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PM concerned about drunk driving during New Year holidays


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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

PM concerned about drunk driving during New Year holidays





Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has expressed concerns about the increasing number of road accidents during the New Year holidays with drunk driving emerging as the leading cause, Government Spokesman Anucha Burapachaisri said on Saturday.



The Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation reported on Friday that 186 people were killed and over 1,600 injured in road accidents during December 29-31, with 38.04 per cent of accidents caused by drunk driving.


“The PM has urged officials at police checkpoints to strictly follow the screening protocols in inspecting travellers to make sure that their vehicles are in safe condition, motorcyclists wear helmets, the legal speeding limit is respected and there is no drunk driving,” said Anucha. “Officials have also been told to monitor sellers of alcoholic beverages to make sure that they are following the laws.”


Police checkpoints nationwide will also serve Covid-19 preventive efforts, as officials will scan the temperature of the motorists as well as enforce the mandatory face mask policy in public vehicles.


“General Prayut also urged all citizens to prevent road accidents by being extra careful on the road and taking it easy on partying during the New Year festivities,” added Anucha. “Never drive if you had a drink, and always think about your family and the safety of other road users whenever you are behind the wheel.”


Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30400593?utm_source=category&utm_medium=internal_referral



-- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2021-01-03

Dear PM. Maybe you are unaware, but drink driving happens EVERYDAY of the week, here in Thailand.

It is good of you to ask your citizens to be aware in this New Year period, but don't you think it would be more

beneficial to ask your upholders of the law to do their job and enforce ALL the laws. 

Regards a concerned citizen.

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8 hours ago, graemeaylward said:

He can be as concerned as he likes, but actions speak louder than words! There is no enforcement, hence no respect for the law! Drink driving is a problem in any country, but they take a very serious view of it with hefty fines and a minimum 12 months disqualification for first offence and often imprisonment for a subsequent offence. In addition there are mandatory alcohol awareness courses plus any insurance premiums afterwards are raised considerably. Drink drivers will not be caught whilst sitting drinking coffee under an awning, they need to be out patrolling the roads in cars or proper motorcycles. Policing in this country is a disgrace! Concern doesn't catch criminals! 

Seems to me the insurance premium is based on the vehicle and not on the driver and anyone can drive a vehicle and no reference made to a drivers driving ability or previous penalty history .

   Also I have never seen a driving school or an L plate on a car . Also never seen a heavy goods vehicle with a 

 " Driver under Instruction "      notice placed on the vehicle for all to see .

Finally I recently saw a HGV driver get out of his cab and he was a kid , probably 12 to 14 years old .

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6 hours ago, colinneil said:

Well what better way to start the new year, than have him spout off about drink driving, bit bloody late mate.????

You have supposedly been leading the country for 6 years, and only now start talking about the biggest killer on Thai roads, pathetic.

Slow learner, by any chance ????

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

PM concerned about drunk driving during New Year holidays


If he and his imbecilic government had banned people from travelling during Christmas & the New Year festivities then he wouldn't have to worry at all, now the Genie is out of the bottle and they're gonna have h3ll and all trouble getting it back in. Muppets the lot of them.

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5 hours ago, VocalNeal said:


One has to wonder why people come to live here if they don't like the way the country is run and policed.

In some countries it would be called freedom, but apparently not here

 I agree that if living here is a problem maybe leaving is the best option, BUT - there is a very big difference between freedom and stupidity. 


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5 minutes ago, Bangyai said:


Yikes. That's a scary statistic.


Means 61.96 of accidents caused by sober drivers !!!



Were all fatalities blood alcohol tested, possibly not - therefore the number of DUI could be much higher. 

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13 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

He's not concerned.....no-one in government is concerned....no-one cares!

No $$$$$ in it for their retirement fund, whereas selecting the "right" vaccine will prove to be a nice little earner. 

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6 hours ago, VocalNeal said:


I quite like the laid back attitude here. A fresh change from the draconian west. 

I also like the laid back attitude but this is something serious and the west handdles this much better then they do here . Compare the roaddeaths . I geus you don't drive here much (car or motorbike) hence your comment . 

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7 hours ago, Mops59 said:

Then first start with mandatory practice driving lessons. Teach how to.drive, teach responsible behaviour. And a driving license with punishments points. Red light, drunk driving, accident, speeding, etc. To many occasions you loose your license.

Re' your last sentence, it all depends if you have a licence in the first place.  I know expats here, they've been here long term, that don't have a licence.

And I know 2 who will drink almost a full bottle of spirits and drive home. Both claim they drive better after a good drink. I did know a third who was the same and his driving was so good after drinking he drove into the back of a truck and killed himself. Luckily he didn't take anyone else with him.

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On 1/3/2021 at 8:07 AM, ezzra said:

Why is our esteemed PM 'concerned' now all of the sudden, what, there aren't too many death on Thailand's roads in any other days of the year that he's only now being concerned i wonder?...

No room at the hospitals for accident victims

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On 1/3/2021 at 8:07 AM, ezzra said:

Why is our esteemed PM 'concerned' now all of the sudden, what, there aren't too many death on Thailand's roads in any other days of the year that he's only now being concerned i wonder?...

The unelected "PM" is concerned with road deaths?? He has had six years since he and his soldiers bullied their way in to power to do something about it, what has he done? Absolutely nothing.

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