learned from it. 

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5 hours ago, cdemundo said:

Absolutely, I am fine with recounts and investigations into voter fraud.  A number of meritless complaints have already been thrown out of court.  And recounts rarely change the state totals by more than a few hundred votes.  In the courts you have to have evidence unlike social media where you can say any plausible BS.


Wait! What I say on social media has to be plausible? Oh my, have I screwed up now. ????????

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November 2020 voting is  all about   PRO-Trump  Vs  ANTI-Trump,  this had been all too clear midway in 2020 election. 


This 2020 election proved that Trump style is quite well received, except one trait.  So I will not be  surprised that a young version of Trump showed up for GOP in 2024 or even 2028.


The sexism element of Trump is driving suburban females to for Biden camp and tilting the balance of the election.   GOP is likely to recruit some presentable figure preferably 55 years old or younger and treading all the traits of Trump less the sexism and womanizing parts.     This 2020 election proved that sexism does matter in American politics,  but racism does not matter much.


It won't be Trump again in 2024,  neither will be Mike Pence.         

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