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Thailand Road Carnage: NINETY FOUR reported dead on Monday - nearly a MILLION injured this year


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2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

driving insurance in Thailand SHOULD make driving basically so expensive they would never drive again !

like England does, but what happens buy a car "how much for insurance" don't think I'll bother, it's easier and cheaper to buy another car after the 1st has been impounded and crushed for no insurance than to pay for insurance on it.

Thailand does not have a great record of good policy insurance take-up, most rely on statutory minimum when they "road tax" their vehicles, if they bother with that.

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3 hours ago, Justgrazing said:


A million .! a million injured .! If that is accurate then it is beyond shameful .. 

Everyone in the Gov' and authorities who should be trying to put a halt to this should write that figure on their bathroom mirrors so that it's the first thing they see in the morn' to concentrate their minds ..

Where's Anutin ? he's health lackey , what's he got to say on this national shame .. 

What has Anutin got to say, S F A on that subject. 

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3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Beat me to it.  My sentiments exactly.  Only 67 dead over 4 days and then in one 24 hour period 94 died.  You can not make this up.  Wonder how many of the accidents were between Midnight on Sunday and 6 am Monday morning in just that 6 hour window.  Rushing to get home before school and work.  Starting to believe that Thailand mantra for driving or riding is "Drive it like you stole it"

Drive /ride like you can't die would be more like it..... 

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2 minutes ago, Artisi said:

What has Anutin got to say, S F A on that subject. 

of course it's nothing to do with him until they reach hospitals, can't stand on somebody else's toes and get into a bun fight. Anyway the PM has said get the number down, hasn't he, and he always gets what he wants like 80 Baht Lottery tickets for all.

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2 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

The number of 67(!) reported for a four(!) day long weekend in other news can not be true by any means.

They can't get their numbers right.

The originating site for the graphic and the figures (not the facebook page) is thairsc.com - and is available in coherent English. Seems to be a road safety site set up by an insurance company analysing claims. There's an awful lot of detail on there - no idea if its accurate - but they do identify each accident and state the number of deaths/injured. Perhaps their figures include more than just 'dead at scene' victims.


Scariest statistic - 31.05% of road victims are under the age of 5.

Edited by mrfill
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It is not as simple as to blame the police, yes they could reduce it somewhat but last evening I watched a middle aged thai man double park his car because he couldn't get in a gap, i kid you not a good driver would have put a tractor unit and a 40' trailer in the space, i think the thai nan was distracted somewhat by his wife doing a dance first at the front then the back and then shook her head, maybe he has no depth perception or a sight issue but for sure nobody will suggest he take another or his first test.

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6 hours ago, Surelynot said:

The cost of this carnage must be staggering.....it must be cheaper to teach them how to drive properly.

No - Thai people know very well how to drive.


The problem is the combined love of gambling and cheating. Consider:- cheating the red lights, speed limits, wearing a helmet, one way streets, incorrect lane, etc. etc - anything incovenient at the current moment in time should be cheated with a little gamble.  We used to call them "Amber-Gamblers' in the UK 40 years ago. The same message should be tried here. ( Only joning - The Thai would never listen to any suggestion made by a Farang! ) 

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Yep nothing has changed You see the idiot drivers every morning breaking the rules and not a cop in sight. They put a sign up coming out of my villiage No right turn  did that stop them Nah  but the sign looks good Turn right and drive down the wrong side o the road Yippee

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25 minutes ago, mr mr said:

why even bother putting this dribble onto page anymore ?  thai people do not give a toss about this. 


I think more important would be: Why do new commers and visitors to this country believe they can chage anything by moaning? They should learn to adapt or adopt.

Edited by VocalNeal
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18 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Beat me to it.  My sentiments exactly.  Only 67 dead over 4 days and then in one 24 hour period 94 died.  You can not make this up.  Wonder how many of the accidents were between Midnight on Sunday and 6 am Monday morning in just that 6 hour window.  Rushing to get home before school and work.  Starting to believe that Thailand mantra for driving or riding is "Drive it like you stole it"

no, they are  just in a hurry to meet Allah !! 

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I could fix this issue in a Jiffy !!  No more mad drivers, no more modified vehicles, no more clueless individuals , unlicensed unregulated vehicles !

Simple REMOVE the issue of insurance and give it to the private sector where you won't get your vehicle insured without the Insurance company inspect , check history and qualifications of driver with premiums appropriate !  Then we need proper policing !!!  The latter could be a problem !

We all know the government insurance at DLT is handed out like Candy and so unbelievably cheap that even a schoolboy can buy it !!

Like many things in Thailand , unfortunately people will only learn if it hits them in the pocket .

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"This brought the year's total to 14,492 dead on Thai roads and 952,271 injured. "


How many of the "952,271 injured" died on the way to the hospital or shortly thereafter due to the accident?  Reporting only "dead in action" really hides the problem. 

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41 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

Meanwhile the Chief of Phuket wants zero deaths on Phuket over the holiday period, good luck with that

Theres an outside chance that this target may actually be reached in the old party town of Patong. Not many people around according to those who live there. 

However, in saying that, I made a couple of visits to Patong over the past week and could not help but notice they still have the same old crazy drivers screaming around on the bikes with skinny tyres and no obvious silencers.


Happy Christmas to one & (that’s) all

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21 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

And the government does nothing, absolutely nothing against this carnage!


They are only busy misusing politically the Covid pandamic for their own agenda of protecting the political status quo, by prolonging the state of emergency and diverting the public attention away from the real problems of the country. The daily road carnage is one of these unsolved big problems.


Nothing what this government does regarding Covid is really done by an intention to protect the life of Thailands citizens. They do it for other reasons, because the life of the people is not of any interest for them. Not one jota. Is there any better proof of that than their inactivity regarding the daily road carnage?


Is no exactly the government make noting he decided now push the drivers go more quickly 120 Km/h for safe life and injured, comic tragic decision.

All countries reduce speeds but this government does exactly the opposite, what can go wrong


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