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Thailand may see 1 million tourism job losses in first quarter after new outbreak


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18 hours ago, YetAnother said:

The core,the heart of the matter

i agree,the q is a scam.its too long and way too expensive.hotels are empty,usual thai sleaze.the tests should all be free and after exit the q tourists must be given the full amount of time on the entry permission from leaving q.what is a problem is the virus is very common everywhere along with mutatons,the govt has to impose restraints on people who may have it ,as u infer covid clear pcr tests and id inc vaccs if they r available in the country that person leaves from,in a month or 2 that may be the case for USA UK  and other regions

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17 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

So just taking it a stage further then, suppose all quarantine are suddenly dropped, millions of tourists come flooding in, great the economy is saved, Thailand is saved, then you start to get reports of people beginning to show signs of infection but have been mingling with the locals and other tourists, what then ? How do you manage that ?


5h!te creek and no paddle come to mind.


Don't say it can't happen, the poor old British guy, 61 years old, tested negative in UK, got here Christmas day, now dead RIP.


I realise many people from all over the world want to get back here, but not at any cost, for now quarantine has to remain in place, sorry.

i realise what your saying -the guy who died that you mention,its another thai job,if hed a been treated differently perhaps hed be alive now.read the daughters blogs on it, they are seriously not happy about this. kept increasing the dose of sleeping pills ,they told her they couldnt knock him out,him very strong man,death by morons again.soon to be swept under the mat......again

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4 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

I think you’re all missing the point, with all due respect. 
COVID-19 is not going away. Fact.

people from the west Are NOT in a financial position to be taking long haul flights anywhere soon,  plus the vaccination schemes are only just starting. 

plus many western countries including Britain are implementing long quarantine procedures for when one returns to their borders.
2021 is over in terms of any thought of tourists returning to Thailand in hordes.

it’s not going to happen. 
Probably 2024 will see some kind of return, but it will be a drastically different world by then.

Another major issue that could also be a problem to most Tourists is the fact that a Booked Holiday most probably will not happen due to Governments changing their entry / quarantine Laws every Day.

Its all about confidence. Confidence in the fact that the Money you are parting with will be safe, confidence in the ability of your chosen destination Country to keep you safe and well, confidence in the Airline not going bust and leaving you stranded,  Etc Etc ETc

And if there is one thing that the Covid Pandemic has given everybody, its a lack of confidence.

Anybody that thinks Tourism will get back to its former glory within the next 3 Years is dreaming.

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4 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

I think you’re all missing the point, with all due respect. 
COVID-19 is not going away. Fact.

people from the west Are NOT in a financial position to be taking long haul flights anywhere soon,  plus the vaccination schemes are only just starting. 

plus many western countries including Britain are implementing long quarantine procedures for when one returns to their borders.
2021 is over in terms of any thought of tourists returning to Thailand in hordes.

it’s not going to happen. 
Probably 2024 will see some kind of return, but it will be a drastically different world by then.

i think you are correct on that one sir...there is No easy fix to this one 

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Reality for the first time since I came here back in 1983 the government can't rely on income from outside and now they are paying the price for not investing in their own people instead of buying a variety of defence contracts on eq

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I don't think Thailand will stop quarantine and allow vaccinated tourists in without restriction. The simple reason being that at best, vaccination will be 90% effective. So for every 1000 tourists a potential 100 could be carrying the disease. I think we will have to wait until a large percentage of Thais (most) are vaccinated. That will take some time as they have been very slow off the mark so far.  Sometime in 2022 is realistic.

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Reality for the first time since I came here back in 1983 - the government can't rely on income from outside to provide income for large numbers from Issan and The North and now they are paying the price for not investing in their own people instead of buying a variety of defence contracts on equipment that has no value other than to enable nice little commissions to end up in bank accounts of the powers that be

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Inoculation against COVID-19 does not mean you cant get it  it just means the person has no longer a severe reaction.

But of course none inoculated people can still catch it.

So, unless you  you reach herd immunity here country this notion of dropping  quarantine is simply not going to work.

Can you imagine the reaction in Thailand from the general population if Covid is re-imported by tourists en mass.

So, ask yourself how long will it take to protect 80% of the population here then we can talk about opening the borders.

The vaccine has not even been approved here never mind rolling it out. The US is talking about taking 2 years to do everyone that wants it.

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19 hours ago, welshguy said:

"If tourists can return with no quarantine, we will definitely see 10 million this year. If not, even if we let them in free of charge, nobody will come," he said.



At last!  


Somebody with a little common sense.......Only trouble is, its only one person saying this!  I desperately want to come back to Thailand...Im "hoping" later this year............with every passing day...Im getting less and less hopeful...............With more people like this guy talking some sort of sense, maybe ...just maybe!


You really have to feel though, for the average Thai, who has lost their jobs etc, at least we in the west, generally speaking anyway, are not left to starve or to be homeless.

What about the average foreigner living here, lockdowns, most things closed, pool, massage, temples, travel ban and horribly polluted air. Welcome back. 

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9 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

It's always very hard to figure out the real unemployment figures since so many Thai's work in the 'grey' economy.


I'd speculate that the grey economy is one that has been particularly hard hit, and those numbers are no where near being counted.


How many sex workers, roadside food vendors, and the like, never been on any government records are recorded? 


I think they used to report official unemployment at something less than 1%, yet anyone who has lived in Isaan knows that was total BS. 


So what the real carnage is, look with your own eyes because the Government numbers won't come even close to the truth

In the UK the  homeless who slept on the streets were taken to good class hotels where they had their own rooms and 3 meals a day .  Now thats  a civilised nation that cares for its people .

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1 million and rising...


Back to Pa and Ma.... back to the farms and ranches.


Hopefully, an announcement will come from the government;  for the opening of schools and vocational facilities to re educate the displaced tourism industry worker.


Training, training, and more training.


Its time to stop baiting people into believeing Tourism and Exports will return.



Act now, while the opportunity is here. NO ONE IS COMING OR GOING ANYWHERE.



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21 hours ago, ctxa said:


The way I see it, is that if you let 10 million non-vaccinated tourists at this point, inevitably there's gonna be a COVID outbreak, everything will become a mess and sooner or later tourists will also stop coming due to the outbreak. And in the end you will be worse than you initially were. (cuz you'll have none or few tourists + a local economy destroyed by the outbreak)


Trust me, I also wanna go back to China, and I haven't yet, because I don't wanna be quarantined for 14 days (and possible an extra 14 at home afterwads), just thinking about it seems like being in hell, lol, (plus I can't really complain much about life in Bangkok ????). But at the same time I completely understand why they do it. And our only hope seems to be the vaccine,  hopefully everything will be much better for the second half of this year...


A vaccination is NOT a cure or implied immunity from COVID.  It's simply alleged to reduce the risk of getting it and or limit the severity in those who do get it. Therefore your comment is way off target.

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1 hour ago, rioD said:

A vaccination is NOT a cure or implied immunity from COVID.  It's simply alleged to reduce the risk of getting it and or limit the severity in those who do get it. Therefore your comment is way off target.

I'm not so silly to think a vaccine cures anything. That's not what they were invented for. Also in medicine nothing is 100% guaranteed. But vaccines cause immunity at a higher or a lower level. If a country has inoculated 70% of its population within this year (like many countries claim), what is the need for a quarantine on vaccinated tourists? 


Even if such a tourists manages to bring COVID into that country, it won't be able to spread that easily as 70% of the people have immunity..

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I'm shocked at the rose coloured glasses and wishful thinking of people on here. Sorry to break your bubbles: First Thailand's tourism was declining before the chinese C-19 virus so always remember that. Second just look to the UK because we are now looking at lockdown till at least July 17th I think and that also like every other date may well be moved further away. Third long hall travel will not be very tempting. 

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2 hours ago, superal said:

In the UK the  homeless who slept on the streets were taken to good class hotels where they had their own rooms and 3 meals a day .  Now thats  a civilised nation that cares for its people .

Yeah in one of the best summers for several years . Now it’s winter and below zero and people are asking them to do the same to stop people living rough dying from hypothermia. Government response is won’t be happening ! ????

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7 hours ago, Pravda said:

I'm not sure about other countries, but I read how Canadians have saved billions during pandemic and just keep bidding more and more on real estate. 

This is a case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.


A very unrepresentative "straw poll" amongst my personal friends / acquaintances shows that those of us who are retired  have saved money in the last 10 months - I for one have done nothing very interesting since I returned to UK in March. By my own standards, my coffers are doing nicely thank you. Thinking about replacing my car this summer, especially if i cannot travel abroad ????


Then those who can work from home have saved on travel, and free time activities.

2 are allowed to work as normal (builder and plumber) and are very busy and have saved on free time activities..

2 who had pub / non-essential shop jobs would have struggled without family rallying round.


This all means different things to different people.

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Someone wakes up in the morning and predicts that we are going to have few miljon tourists this year. And so they start planning for that.

There is no legitimacy in the numbers given here.

The only fact isÖ

Thailand did close its borders by late March last year. 

Miljons of jobs are lost since

No relief package for small businesses

and there is no plans in sight to help people in any form or shape.

In addition  vaccination of people has not started despite the fact that in some countries they vaccinate 180000 people a day.

Talk about an effective government which cares for its citizens.  

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23 hours ago, ctxa said:


The way I see it, is that if you let 10 million non-vaccinated tourists at this point, inevitably there's gonna be a COVID outbreak, everything will become a mess and sooner or later tourists will also stop coming due to the outbreak. And in the end you will be worse than you initially were. (cuz you'll have none or few tourists + a local economy destroyed by the outbreak)


Trust me, I also wanna go back to China, and I haven't yet, because I don't wanna be quarantined for 14 days (and possible an extra 14 at home afterwads), just thinking about it seems like being in hell, lol, (plus I can't really complain much about life in Bangkok ????). But at the same time I completely understand why they do it. And our only hope seems to be the vaccine,  hopefully everything will be much better for the second half of this year...


Thinking about quarantine vs doing it is much different.  You want it that bad you will.  Im on day 4. Most peaceful time i ever had alone

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