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Funds Pile Into Thailand as Vaccine Progress Boosts Tourism Hopes


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16 hours ago, Traubert said:

There are more than Western tourists.


A lot more , which is why they don't care much about westerners.


As for the Chinese , their government is making them increasingly unpopular and they may find themselves a bit cash strapped in future.

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2 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

The vaccines are in development stage and seem to be 90%, at best, effective. The adverse risk scared Government of Thailand is unlikely to open its doors to tourists quickly even after the vaccine is released. Most of Thailand's population would have to be vaccinated before that could be considered safe.

I haven't ever seen what "effectiveness" means in these studies? Are that all using the same standard definition....for example does 90% effective mean that if people 10 people out of 100 taking placebo would catch COVID vs only 1 taking the vaccine or does it mean that if 100 people take the vaccine only 10 will catch the disease which is of course not very impressive? Are the studies done in a lab or in a real life situation?

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The Pfizer vaccine is undergoing a small and limited first clinical trial.  Subjects are randomly and blindly assigned to ones who receive the vaccine and those that receive a dummy vaccine. 


If anyone in the study group becomes infected they are investigated, and part of that investigation is to find out if they are in the vaccinated group or the group that got a dummy vaccine.  So far the numbers infected are very small, but most of those infected are in the group that got the dummy vaccine.  A larger clinical test needs to be done to determine the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.  It is really fortune telling to clam that the vaccine is 90% effective at this point.

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There is no doubt that lying in Thailand is an art form, however you do have to admire it to a certain extent, I can vividly recall the British Minister for Business being interviewed outside the Houses of Parliament the day after the Brexit vote stating it was the worst day of her life as we watched sterling tumble. In a world that revolves around confidence a little white lie, or even just doing your job properly can make a big difference, however its probably best not to overkill it or make such incredulous announcements on a regular basis that it becomes so ludicrous that you just become a laughing stock ????

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33 minutes ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

The Pfizer vaccine, the world's first successful (+90%) vaccine, is anticipated for approval soon -- and planned for distribution mid December in the UK -- has to be kept at --70 centigrade -- which presents a big problem for hot countries!


Any country will need a cold storage distribution system, mainly through hospitals or local government agencies? Sounds like First World first, and Third World last to me. And Thailand is not First World.

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On 10/22/2020 at 9:40 AM, johng said:



On 10/23/2020 at 2:27 PM, Oldie said:

Of course not. But what if you come into a situation that you can't have the pet anymore. What options do you have here in Thailand? 


3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Slowly pricing out those tourists from the west with the Baht increasing, and then the high amount of money needed in a tourists bank account for 6 months prior to applying, not sure how the Chinese normal zero baht tourist will be able to meet the 500K THB 6 month requirement. That is, unless they have the money hidden from their own Government in a bank account overseas.

They don't require that 500K for Chinese, Yes it's on the paper but  they don't require it when Chinese people apply for visa at the consulate.

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4 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

The vaccines are in development stage and seem to be 90%, at best, effective. The adverse risk scared Government of Thailand is unlikely to open its doors to tourists quickly even after the vaccine is released. Most of Thailand's population would have to be vaccinated before that could be considered safe.


what are thailand's plans for the vaccine; how many doses have been pre-ordered? who will be the first groups of the population to be vaccinated? when will the vaccination programme begin?

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2 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:

Funds pile into Thailand - WHY WHY WHY!


1) We still do not know the efficacy of any of these vaccines. 90% & 92% (Phizer & Sputnik V) are two efficacy numbers being touted with much fanfare, but we don't know how effective they are in the people who matter (older, sick, vulnerable people). This is because these people are deemed to be too 'at risk' to place in the testing groups.


2) We have seen multipe cases of people getting reinfected - this does not bode well for vaccines, as it should be a one time deal. The immune system has to remember how to fight this infection off, and if it forgets within a few months, and reinfection is possibe even with antibodies, then we're all in for some bad news.


3) Thailand is in the midst of a political storm. There are protests around the country every other day, with no end in sight. People are dusting off their red and yellow shirts and it looks like a coup could be on the cards. Why invest in a country gripped by constant in-fighting in the streets?


4) As stated by a forum member above, Thailand (and most of the world) will not be getting a vaccine for quite some time... Why are people betting on this happening NOW? Stupidity?


5) Thailand has next to NO tourism income (approx 10 - 19% of GDP - direct & indirect) so exporting goods is one of the few remaining income streams. With a strengthening Baht, these exports keep getting less and less competitive and lose value. 2 thirds of Thailands income is derived from exports, and it's single largest importer is...wait for it... the USA - 11.4%, closely followed by China - 11.1%



    If Corvid is similar to the flu, which mutates and comes back in a different form every year and people need yearly flu jabs for immunization, wouldnt that render a Covid vaccination to be ineffective ?

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More like a doom & gloom factory than Thai Visa.

Thailands recovery may surprise you as the country has always shown to be very resiliant.

Strength of the Baht indicators measure a lot more than just the tourism which 80% are large corporate investors who will survive. (Feel sorry for the staff though)

First world countries Governments are also very scared as they pay out billions in  social security, unemployment benefits a month, & desperately trying to maintain hospital care under massive overloads 

Thailand is still on track to export 90% by value as they did last year & if you check their increases over 10 years 10% decline is more than managable

Incidently last week they estimated 2.4 million vacant employment vacancies throughout the country, supporting my argument that any young healthy Thai can get a job if they want

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1 hour ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

 and planned for distribution mid December in the UK -- has to be kept at --70 centigrade -- which presents a big problem for hot countries!

Im not sure how many countries average temperatures run at -70C so wouldnt cold countries need to do the same as hot countries to keep the vaccine at that temp?

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30 minutes ago, sencelebi said:



They don't require that 500K for Chinese, Yes it's on the paper but  they don't require it when Chinese people apply for visa at the consulate.

You have proof Chinese don't need the funds in the bank for 6 months for an SETV?

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