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DPM Anutin: No need to enforce lockdown


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1 hour ago, Natai Beach said:


Because the Thais were testing before other countries. There were Chinese tourist all over the world in December and January, not just Thailand. 

If you don’t test you have no cases. 

Thailand was already testing in January. Another reason why they were successful. South Korea also tested early. 

Because of that by February most Thais were masked up while other countries were in denial, some for months, and one still is and they are experiencing over one million new cases per week.


Don't get me wrong, I believe that Thailand has done much better than many countries at preventing mass spread of the disease - I just don't believe their figures. Also, your post seems to be saying that Thailand acted early - I don't think they did.


I was travelling in Thailand in the first week of March. Plenty of people had taken it upon themselves to wear masks but outside Bangkok, that was it.  Chinese tourists were allowed in until, I believe, early April. Lipservice only was paid to announced restrictions and checks carried out at the aiports I visited - only one passenger on my flight from Vietnam had their temperature taken. Service stations, bars, restaurants all open as normal. Other than the masks, I saw little evidence of any precautions being taken. So, given that background and that Thailand was the first country in the world, outside China to report a case of Covid 19, how have they achieved such wonderous results?


With no new cases for months, why was it necessary for the schools to remain closed for so long? Not taking account of the latest news from the North of the country, why are events like weddings etc. still limited to 50 guests?  None of that makes any sense at all.


I'm with you on other countries being in denial though - here in the UK, I was laughed at when I arrived back in the country wearing a mask - even a few stupid comments.  I believe the spread of the disease here and in the US is more to do with the attitude of the people than the response of their governments.  A minority (but significant) amount of people in the UK seem to have an 'I'm alright Jack' attitude but the US??  We are plagued with US news (my opinion) in the UK and I find it hard to believe the amount of people there who don't give a damn about Covid.


I found one survey particularly disturbing - apparently the vast majority of anti mask wearers in the US believe its their constituntional right as an American not to wear a mask - so sod everyone else then?

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15 hours ago, Natai Beach said:

well, he has handled Covid 1000 times better than bumbling buffoon Boris. 

Similar population 60 deaths verses 60,000.


He didn’t manage to get himself infected with covid either by running around hospitals unmasked and shaking hands with all the infected patients.


He did give the farangs a spray for stupidly refusing to wear free masks he was giving them back in March to help stop them spreading everywhere like in the UK, when Boris was telling people not to wear masks. 

More people die everyday from covid in the UK and 30 other countries than the entire total this year in Thailand. 

The Thai economy apart from tourism is mostly open, while in other countries they are locking down again, some with some bizarre 4 stages that accomplish little.


Some people it seems will never get over him calling some farangs “dirty”. Frail egos. 
Not me, I am happy he said it to wake up the selfish idiots.
Better than having tens of thousands dead.


If he had of locked down the same people criticizing him would be criticizing him for over reacting. They will criticize him regardless of what he does because he hurt their feelings. 

I am hoping he has got this call right again. Locking down CM and CR would be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of businesses who have up until now managed to stay afloat. 

Dealing with covid is a difficult balancing act, he has done better than most.



Fully agree with you I am stuck in the UK cannot return to Thailand because of the UK's weird and wonderful politicised and unenforced regulations regarding Covid. The quarantine regs ie on entering the country please go straight home via public transport (infecting as many people as possible on the way) and stay in your accommodation for 14 days please, we won't check on you but you are a naughty person if you do go out.


He's right about dirty Farangs my experience is that Thai's shower or bathe at least twice a day and like many Asian cultures also shower before sex. In the UK showering/bathing more than once a day is generally considered just a little excessive unless you have been to the gym.


Stupid foreigners refusing to obey regulations to wear masks given to them for free because they think it's 'a bit over the top', those foreigners think they are superior to what they consider a childlike culture of Thailand and Asia in general.


True civilisation in Asia is thousands of years older than UK and Europe (and obviously the USA) and they have obviously coped with pandemics before. Hence the non touch polite greeting (wai) of strangers and those who are not close family, which is common in many Asian cultures i.e. good practice to stop the transmission of disease becomes tradition after hundreds of years. Other reasons may be ascribed to this tradition but that is the practical benefit


Thailand had the first reported case of Covid outside China, they acted swiftly, full lockdown and enforced wearing of masks, they did not water the rules down for political reasons and they rigorously enforced them unlike the UK. The very low death toll in Thailand is testament to those actions. The overall death toll in Thailand actually went down during lockdown whereas in other countries it went up (admittedly this may be partially due to lower road deaths). Overall death toll is regarded as the best way to compare the effect of Covid since reporting of covid specific deaths widely varies between countries e.g. the difference between dying FROM Covid or Dying WITH Covid (could have actually died in a road accident but tested positive for Covid).


ARGHH I'm ranting, sorry everyone I'll stop now

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9 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:


Anutin wrote on a Twitter account, "...all you see are farang ('Westerners'). They flee their own countries for the safety of Thailand. In Chiang Mai, 90% of Thais are wearing face masks, although none of the farang are wearing masks." He went on to add, "This is the reason our country is being infected [by the SARS-CoV-2 virus]. We should be more careful of the farang than other Asians. At the moment it is winter in Europe and farang come to Thailand to hide from the [Covid-19] disease. Many farang dress dirtily and don't shower. All [Thai] hosts have to be very careful.


Doesn't sound "highly educated" to me.

It is very educated and brutally honest observation. The 'educated' political westerner tries so very hard not to be racist and be politically correct, so would never tell such truths about a specific ethnic group and would avoid the issue completely. Think of the Rotherham scandal in the UK as a case in point.

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7 hours ago, johng said:

I don't think mass testing will help anything anyway as most people don't die from the WuFlu  a lot don't even know they have/had it  as the symptoms where mild ( yes there have been people who died)

of course if someone turns up at hospital with severe symptoms then a test for COVID would be appropriate

testing everyone in the world just doesn't make sense especially with the "false negatives" and "false positives"

due to testing errors...unless you want to collect everyone's DNA..I'm sure there are governments and companies that would love to have all that juicy information...to "keep you safe" of course. !

It is impossible to get accurate data without mass testing , very few tests actually means that decisions are made on little more than guesswork.

I am not suggesting that Thailand ever came close to European levels but NOBODY actually knows what the true scale of infections and deaths were.


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2 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

It is impossible to get accurate data without mass testing , very few tests actually means that decisions are made on little more than guesswork.

I am not suggesting that Thailand ever came close to European levels but NOBODY actually knows what the true scale of infections and deaths were.


Overall death toll (ie from all causes) is the most reliable indicator since it is fairly accurately recorded. You can hide that it was a death from Covid but you can't hide the fact that there was a death. It went down in Thailand during the Covid Crisis (less deaths on the roads is part of that) but up in all other countries, thus Thailand is safer.

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5 hours ago, nowhereman said:

I have a slightly different question. Why do Thai citizens have to cross the Thai - Myanmar border illegally ? Within this question lies the answer. Or has anyone a better idea. Just asking. 

Not sure I understand where you're coming from with that. Some cross to import certain illicit substances - others cross illegally to avoid quarantine.


I don't have any personal knowledge of how that border operates but I doubt its any different to the border between Thailand and Laos.  There, pre Covid, people living near the border have crossed at unnofficial points to trade and attend markets etc. for as long as I can remember. According to my ex who came from a village close to the border, the local police were fully aware of what was going on.


No reason to believe that the Thai/Myanmar border is any different.

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49 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Provided you actually report it.  How do you know its accurately recorded.


The election result was supposed to be accurate wasn't it?  Yet, (I think these figures are right but if not the underlying reasoning is) approximately 900,000 were registered to vote in Korat city but over 1 million voted - and you can guess who they voted for.


If you're in control of the figures, they can be whatever you want them to be

You have a point but every country in the world can massage figures and it involves a lot of complex manipulating how do you know that other countries aren't doing the same i.e. overall death toll in the UK is actually higher? Everyone goes on about corruption. Western countries are very good at controlling media and hide their corruption very well. Asia in general is a long way behind and not so good at hiding it. 

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10 hours ago, Deli said:


Does this qualify him for the position he has taken or been given ? No, it doesn't. He has not been elected but been nominated. Being born into an elite family is not an automatic qualification for a high political position, specially not in this case.

Never said it qualified him in my post did I.  Stop reading just the post but what it actually says and stop jumping on someone because you believe they wrote something they did not.  

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13 hours ago, RobU said:

You have a point but every country in the world can massage figures and it involves a lot of complex manipulating how do you know that other countries aren't doing the same i.e. overall death toll in the UK is actually higher? Everyone goes on about corruption. Western countries are very good at controlling media and hide their corruption very well. Asia in general is a long way behind and not so good at hiding it. 

I would agree that corruption exists in the West - usually more at high levels rather than being endemic as it is in much of Asia. However, in terms of Covid 19, I don't see any Western countries making ridiculous claims about their infection/death rates. Having a free press that is able to test government claims without censorship makes it difficult to make such claims. I can't speak for other countries but certainly in the UK, the BBC and others regularly hold the government to account - they are not controlled at all.


Its my belief that the Thai government is massaging the figures and as they do with other matters - to a ridiculous level. They tell lies in the same way that a child does - totally ridiculous lies that only the child thinks will be believed.


Why do I doubt the government's figures in this case? Well they, and the establishment in general, have form on the issue of making ridiculous claims that nobody, except perhaps their children would believe.  Remember we are talking about a country where:


Two Burmese citizens were convicted of a murder where it was firstly announced that the crucial evidence against them (DNA) could not be tested by the defence because it had been lost. A story which was then changed to state that there was not enough DNA for the defence to have independently tested.


Two high ranking police officers went on a walkabout in Pattaya (including Soi 6 I believe) and then announced that they found no evidence of sex for sale in the city.


That's just 2 items, this stupidity is normal for them but they illustrate what the Thai establishment put out to the world and expect it to believe. Unfortunately for them, we are not children.


Bringing that back to Covid 19 - Thailand was the first country in the world outside China to report a case of Corona Virus and in reality, did very little in terms of introducing meaningful restrictions for around 2 months. Yet, according to their figures they have only had 4126 infections and 60 deaths to date.


Contrast that to South Korea, an Asian country that clamped down on Covid 19 very quickly, put in place an already well developed testing and tracing system and took other stringent measures to control their outbreak. Their figures are 38,755 infections and 552 deaths.


I don't think its difficult to understand why Thailand's Covid 19 figures are not believed by much of the world - they have form.

Edited by KhaoYai
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On 12/7/2020 at 6:53 AM, Natai Beach said:

well, he has handled Covid 1000 times better than bumbling buffoon Boris. 

Similar population 60 deaths verses 60,000.


He didn’t manage to get himself infected with covid either by running around hospitals unmasked and shaking hands with all the infected patients.


He did give the farangs a spray for stupidly refusing to wear free masks he was giving them back in March to help stop them spreading everywhere like in the UK, when Boris was telling people not to wear masks. 

More people die everyday from covid in the UK and 30 other countries than the entire total this year in Thailand. 

The Thai economy apart from tourism is mostly open, while in other countries they are locking down again, some with some bizarre 4 stages that accomplish little.


Some people it seems will never get over him calling some farangs “dirty”. Frail egos. 
Not me, I am happy he said it to wake up the selfish idiots.
Better than having tens of thousands dead.


If he had of locked down the same people criticizing him would be criticizing him for over reacting. They will criticize him regardless of what he does because he hurt their feelings. 

I am hoping he has got this call right again. Locking down CM and CR would be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of businesses who have up until now managed to stay afloat. 

Dealing with covid is a difficult balancing act, he has done better than most.



''He did give the farangs a spray for stupidly refusing to wear free masks he was giving them back in March to help stop them spreading everywhere like in the UK, when Boris was telling people not to wear masks."


And YOU are conveniently forgetting that he did a U Turn on the masks situation when the WHO said there was  no need for healthy individuals to wear them That is open to debate, but funny how he got some plaudits (a new position?) from the WHO later for that!)  


I am afraid that I usually go along with the opposite of what this guy says, and this is no exception.


(P.S. Without getting into a debate about "false news/facts" it is interesting to note the number of Covid 19 tests a carried out in "Bumbling Boris' country, and A Nut in Thailand's?)

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9 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Your personal anecdotes about experiences with Thai working girls showering before sex with customers does not prove Thais are less dirty than Westerners.


I see many Thai men that I work with do not wash their hands after going to the toilet, therefore I contend that Thais are dirtier than Westerners.


See how that works?

Interesting observation about my sexual habits since you seem to know a great deal about prostitution in Thailand. Unfortunately there are not that many of them in Ratanawapi district in the North where our home is. I haven't met any yet and my lady would be very disappointed if I used such services. She says that she should be plenty enough for me, and by golly she is.


In the UK there are frequent Campaigns to get people to wash their hands after going to toilet. Millions of pounds paid by UK public health for TV adverts signs in Public toilets asking users to 'Now Wash Your Hands'. Such campaigns are only mounted because of the very real concerns about UK population not washing their hands after going to the toilet, although I have friend who works in a Microbiology Laboratory who always washes his hands before going to the toilet he says that the <deleted> he works with is much worse than the <deleted> coming out of his bum.


I rarely see a UK male washing his hands after using a urinal. Reminds me of the old English Joke when a sailor walks into  a toilet, has a pee, zips up then starts to walk out. An army Warrant Officer stops him and says "In the Army they teach us to wash our hands after having a pee". The sailor says "That's good sir but in the Navy they teach us not to pee on our hands".

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1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

I would agree that corruption exists in the West - usually more at high levels rather than being endemic as it is in much of Asia. However, in terms of Covid 19, I don't see any Western countries making ridiculous claims about their infection/death rates. Having a free press that is able to test government claims without censorship makes it difficult to make such claims. I can't speak for other countries but certainly in the UK, the BBC and others regularly hold the government to account - they are not controlled at all.


Its my belief that the Thai government is massaging the figures and as they do with other matters - to a ridiculous level. They tell lies in the same way that a child does - totally ridiculous lies that only the child thinks will be believed.


Why do I doubt the government's figures in this case? Well they, and the establishment in general, have form on the issue of making ridiculous claims that nobody, except perhaps their children would believe.  Remember we are talking about a country where:


Two Burmese citizens were convicted of a murder where it was firstly announced that the crucial evidence against them (DNA) could not be tested by the defence because it had been lost. A story which was then changed to state that there was not enough DNA for the defence to have independently tested.


Two high ranking police officers went on a walkabout in Pattaya (including Soi 6 I believe) and then announced that they found no evidence of sex for sale in the city.


That's just 2 items, this stupidity is normal for them but they illustrate what the Thai establishment put out to the world and expect it to believe. Unfortunately for them, we are not children.


Bringing that back to Covid 19 - Thailand was the first country in the world outside China to report a case of Corona Virus and in reality, did very little in terms of introducing meaningful restrictions for around 2 months. Yet, according to their figures they have only had 4126 infections and 60 deaths to date.


Contrast that to South Korea, an Asian country that clamped down on Covid 19 very quickly, put in place an already well developed testing and tracing system and took other stringent measures to control their outbreak. Their figures are 38,755 infections and 552 deaths.


I don't think its difficult to understand why Thailand's Covid 19 figures are not believed by much of the world - they have form.

Massaging overall death rates is very high level corruption not endemic minor corruption and it is very difficult to hide requiring a great deal of complex manipulation to overcome the bureaucracy in place to record it. Easily exposed. If they don't massage the very high death tolls on the roads which are very damaging, why would they massage the overall death rates?

Edited by RobU
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15 minutes ago, RobU said:

If they don't massage the very high death tolls on the roads which are very damaging, why would they massage the overall death rates?

Granted, the death rates on Thai roads are high but how do you know they aren't even higher than reported?

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2 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Granted, the death rates on Thai roads are high but how do you know they aren't even higher than reported?

They are higher than reported.  They only count the ones who die at the scene as deaths, yet more die in the hospital and are not added to the statistics.  In the west if they die up to 1 month after the accident then it is considered a Road Fatality and goes into the stats.

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33 minutes ago, RobU said:

I rarely see a UK male washing his hands after using a urinal.

That is unfair and could apply anywhere - this UK male always washes his hands after every toilet visit.


A couple of years ago I was in the Big C complex in Buriram - my wife was in the queue at KFC waiting to order. I went to the loo and could not believe what I saw - one of the KFC  'Chefs' (in uniform) exited a sit down cubicle and walked straight past me out of the toilets - straight past the wash basins too! I returned, cancelled our order and left.


As I say, happens everywhere. No less disgusting though.

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1 hour ago, sambum said:

S. Without getting into a debate about "false news/facts" it is interesting to note the number of Covid 19 tests a carried out in "Bumbling Boris' country, and A Nut in Thailand's?)

Nice of you to defend your wonderful leader.


The only reason you test so much is because there are so many positive tests which leads to more people being tested who were in contact with those infected.


The last 200,000+ tests in Thailand were all negative before this CM stuff up. 
The UK can’t get through 100 tests without coming up with more tests.


Thailand did a lot more tests than the UK in Jan-Feb. when it counted. By the time Boris got his act together it had already spread to thousands. They didn’t even bother testing the sick elderly and sent them to die and spread it throughout the nursing homes.


UK              61,434

Thailand           60



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56 minutes ago, Natai Beach said:

Nice of you to defend your wonderful leader.


The only reason you test so much is because there are so many positive tests which leads to more people being tested who were in contact with those infected.


The last 200,000+ tests in Thailand were all negative before this CM stuff up. 
The UK can’t get through 100 tests without coming up with more tests.


Thailand did a lot more tests than the UK in Jan-Feb. when it counted. By the time Boris got his act together it had already spread to thousands. They didn’t even bother testing the sick elderly and sent them to die and spread it throughout the nursing homes.


UK              61,434

Thailand           60



First of all, I am not "defending "our" wonderful leader by any stretch of the imagination! In actual fact I agree with your apt description of the man, and I also think that he and his counterpart "across the pond" should both have handled the situation better than they did.


But I also do not have a lot of time for "your" (?)  Deputy PM, with his racist rhetoric,  U Turns, and  nonsensical comments.


It may well be that the climate has something to do with the spread of this disease, but it certainly didn't "blow it away" as a couple of prominent politicians suggested it would do, and it is obviously a fact that the more testing you do, the more cases are going to be discovered.


As I said earlier, I do not intend to get into an argument about "false news/facts", but bearing in mind that the population of Thailand is approximately the same as Thailand (i.e UK 68 million and they have done 46 million tests, compared to Thailand's slightly higher population (nearly 70 million) who have done nearly 1 million tests, I would suggest that if both countries had done approximately the same number of tests, the figures would look substantially different! 



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1 hour ago, RobU said:

Interesting observation about my sexual habits since you seem to know a great deal about prostitution in Thailand. Unfortunately there are not that many of them in Ratanawapi district in the North where our home is. I haven't met any yet and my lady would be very disappointed if I used such services. She says that she should be plenty enough for me, and by golly she is.


In the UK there are frequent Campaigns to get people to wash their hands after going to toilet. Millions of pounds paid by UK public health for TV adverts signs in Public toilets asking users to 'Now Wash Your Hands'. Such campaigns are only mounted because of the very real concerns about UK population not washing their hands after going to the toilet, although I have friend who works in a Microbiology Laboratory who always washes his hands before going to the toilet he says that the <deleted> he works with is much worse than the <deleted> coming out of his bum.


I rarely see a UK male washing his hands after using a urinal. Reminds me of the old English Joke when a sailor walks into  a toilet, has a pee, zips up then starts to walk out. An army Warrant Officer stops him and says "In the Army they teach us to wash our hands after having a pee". The sailor says "That's good sir but in the Navy they teach us not to pee on our hands".


Urine is sterile unless you have an infection.  The reason you don't drink it even in extremis is because it messes up the isotonic balance of the body.  Poop is the bad stuff you don't want to put in the front end.

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33 minutes ago, In the jungle said:


Urine is sterile unless you have an infection.  The reason you don't drink it even in extremis is because it messes up the isotonic balance of the body.  Poop is the bad stuff you don't want to put in the front end.

So you think that someone who has urine on their hands should prepare food? There is a general warning about the free peanuts you sometimes find on bars, i.e. coated in urine because of all the men coming from the toilets and grabbing a hand-full yucky but tasty

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On 12/7/2020 at 3:39 PM, gemini6 said:

They shd lock down chiang rai to contain illegals coming from Myanmar. Make sure all are caught and strict control on those leaving chiang rai may help

I always thought that the northern border into Masai would be a problem. I lived in Chiang Mai a few years and crossed into Tachilek many times, I have watched people walking into Masai with baggage on their heads, directly under the border bridge in Broad daylight. I have walked along the border many times and seen children from both sides playing in the river. 

They can walk across at will to see their mates. 

I have always thought that if a new outbreak came, it would be from a border town. 

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On 12/7/2020 at 6:53 AM, Natai Beach said:

well, he has handled Covid 1000 times better than bumbling buffoon Boris. 

Similar population 60 deaths verses 60,000.


He didn’t manage to get himself infected with covid either by running around hospitals unmasked and shaking hands with all the infected patients.


He did give the farangs a spray for stupidly refusing to wear free masks he was giving them back in March to help stop them spreading everywhere like in the UK, when Boris was telling people not to wear masks. 

More people die everyday from covid in the UK and 30 other countries than the entire total this year in Thailand. 

The Thai economy apart from tourism is mostly open, while in other countries they are locking down again, some with some bizarre 4 stages that accomplish little.


Some people it seems will never get over him calling some farangs “dirty”. Frail egos. 
Not me, I am happy he said it to wake up the selfish idiots.
Better than having tens of thousands dead.


If he had of locked down the same people criticizing him would be criticizing him for over reacting. They will criticize him regardless of what he does because he hurt their feelings. 

I am hoping he has got this call right again. Locking down CM and CR would be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of businesses who have up until now managed to stay afloat. 

Dealing with covid is a difficult balancing act, he has done better than most.



None of this has anything to do with frail egos, he made a distinction based on race and resorted to name calling. This type of behavior is unbecoming of a public / government official. This government makes it illegal for people to criticize them yet they criticize others. The irony of the situation is that he now has to eat crow. It's not the "dirty farang" that poses a risk to the country, it's his own countrymen. What makes it even more funny is that he is wiping egg off his face because the authorities were outsmarted by a group of sex workers that are trying to take care of their families unlike the government.

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1 hour ago, BobinBKK said:

None of this has anything to do with frail egos, he made a distinction based on race and resorted to name calling. This type of behavior is unbecoming of a public / government official. This government makes it illegal for people to criticize them yet they criticize others. The irony of the situation is that he now has to eat crow. It's not the "dirty farang" that poses a risk to the country, it's his own countrymen. What makes it even more funny is that he is wiping egg off his face because the authorities were outsmarted by a group of sex workers that are trying to take care of their families unlike the government.

He made a distinction on race because it was the farangs refusing to wear the masks. Thailand isn’t overly sensitive with petty PC nonsense. Call a spade a spade. 

It is not illegal to criticize the government.


You think it is funny that Thailand has covid again? Twisted.


Sex workers “trying to take care of their families”. Some people believe anything. Don’t forget the sick buffalo. 


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19 minutes ago, Natai Beach said:

He made a distinction on race because it was the farangs refusing to wear the masks. Thailand isn’t overly sensitive with petty PC nonsense. Call a spade a spade. 

It is not illegal to criticize the government.


You think it is funny that Thailand has covid again? Twisted.


Sex workers “trying to take care of their families”. Some people believe anything. Don’t forget the sick buffalo. 



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On 12/7/2020 at 6:53 AM, Natai Beach said:

well, he has handled Covid 1000 times better than bumbling buffoon Boris. 

Similar population 60 deaths verses 60,000.


He didn’t manage to get himself infected with covid either by running around hospitals unmasked and shaking hands with all the infected patients.


He did give the farangs a spray for stupidly refusing to wear free masks he was giving them back in March to help stop them spreading everywhere like in the UK, when Boris was telling people not to wear masks. 

More people die everyday from covid in the UK and 30 other countries than the entire total this year in Thailand. 

The Thai economy apart from tourism is mostly open, while in other countries they are locking down again, some with some bizarre 4 stages that accomplish little.


Some people it seems will never get over him calling some farangs “dirty”. Frail egos. 
Not me, I am happy he said it to wake up the selfish idiots.
Better than having tens of thousands dead.


If he had of locked down the same people criticizing him would be criticizing him for over reacting. They will criticize him regardless of what he does because he hurt their feelings. 

I am hoping he has got this call right again. Locking down CM and CR would be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of businesses who have up until now managed to stay afloat. 

Dealing with covid is a difficult balancing act, he has done better than most.



A little insight.....

If 1.5 Million old people (65+) died in the UK, the UK would have approximately the same number of old folks as Thailand (Google the numbers). When will some of you realise the reality of the situation. Thailand has not done anything other than what it is best at. LIE in an attempt to protect its 20% tourist GDP. Of course you don't see herds of old people dying here, because they don't have that many! Along with a poor healthcare system, thousands had already croaked back in December last year due to a 'viral pneumonia' before it was known as covid. Dr. Turner (a former regular on this forum quoted the source of this information).

What Thailand has done well is live an outdoor lifestyle, wear masks to stop spittle being sprayed when talking, along without touching each other on a regular basis....no shaking hands etc.

The western culture is very different in this respect and it has bitten them in the ass.

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On 12/7/2020 at 9:39 AM, gemini6 said:

They shd lock down chiang rai to contain illegals coming from Myanmar. Make sure all are caught and strict control on those leaving chiang rai may help

Quite agree. Stop all transport coming out of Chang Rai and have occupancy tested. Good idea.

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