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Brexit talks still stuck because EU is asking too much, UK says


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20 minutes ago, nauseus said:


We joined because the government of the day was led by a convinced but lying Europhile PM who eventually won a tiny majority in the HoC. There was no referendum and by the time one happened in 1975 the British had been lied to yet again plus the bad effects of the EEC had not yet all become evident, plus, by then, it had not mutated into the mainly political monster it is today.

Does this mean that like Tropicalevo you would have voted to stay in the EU also?

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1 minute ago, polpott said:

You voted to remain in the EC in 1975 (we were already members). I voted to leave. Presumably you voted leave in 2016, I voted remain. You were lied to by the Tories on both occasions. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on me.


Lied to this time by a factional section within the Conservatives to be precise. A section that never expected, like Farage, to actually win. And have little clue what to do when they did.


Notice how quiet some of them are now. 

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


It seems they are both using the same playbook - Negotiation Skills for Numpties!


And are too dumb to notice. 

The EU are playing a blinder. They wanted to make it clear, to the rest of the EU states, the dire consequences of leaving. They are doing just that.

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14 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Expect in two days an article reading “UK and EU keen to get a deal, but time is running out” 


Then two days later “We want a deal, say EU and UK, but not at any price” 


This starts to feel like that Bill Murray movie. And it will probably go on like this for a while, even after 1 Jan 21. 


Totally agree. If you read Negotiation books, one of the tactics is called "broken record" tactic. Basically one side simply keeps repeating its demand / standpoint over and over and over again. The idea being that the other side will eventually tire and give in particularly if all the other points have been agreed.


But here, both seem to be trying the same idea!

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5 minutes ago, polpott said:

No lies. Junker made the Eu's position clear before the referendum. The deal would be on their terms and would punish the UK for leaving the club. If you publicly slagged off your local golf club and terminated your membership would you expect to be welcomed back to the 19th hole with open arms?




Can you provide citation for where Junker specifically said that please?



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