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Booking a Thailand holiday


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Good question; don't think anyone really knows the exact answer to this; most are just their best guess or their wishlist.


Influencing factors are vaccine (when available globally) efficacy long term results, populations take up rate on COVID immunization, global economic recovery and employment rates, individual's disposable income, consumer confidence levels, each country's post COVID governmental legislation and policies and tourist's international travel confidence.    


Plus I assume a whole lot of other factors I did not consider!   




Edited by berrec
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Just pinch yourself when you decide to wake up from your deluded semi-comatose state of wanting tourism anytime soon.  It is a <deleted> shoot.  A friend of mine flew back to the US in July to take care of burying his mother, and taking care of her assets, selling houses and what else needed to be done.  He is married to a Thai and had an extension of stay that he had just taken care of at the end of June, so when he left he picked up a re-entry permit.  I talked to him today, and he started the process with the Los Angeles Thai Consulate online 2 weeks ago around the first week of November, he has put all of the paperwork together, but still needs to get his COE before he can book the flight and the ASQ.  He believes that by the time he obtains all of the paperwork and the Covid-19 testing he might be back here by the middle of December and out of quarantine around Christmas.  So in essence even if you have the required paperwork and such it will still take one approximately 4 to 6 weeks just to get back here, and then into quarantine.  His total estimated costs to return he said was around 9K USD.  He already has a HI plan here which does cover Covid, and all the other requirements. As he lives here in Udon Thani and has for the last 15 years, it has taken a toll on him to say the least.  I can not imaging any Tourist wanting to jump through all of theses hoops.  I was trying to figure out when I could jet back to the US and then return here to my home, but with all of the regulations and such, even though I have all that is needed, I wonder if a person could start the process of returning to Thailand from within Thailand prior to making the jump back to take care of personal business in order to minimize the time lag the entire process takes. 

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19 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Once the borders re-open properly and things return to 'normal', tourist arrivals wont go from zero to back to 40 million overnight.


But within three, maybe four years, there will be more foreigners visiting Thailand than ever before.

There are clear signs that Thailand only wants ' quality tourists ' who spend a lot of money .

They want Thailand to become some kind of an exclusive destination , no more mass tourism .

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Just lower the walls, and stop putting up new ones. Than open up some borders. Also you should remember to treat all tourist as equals, the have and the not have so much tourist should be treated the same . This is what other countries see and that will send tourism to Thailand to new lows if you stick with the haves. So be nice and let the backpackers in without making things super hard for them. After all they just want to see the wonders of Thailand. I still think a Thai Disneyland was a good idea?

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23 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Once the borders re-open properly and things return to 'normal', tourist arrivals wont go from zero to back to 40 million overnight.


But within three, maybe four years, there will be more foreigners visiting Thailand than ever before.

I don't think the unelected "PM" and his soldiers will have the brains to start attracting western tourists after the borders are open again.

Though if there is a peoples fairly elected government in, I think you may well be right.

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18 hours ago, DUNROAMIN said:

It appears to me the Thailand government doesn't want cheap charlie anymore only the mega rich. They seem to want to set a benchmarks for future tourists beyond the average income earner.

That is the main reason, among others, that I said that if a peoples fairly elected government gets in over the next three years instead of a bunch of poorly educated soldiers, you may well see a lot more foreign tourists coming to Thailand.

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5 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

There are clear signs that Thailand only wants ' quality tourists ' who spend a lot of money .

They want Thailand to become some kind of an exclusive destination , no more mass tourism .

This does not fit to what happened during the last years. Without Corona there would be for sure more mass tourism now. At the moment they have limited capacities to handle incoming tourist numbers because of quarantine and other health requirements. Of course they will rather allow a millionaire to enter than a backpacker. Everything else would be very stupid. They want to become an exclusive destination? They are already one with endless personal entertainers that hardly can be overlooked.

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 Last time I went to immigration for my extension , they were quite clear about this ...

Even I had the 800.000 in my bank account for a year , they even insisted in talking to the manager of my local bank ( phone ) to be assured that there was enough money and that I was a good customer . That never happened to me before ...

I think that even the TAT realizes by now , that , in times of Covid , there will not be anything like the 40 mio visitors anymore anyway ...

So , they just insist on getting ' quality tourists ' now . That is why they came up with the ridiculous 500.000 baht requirement for tourist visas .

Even this was abolished by now , it still indicates the direction they want to go ...

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