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Packages approved to attract big spending foreign tourists to Thailand


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I'm taking advantage of this great offer.


The reason is not because the third night is free.


It's because it's "absolutely free".

This is many times superior to just  run of the mill basic "free".



"1. Pay for two nights in quarantine in Bangkok and your third is absolutely free."


Did someone get a promotion for coming up with that?

Edited by JimmyJ
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November will see, as per an article in one of the daily newspapers, 681 takers of that very special so desperately sought after visa; half of the issued visa holders have not even arrived yet! All the others must go through the daydreams of the government as they have family here or work = 14 days lovely holidays with crappy food locked up in a jail-with-a-window. 681 = six hundred and eighty one!

The present visas available are now again issued without the THB 500'000 local bank balance after embassies realized the stupidity. 

Why are all the planes to the Dominican Republic and Caribbean islands completely fully booked? No quarantine, no 14 days lockdown deals with buy-one-get-one-free, no visa screwing around, just inviting foreigners (not aliens nor dirty farang) to visit them in the European/North American winter.

Everything else is daydreaming, in Thailand with apparently particularly good weed in certain offices - by the ideas and dreams they have in there ........ 

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I’ve rather enjoyed my quarantine (which is just coming to an end). It’s been very peaceful, the food good and the hotel staff and nurses cheery and kind. 

I count myself fortunate to be able to be back to see my condo and loved ones and think the process for getting back and the system at the airport worked very well. Despite many years of visiting here I see myself as a guest even though it’s my home for much of the year.

As for the plan to attract high spenders back to Thailand - good luck with that one! However, the govt. must be pretty desperate to help the economy in some way.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

The decision to turn away from Western tourism, and focus almost exclusively on Chinese and Indian tourism was a mistake of historically monumental proportions. The TAT is barely making any effort to lure Westerners. And in my opinion they are the big spenders.

Happily you did post something I could agree with.


IMO more specifically with regards to bagpackers. Young people traveling on little money grow up to have good jobs, earn lots and go back to places they enjoyed previously where they now stay in flashpacker places and spend lots of money.

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On 11/21/2020 at 9:21 AM, DLock said:


Do Thailand even understand what "well-heeled" means?


"Pay for two nights in quarantine in Bangkok and your third is absolutely free."


It's tiring reading the same uninformed, useless brain farts that these retards come up with on a daily basis.


Why not just give "Free small French fries when you order a Big Mac". Same effect. Zero.

Do you see what I mean by saying that the unelected "PM" and his poorly educated soldiers don't have a clue about running a country.

What university graduate is going to join the army unless he is buying himself a high rank, don't you need a university degree in say something to do with finance to be a cabinet member in any countrys government?

I mean like the Thailand equivalent of the UKs Chancellor of the Exchequer. He is an ex soldier, right? Just how qualified is he?

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21 hours ago, BusyB said:


Not in UK they wouldn't ...

But soldiers are not politicians, the only thing they have in common is that both of them are liars. The unelected "PM" and his soldiers are only playing at being politicians. They just don't have the education otherwise.

A university graduate joining the army???? :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

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On 11/21/2020 at 8:23 AM, rooster59 said:

These include promotions in Alternative State Quarantine facilities along the lines of buy two nights get one free. 

So pay for 10 days in an ASQ and get 4 free.  Does that include food, and the medical staffs time free as well on those 4 days, and could it be that one of the 2 Covid tests was free as well.  Silly packages, especially if they are trying to cut the quarantine to 10 days anyway.  As far as well heeled will they be supplying me with a silk robe and free hi-end slippers to enjoy my stay and then let me take them away with me as a door prize. Who in this world would even think that that was a plausible idea.  How about adding in free breakfasts as well as an in room massage by a masseuse wearing a bikini and under a see through PPE.

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20 hours ago, sead said:

I Like how quickly decisions are made in Thailand. In Europe we need months of meetings to come to a conclusion. Why dont we have these experts in europe........

The unelected "PM" and his soldiers sitting around a table every day to see who can suggest the most hairbrained schemes, and not anyone trained in financials among them. Bunch of clowns. :cheesy:

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17 hours ago, Robin said:

TAT is still under the delusion that the world is full of rich people who are desperate to visit Thailand, and that they will do and pay anything to achieve this...  As TAT thinks that Thailand is the centre of the world, they cannot conceive that any tourist would consider going anywhere except Thailand.

So long as they cling to this deluded idea, nothing will change their policies

Maybe in 1 year's time, when the actual tourist arrivals are still below their latest prediction of 681, they will begin to wonder if Thailand is still the world's favourite tourist destination, but they it will be too late.


How many people have actually died of Covid in Thailand???  

Probably less than die in road accidents in any year.  Yet not even Prayuth is suggesting closing down all road traffic to save Thai lives.

"Probably less than die in road accidents in any year."  You mean in any day.

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On 11/21/2020 at 1:23 AM, rooster59 said:

Tourists will be able to book air tickets, hotels and get their visas sorted just by going to the TAT website.

They make it sound so easy and all for just 2,000 tourists per month. Too many different organisations, departments and companies got interests to make this work. Forgot to mention Covid insurance, overseas embassy approval for CoE and Covid test 72 hours before departure. Or do they know something is changing? Doubt it, so pie in the sky for sure.   

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The decision to turn away from Western tourism, and focus almost exclusively on Chinese and Indian tourism was a mistake of historically monumental proportions. The TAT is barely making any effort to lure Westerners. And in my opinion they are the big spenders.

Western tourists ran out of money owing to mismanagement of their economies. GBPeso, for example, tanked and looks to further.




Big Spending Golden Egg Layer straining for last Golden Egg




Quality tourists Thailand decided not to encourage further


Why did Willie Sutton rob banks? "I rob banks because that's where the money is." Pattaya's economy grew 5 times larger after truly international tourism was encouraged. ???? Hardly a mistake. Nor would Thais wish to turn back the clock to what our Big Spenders regard as the good ol' days.


2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

And the big spending Chinese do not come to Thailand for a dozen different reasons. The wife wants to buy a luxury handbag. The same Gucci bag that she likes is $3,500 in Singapore, London, New York, Paris, Hong Kong, or Dubai. In Bangkok that bag sells for $9,000.

The wife wants to buy a luxury condo. Whoops.


But not knowing any wealthy Chinese yourself, you're merely speculating and indulging in wish projection as usual. Truth is, if they see something they want and it's at hand, they'll buy it, 'cause they easily can. So do hi-so Thais. It's shocking, really.


So the higher end shops remain open despite all the sneers from TVF Economists over the decades. Siam Paragon was projected to fail soon as it was announced for exactly the same nonsensical reason as you imagine. What happens when shops really really have no customers? Now we have the irrefutable evidence: they close. So, there's nothing really to stop the Thai economy from resuming its development post-COVID.


Sorry. But do continue the fun.


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30 minutes ago, BigStar said:

Western tourists ran out of money owing to mismanagement of their economies. GBPeso, for example, tanked and looks to further.




Big Spending Golden Egg Layer straining for last Golden Egg




Quality tourists Thailand decided not to encourage further


Why did Willie Sutton rob banks? "I rob banks because that's where the money is." Pattaya's economy grew 5 times larger after truly international tourism was encouraged. ???? Hardly a mistake. Nor would Thais wish to turn back the clock to what our Big Spenders regard as the good ol' days.


The wife wants to buy a luxury condo. Whoops.


But not knowing any wealthy Chinese yourself, you're merely speculating and indulging in wish projection as usual. Truth is, if they see something they want and it's at hand, they'll buy it, 'cause they easily can. So do hi-so Thais. It's shocking, really.


So the higher end shops remain open despite all the sneers from TVF Economists over the decades. Siam Paragon was projected to fail soon as it was announced for exactly the same nonsensical reason as you imagine. What happens when shops really really have no customers? Now we have the irrefutable evidence: they close. So, there's nothing really to stop the Thai economy from resuming its development post-COVID.


Sorry. But do continue the fun.


Kinda funny, I am in America and the Thai's that live across from me are the same as the people you show in your pics. I should take some pics and post it. The neighborhood has called the police on them so many times for filth and no up keep on the property it is a joke. 

We would love to ship them back to you Pre paid.

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17 minutes ago, garyk said:

Kinda funny, I am in America and the Thai's that live across from me are the same as the people you show in your pics. I should take some pics and post it. The neighborhood has called the police on them so many times for filth and no up keep on the property it is a joke. 

We would love to ship them back to you Pre paid.

But surely dwarfed by the number of times Thais in the USA have called the police on the American citizens--of which you of course have no knowledge and ignore. Reminds me of this high profile case years ago:


Thai Envoy Loses Jewels In Burglary at Her Home

Thieves slipped through a second-story window into the home of Thailand's consul general on Friday night, stealing more than $500,000 worth of jewelry as 15 people prepared for a wedding downstairs, the police said.



Suggests Thailand's on the right track keeping out the old riff raff--be nice if they could include their own-- and adding on provable income requirements, no? You wonder why posters here think UK and USA Immigration policies should be emulated.

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Its the "i can not be blamed" strategy. Approve a package that you know it wont bring in any, possible positive tested, people but you can still say that you opened the borders for tourism and in the mean time have the covid situation under control. Uber "i still got my face" wizards.

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4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I disagree but I don't see continuous outrageous figures being stated on a daily/weekly basis from UK politicians. That doesn't mean the odd time but here in Thailand they are thrown around constantly.


You're obviously not familiar with the "world beating" "moonshot" systems surrounding the record Covid-19 deaths then?

Or the installation of complete failures in business life with no medical  experience to run life-saving test and trace systems - chosen because they are married to people in power ...?


Anyone who thinks the UK is in any way virtuous or doesn't downright lie with figures or is not utterly corrupt (at the moment at least), obviously hasn't read a copy of Private Eye in their entire lives.


Or prefers to look away and ignore ... i.e. to perform an act of ignore-ance.


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On 11/21/2020 at 8:22 AM, DaLa said:

I don't understand all the negativity.  21 days in a quarantine hotel for the price of 14 seems to be a reasonable deal to me.

Thats a big deal. You're right. I have 3 weeks holidays. So right after quarantine I'm flying back home.

As far as I see that, it's a waste of time and money for a luxury jail vacation

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4 hours ago, BigStar said:

Western tourists ran out of money owing to mismanagement of their economies. GBPeso, for example, tanked and looks to further.




Big Spending Golden Egg Layer straining for last Golden Egg




Quality tourists Thailand decided not to encourage further


Why did Willie Sutton rob banks? "I rob banks because that's where the money is." Pattaya's economy grew 5 times larger after truly international tourism was encouraged. ???? Hardly a mistake. Nor would Thais wish to turn back the clock to what our Big Spenders regard as the good ol' days.


The wife wants to buy a luxury condo. Whoops.


But not knowing any wealthy Chinese yourself, you're merely speculating and indulging in wish projection as usual. Truth is, if they see something they want and it's at hand, they'll buy it, 'cause they easily can. So do hi-so Thais. It's shocking, really.


So the higher end shops remain open despite all the sneers from TVF Economists over the decades. Siam Paragon was projected to fail soon as it was announced for exactly the same nonsensical reason as you imagine. What happens when shops really really have no customers? Now we have the irrefutable evidence: they close. So, there's nothing really to stop the Thai economy from resuming its development post-COVID.


Sorry. But do continue the fun.


Not necessarily the case at all. Not how it works with high end brands. Many of these stores have been losing money since they opened, and are absolutely bleeding now, yet they remain open. Why you ask?


Hirschfeld said flagships opened to raise a brand's profile can later be rationalized as good for marketing. The flagship of a new brand to market may only break even or lose a little money, but can have a significant halo effect for the company as its expands into other markets. The brand, if not well-known, makes itself more appealing with a Fifth Avenue, Madison Avenue or Rodeo Drive store. The flagship in this instance needs to be viewed in the lens of a long-term strategy.


I would guess the same philosophy might apply to boutique in a high end mall, in a capital city. 





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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Not necessarily the case at all. Not how it works with high end brands. Many of these stores have been losing money since they opened, and are absolutely bleeding now, yet they remain open. Why you ask?


Hirschfeld said flagships opened to raise a brand's profile can later be rationalized as good for marketing. The flagship of a new brand to market may only break even or lose a little money, but can have a significant halo effect for the company as its expands into other markets. The brand, if not well-known, makes itself more appealing with a Fifth Avenue, Madison Avenue or Rodeo Drive store. The flagship in this instance needs to be viewed in the lens of a long-term strategy.


I would guess the same philosophy might apply to boutique in a high end mall, in a capital city. 





Just another convenient speculation based on no evidence. TVF Economists, all farang, typically float this idea, nothing new, so that, like yourself, they don't have to face the horrible truth that Thailand has a middle class, and has tourists (including Asian tourists), with enough money to spend in the malls that farang either don't or won't.


You WISH they had been bleeding money but just more nonsense. You see, they haven't been. How much they've profited you may read in, for example, CP's annual financial reports. Read any? Of course not. Hence the development of additional malls has continued and share prices of developers have continued to rise over the last decade, reflecting foreign investment as well. These people really aren't stupid. If you'd invested a million instead of sitting in your same old dirty bathwater chanting the chant, you'd have quintupled your money.


A Thai mall doesn't need to make itself more appealing based on a flagship brand. Malls are anchored here by, for example, a Central or a Big C. The point of those for the mall is that they pay for a lot of space. Indeed the "brand" may own the mall. The anchors themselves are there to make money and do. It's just obvious, simple, and common sense, except we don't like that idea.


Most of the boutiques only exist in the malls so it's absurd to think they're spending all that money to raise their profiles in the malls just to raise their profiles in the malls. Some exist only in the better malls in wealthier urban areas because that's where the clientele with money are more likely to shop.


Now of course many shops are bleeding money now, which doesn't prove your point about anything, but more so those dependent on foreign tourist money. We may see some, if not many, close until we get that back.

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Giving big spending tourists discount on their stay, discount they don’t need or care about as they are big spending tourists.


What they wanna hear is no quarantaine at all. No additional packages needed, none would even know about it until arriving.

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damm it, today only pearls on TV.. i am laughing my *** here.????


are the government going to provide security for the big spenders? jeez find somewhere else to retire or have a holiday.

Edited by A512
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12 hours ago, BusyB said:


You're obviously not familiar with the "world beating" "moonshot" systems surrounding the record Covid-19 deaths then?

Or the installation of complete failures in business life with no medical  experience to run life-saving test and trace systems - chosen because they are married to people in power ...?


Anyone who thinks the UK is in any way virtuous or doesn't downright lie with figures or is not utterly corrupt (at the moment at least), obviously hasn't read a copy of Private Eye in their entire lives.


Or prefers to look away and ignore ... i.e. to perform an act of ignore-ance.


I see you are a Thai apologist. Read what I said. I said consistently lie. Show me your evidence or jog on by.

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