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CONFIRMED: Increased restrictions for 28 provinces now approved by PM

Jonathan Fairfield

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13 hours ago, Spock said:

Right, but not even draconian Australia would be so protective of citizens as to ban alcohol sales. For me it says a lot of a negative nature that Thailand's knee jerk reaction to elections, religions and covid is for the government to ban alcohol sales. Limiting people's ability to move around would seem a more reasonable first stage restriction than banning alcohol sales. And if stuck in lockdown with curfews, banning alcohol sales as happened last time seems a particularly cruel restriction to apply. 

Last march when the covid got serious and  the Australian gov. introduced the lockdowns, they closed all non - essential premises but left hardware stores and bottle shops open and even gave cafes and restaurants that could only do takeaways a special license to sell alcahol with their orders. This was done so the people could live some kind of normal life and whilst they were home could do renovations at home and have a well earned beer after-wards.This kept the wife happy and also supported the busineses and maintained employment .In fact many of them thrived and took on extra staff. This is gotta be the way to go rather than close everything down.

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3 hours ago, rabas said:

Alcohol disrupts ciliary function in the upper airways, impairs the function of immune cells (i.e., alveolar macrophages and neutrophils), and weakens the barrier function of the epithelia in the lower airways (see the article by Simet and Sisson).


From Alcohol and the Immune System


Everybody knows ...


Thank you, i was about to post the same study. 

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3 hours ago, rabas said:

Alcohol disrupts ciliary function in the upper airways, impairs the function of immune cells (i.e., alveolar macrophages and neutrophils), and weakens the barrier function of the epithelia in the lower airways (see the article by Simet and Sisson).


For every negative there seems to be a positive. Up to the individual on how they decide.




Oct. 25, 2007 -- Drinking alcohol in moderation may help you breathe easier.

A new study shows light to moderate drinkers performed better on breathing tests than people who abstain from alcohol.

Researchers found that people who drank fewer than two drinks, on average, per day had a nearly 20% lower risk of lung disease than nondrinkers.

Their results were presented at CHEST 2007, the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians.


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I thought it was so stupid to make the tolls free to travel before Xmas.  Follow the money.  How full are the fuel storage tanks?  Who had big contracts to buy fuel?  I bet someone connected. 

Edited by Elkski
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18 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Who believes that? Are there many Indians in Thailand at this time?

Thais share the same glass and it was what created an early cluster last year.  I watched just recently as a group of Thai Motorcycle Taxi drivers were taking shots from the same glass where they were all sitting.  It is something that is done, just like the water buckets with the single cup on top in many households.

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21 hours ago, Guderian said:


Surely they wouldn't be so stupid as to allow dine-in meals and the shopping malls to remain open, yet close the beaches? They still don't seem to comprehend how the virus spreads, so here's a clue for the politicians: it's not generally spread by farangs sitting on a beach drinking a beer,.

"so here's a clue for the politicians:"  Politicians?? You mean soldiers? They are the very ones responsible for this outbreak. If I knew that people were crossing the borders into Thailand and even witnessed it, the unelected "PM" must have known also.

He is fully responsible for this wave of covid. He should have had the borders patrolled properly instead of taking his soldiers to hassle the students for making peaceful protests.

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20 hours ago, Falcon said:

I really have no idea on who thinks of this rubbish and the idiot who signs off on it all has very little brain power left, if he had any at any time prior of course gym must be closed but markets are open but must follow Covid-19 rules?? Gyms are easy to police and stay with protocol for Covid-19 rules but how can markets be? Our local market is a big market, has no way to enforce, nor even tries to, enforce wearing a mask or perform the usual temperature check with people in close proximity to everyone else, fish being killed and blood and guts galore, f”resh” meat in the open with everyone passing by it and risk of huge infection, etc. restaurants can open but no alcohol??? I don’t drink so it doesn’t matter to me either way but how ridiculous. What is banning drinking a glass of wine or beer going to to help people stay away from Covid-19 if someone inside the restaurant already has it and is sitting there eating (without mask of course)and infecting others? What’s the difference ordering an alcoholic drink rather than a soft drink or tea/coffee/water?

Excellent post, but that's what happens when you have an unelected "PM" and a bunch of tinpot soldiers running the country.

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11 hours ago, VBF said:

Indeed we seem to broadly agree, but one small point:

You say "Although as the numbers infected rise it would follow that those ending up in hospital will rise, usually a week or two ? later."


You'd think so, but so far the evidence seems to suggest that "Although as the numbers infected rise, a small proportion of those end up in hospital ......."

Which is the point I was making being that the majority remain asymptomatic - hence my distinction between cases and infected people.


But I think, your last sentence sums it up i.e. part of the intention is to scare people in one way or another. Witness Prof Whitty's comment about 4000 people a day dying - that turned out to be a worst case projection, never intended for the public.


The trouble is, that if Government gives out misleading (I'm being kind here) figures, when they turn out to be so inaccurate, people will stop believing anything they say on the subject. This is happening in UK - a case of "crying wolf"

"people will stop believing anything they say on the subject." I don't think many people, Thai or farang, believe anything "they" say on this or any other subject. 

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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

I don't understand why people bother about gyms, you can get all the exercise you need by buying a good pair of trainers, a pair of swimming trunks, or a bicycle, or all three.


When I was a poor young man, I couldn't afford a gym membership. Not many about either in those days, so very expensive as low competition.  Our Judo coach told us we could run around the park, go swimming at the cheap public baths, cycle for increased fitness. Even suggested making some weights out of old broom handles, buckets and cement for circuit training in the garage ( he had one we didn't!). Most of the older members had jobs that entailed manual work - builders, fitters in engineering, etc. They were stronger than those who worked in non manual office type work or similar. The latter had to work more on strength as well as fitness.


You can go so far without weights, depending on what you want to achieve. But physical science and equipment has moved on tremendously over the nearly 50 years since I was running around the park!  Also, as pollution has increased, running and cycling in the fresh air, which isn't so fresh anymore, isn't always a good idea. 

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19 hours ago, Joinaman said:

i like the words, could, maybe , possibly, should, they make some posts sound so good

why would there be an explosion of cases ?

we know that many people have the infections, even from 9 months ago, though due to lack of testing, no idea of the numbers, yet we only have 63 deaths ? if we have not had many deaths in the last 9 months, why do you think we will suddenly get a massive deaths rate now ?

yes, if they continue to increase the testing, then the infection rate will rise, but that does not in any way, equate to the death rate , does it ?

Because the last months there hasn't been much travel like what there has been the last few weeks with everybody visiting their hometowns and all . And with the greedy high placed bringing in illegal infected Myanmar workers and working girls being infected in the hotel casino across the border . So the last 2 months there where a few superspreaders brought in and that's what is the difference between now and the beginning . So there is quit a big difference between this time and what happened after the first lockdown isn't there ? 

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3. ร้านค้า ห้างสรรพสินค้า ห้ามจำหน่ายเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์เด็ดขาด และให้เพิ่มความเข้มข้นในพื้นที่ควบคุมสูงสุดตามประกาศของจังหวัดชลบุรี


3. Shop, mall The sale of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. And to increase the concentration in the maximum control area according to the announcement of Chonburi Province


Why Thaivisa doesn't mention than ban ???



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22 hours ago, Joinaman said:

does this "all Travel" include deliveries, food distributions, essential workers crossing into different provinces to work  ?

If not then a complete waste of time 

especially when most Thais, and farangs, know he back roads to by pass these blocks 

I'm sorry, what is the army and national guard so busy with right now?. Rapid tests are available for truckers they just won't spend the money

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ABSOLUTE MADNESS hitting the poorest of the poor YET AGAIN 

These pond vermin have not missed a paycheck for the past 10 months while they rule to strip the poor of their meagre 200 baht a day earnings to be able to feed their families and without ANY HELP just remove their way to survive and put them into financial DEVASTATION and back onto the street to beg for food.

ABSOLUTE DISGRACEFUL and most here that are in favor of all this live in their own little confortable bubble cheering on this BS and chastizing anyone that dares to speak up against this scamdemic.

We will yet again start working to feed those that have had their incomes taken again and unable to feed their children.

IT IS AN ABSOLUTE DISGRACE for s virus that has a 99.6% recovery rate that you deny the poor the right to feed themselves while doing fk all to help them while removing their ability to feed themselves and their children.

Edited by Nadia6
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/4/2021 at 7:52 AM, Kaopad999 said:

Yep, you can forget that most likely, Hope you manage get your money back though!

i hope your not with Air-Asia, i could not get any information on up dated code red travel

restrictions, so i went to Immigration in Udon Thani, and was told by the head guy that

we could not fly, we spent the next morning trying to get all the vouchers/credit/refunds that

were offered we had read about when we booked our flights.

AWA is what you contact if you go on facebook to get customer service it is an Artificial intelligence machine that is not fit for purpose, four hours going around and around ...

i am done with these ''All in it together'' well we are all in something not very good thats

for sure...best of luck but it always seems to be the punter who looses out with these cheap

airlines... prices have doubled and still no refund/credit. and now no phone to call them?  

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