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DPM Anutin: No need to enforce lockdown


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5 hours ago, Natai Beach said:

Don’t take it personally mate. It was your prattling on about something that I was responding to. 

you comment was a personal attack on Anutin, I was just saying he has done a much better job than Boris, or Trump, or Morrison, or Macron, or Putin etc etc. 


I think he has handled it as good as anyone and better than most and your are calling him a “Master Bu......er”. 

Let’s face it, he cops endless criticism on TVF because he said “dirty” farangs. 
I doubt if you could actually understand when he speaks anyway. 

Frail egos. 

I don’t think a lockdown is necessary at this stage, but I trust he will change his mind if the situation requires it. He was asked about a lockdown and answered in a way not to cause any unnecessary panic.  He is an highly educated engineer. Smart fella. 

"He is an highly educated engineer. Smart fella."  So he graduated from an American university? Then why is he serving under a guy, an unelected "PM" who is trying to run the country after graduating from a military academy?

Actually who were the people who voted for the present "PM" when Anutin is much more highly educated. Anything to do with finance I wonder?

Edited by possum1931
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3 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

I hope someone does a study into exactly why Thailand has apparently suffered so few infections/deaths from COVID-19 in spite of very little movement restriction or interruption to the way of life. It certainly surprises me as generally there is little discipline or willingness to do as the government says. Is there a genetic or climatic element to the spread of the virus that we don't know about? Or are the minimal tests being conducted concealing the true rate of infection? I certainly don't see the same pressure on hospitals that is apparent in other countries. Mask wearing and hand sanitising are very good, but by no means universal so cannot be the only safeguards. 


There are three very effective measures, and one blessed advantage Thailand benefited from, to be ranked by both WHO and John Hopkins University as one of the few Covid star performers:

1. Face masks from the onset. When talker and listener are both wearing them, it provides a lot of protection. Imagine if the Western Europeans and Americans had been wearing them en masse in Feb to May, by which time western experts finally got over their early view that masks weren't infallible and provided a false sense of security. Bandannas would have saved lives!

Community conformity with masks and distancing is a huge advantage compared to Western variables with masks and young people being more thoughtless in bars and general partying in the West.

2. Strict state quarantine - Euro and American borders and quarantine were slack by comparison to Thailand. Europeans went silly over Summer.

3. One million Thai health volunteers, calling on ten village households a day. They squashed the provincial outbreaks after Bangkok went into lockdown and many people returned to their families.. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-thailand-volunteer-idUSKBN23B044

** Heat and humidity bonus - took western experts a while to acknowledge Covid doesn't like heat and humidity and flourishes indoors. Thailand doesn't have a cold season like those countries that got smashed in their Winters.

Edited by Donga
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19 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:


Anutin wrote on a Twitter account, "...all you see are farang ('Westerners'). They flee their own countries for the safety of Thailand. In Chiang Mai, 90% of Thais are wearing face masks, although none of the farang are wearing masks." He went on to add, "This is the reason our country is being infected [by the SARS-CoV-2 virus]. We should be more careful of the farang than other Asians. At the moment it is winter in Europe and farang come to Thailand to hide from the [Covid-19] disease. Many farang dress dirtily and don't shower. All [Thai] hosts have to be very careful.


Doesn't sound "highly educated" to me.


Sounds like he was spot on the money to me. He correctly predicted what would happen. 
Most of the covid infection deaths have been from farang countries.


They should have listened, it would have saved over one million lives and a ruined economy. 
He wasn’t out there in hospitals mask less and shaking every infected hand, or claiming it was all a hoax by the democrats or suggesting injecting bleach.


Just rational and sensible policies that have proved very effective. Very arrogant for farangs to think they are too special and should be exempt from wearing a mask when it is farangs who have and have spread covid the most. 

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3 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

I hope someone does a study into exactly why Thailand has apparently suffered so few infections/deaths from COVID-19

I very much hope so too,  incredible when there where millions of Chinese tourists including 7000 directly from Wuhan at the start of the year.

One thing that may have helped a bit was that there where many people wearing face masks at that time due to the extremely bad air pollution.

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6 minutes ago, Natai Beach said:


Sounds like he was spot on the money to me. He correctly predicted what would happen. 
Most of the covid infection deaths have been from farang countries.


They should have listened, it would have saved over one million lives and a ruined economy. 
He wasn’t out there in hospitals mask less and shaking every infected hand, or claiming it was all a hoax by the democrats or suggesting injecting bleach.


Just rational and sensible policies that have proved very effective. Very arrogant for farangs to think they are too special and should be exempt from wearing a mask when it is farangs who have and have spread covid the most. 

It was nothing to do with the mask incident, these were derogatory comments about foreigners made on one of his Twitter accounts.


The biggest numbers of COVID-19 positives through domestic transmission in Thailand have been Thais.


Foreigners coming to Thailand, most of whom have been infected by Thais on flights and in quarantine facilities have all completed quarantine and not transmitted the virus locally.


This latest outbreak is in its entirety caused by Anutin's belligerent countryfolk, whom in time of crisis and pandemic, selfishly ignored the rules and will now cost the country millions, and possibly billions depending how severe this outbreak becomes.


Talk about an egg on face moment.



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2 hours ago, the green light said:

Mass testing cost monet-- who is going to pay for it the dirty farangs?


As i noticed.. what happened to the Thai people quarantine 14 days ?it is on paper and not implemented. it was changed to a self quarantine at home.

that mean get home change clothes and go shopping or have fun. 

They feel safe because the government told them so.


the virus has no mercy on how you come to thailand by air, boat or walking.

Anybody is a carrier.. or whether you are Thai or not.


In few days, the American and the British will start getting the vaccines.. the pie in the sky that thailand will be the first.. haha to that


Vaccines will requires a lot of testing before they understand how it works. 

Does it kills the virus or protect the individual for getting the virus? will he be a carrier ? and how long does it last.. how many dosage a person needs?  given time ,we will know..it all

and who is going to pay for the 60 millions Thai to be vaccinated?  The farang will have to pay a good  Bht 10,000  per dosage.. it is not going to be cheap.

 Making in thailand will not be an overnight . it will be a good 2 years before it happened.



Such a negative view you have. The Thai Government will be paying to vaccinate their people. 2 years you say, unfortunately you may not be close.

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42 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

Very true but we both know why mass testing will most certainly not happen , the results might prove to be inconvenient !

I don't think mass testing will help anything anyway as most people don't die from the WuFlu  a lot don't even know they have/had it  as the symptoms where mild ( yes there have been people who died)

of course if someone turns up at hospital with severe symptoms then a test for COVID would be appropriate

testing everyone in the world just doesn't make sense especially with the "false negatives" and "false positives"

due to testing errors...unless you want to collect everyone's DNA..I'm sure there are governments and companies that would love to have all that juicy information...to "keep you safe" of course. !

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1 hour ago, Natai Beach said:

Most of the covid infection deaths have been from farang countries.

Quite a few where elderly in care homes  mistakes where made there for sure.

 I asked the esteemed  Thaivisa POTY 2020 winner   how many elderly Thais

live in care homes but she had no information,my guess is not many ?

Also the countries worst hit may have had mild winters the year before

meaning that there where more elderly/at risk people for the virus to claim.

Thailand is warm and lots of people live a more "outside lifesytle"  doors and windows open all day  lots of intense UV light to kill viruses and  produce vitamin D

There has been suggestions of a DNA difference in those worst effected.

Also  a suggestion that exposure to previous  viruses like SARS  (covid 1) could have provide immunity.

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3 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:


Anutin wrote on a Twitter account, "...all you see are farang ('Westerners'). They flee their own countries for the safety of Thailand. In Chiang Mai, 90% of Thais are wearing face masks, although none of the farang are wearing masks." He went on to add, "This is the reason our country is being infected [by the SARS-CoV-2 virus]. We should be more careful of the farang than other Asians. At the moment it is winter in Europe and farang come to Thailand to hide from the [Covid-19] disease. Many farang dress dirtily and don't shower. All [Thai] hosts have to be very careful.


Doesn't sound "highly educated" to me.

how many western farangs have entered thailand over the past 6 months???

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3 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:


Anutin wrote on a Twitter account, "...all you see are farang ('Westerners'). They flee their own countries for the safety of Thailand. In Chiang Mai, 90% of Thais are wearing face masks, although none of the farang are wearing masks." He went on to add, "This is the reason our country is being infected [by the SARS-CoV-2 virus]. We should be more careful of the farang than other Asians. At the moment it is winter in Europe and farang come to Thailand to hide from the [Covid-19] disease. Many farang dress dirtily and don't shower. All [Thai] hosts have to be very careful.


Doesn't sound "highly educated" to me.

It does to me.


On an aside that must have been what? February?

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25 minutes ago, Traubert said:

It does to me.


On an aside that must have been what? February?

Much later. 


Are you, like him, forgetting where the virus originated? And which country outside China, was the first to record infections?

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8 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Much later. 


Are you, like him, forgetting where the virus originated? And which country outside China, was the first to record infections?

I'm afraid I dont follow Twitter.

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1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

Much later. 


Are you, like him, forgetting where the virus originated? And which country outside China, was the first to record infections?


Because the Thais were testing before other countries. There were Chinese tourist all over the world in December and January, not just Thailand. 

If you don’t test you have no cases. 

Thailand was already testing in January. Another reason why they were successful. South Korea also tested early. 

Because of that by February most Thais were masked up while other countries were in denial, some for months, and one still is and they are experiencing over one million new cases per week.


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3 hours ago, johng said:

Quite a few where elderly in care homes  mistakes where made there for sure.

 I asked the esteemed  Thaivisa POTY 2020 winner   how many elderly Thais

live in care homes but she had no information,my guess is not many ?

Also the countries worst hit may have had mild winters the year before

meaning that there where more elderly/at risk people for the virus to claim.

Thailand is warm and lots of people live a more "outside lifesytle"  doors and windows open all day  lots of intense UV light to kill viruses and  produce vitamin D

There has been suggestions of a DNA difference in those worst effected.

Also  a suggestion that exposure to previous  viruses like SARS  (covid 1) could have provide immunity.


All that has helped a bit, but I reckon it was mainly because the Thais had a serious lockdown and curfews, road blocks and wore masks well after they had their last death and infection. 

Other countries only waited for infections and deaths to go down before buckling in to people protesting and complaining about opening back up.
Weak lockdowns and opening up again prematurely has caused most deaths I reckon. And makes it never ending. 


Melbourne Australia just did the same thing as Thailand and have also beaten it without a single infection for 39 days. Zero.
Two months ago people in Melbourne were complaining they were under the strictest lockdown in the world and being made to mask up everywhere when leaving the house. 
Now they are covid free. An amazing result most thought impossible. 

And Melbourne did it without many of the reasons why you say humidity, living outside, they have many people in elderly nursing homes, farang DNA, sars immunity etc. 

But both Melbourne and Thailand enforced mask wearing and locked down until after zero daily infections. It is the way to go.

Meanwhile in USA Trump is holding rallies while his family and staff are covid positive themselves. 
Opposite approach gives an opposite result. More than a million cases last week, million more this week and next week.

Anutin was out not only ordering everyone to wear a mask but personally handing them out way back in early March. 
He also declared a state of emergency in March and locked the place down.

He made the right calls. He listened to the science.

He is a very intelligent man, highly educated, well travelled and bilingual. Much like myself.



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