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April eyed for launch of driving licence points-deduction system


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13 hours ago, Justgrazing said:


And those without a license need not apply .. or worry come to that .. 

Yes without a doubt, just another reason for Thais in the village to warrant not needing a driving licence.

As long as they continue to allow police to collect tea money for all concerned (not going to happen in my lifetime) this is a total waste of time    

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The idea behind giving people a chance to redeem their points after reaching 50 is so Thai. Whereas deducting points that leads quickly to losing a license is so farang! Perhaps I've lived here too long, but I agree with the Thai way.


IF the system is properly enforced we all know that many drivers are going to reach the points limit pretty quickly. If they were to lose their license that would seriously affect lives of so many families and the Thai government knows the ramifications of this.


The alternative is to 're-educate' offenders who reach 50 points, thereby giving them a chance to change their ways. If they do, that's great, objective attained without serious punishment and consequences. I would assume and hope that if another 50 points are subsequently clocked up within a short period after 're-education' that there would be more serious penalties. In that case, fair enough.


On a related point, as others have mentioned, there are many drivers and riders who have no license. This obviously applies to underage drivers and there are many offenders. What to do about them? Can't give them penalty points or take away their licenses. To prevent this will take a sea change in Thai attitudes. I'll give you an example of a case that upsets me greatly. Recently our local puyaibaan has gifted a scooter to his ten year old niece. She now roars around the roads on it, without a helmet. She's tiny and her feet barely touch the ground. If this wasn't bad enough, after a couple of weeks she began to take her six year old brother with her on the back. They are out for hours every day. I think this is a crime and the family are at fault, but they laugh about it and are proud of the kids. How do you change such an attitude?






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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

launch of driving licence points-deduction system

Its not worrying the people in the Moo Barns in Issan so much....... you can not lose what you do not have...


**Not trying to be Grammer Police but is that how you spell License...... (Licence)


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Well that's nice.  When I go speeding around the country in "my" truck and get a passel of camera tickets, which I just drop in the trash, my wife, who actually owns "my" truck will suddenly find her license suspended.  Nice for me, not so nice for her.

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14 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

Its not worrying the people in the Moo Barns in Issan so much....... you can not lose what you do not have...


**Not trying to be Grammer Police but is that how you spell License...... (Licence)


You are right that "license" is the correct spelling.  But the Brits butcher the Queen's English by spelling it "Licence."  They also <deleted> up words like "color."  Look to the Americans for the New and Improved English, preferred by scholars everywhere.

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31 minutes ago, DirtyFarang said:

Well that's nice.  When I go speeding around the country in "my" truck and get a passel of camera tickets, which I just drop in the trash, my wife, who actually owns "my" truck will suddenly find her license suspended.  Nice for me, not so nice for her.

Funny, I just bought a new car, and because the hassle before, I  put it now on my GF name.

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15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

How much do I need to pay in order to put the points back on my license after they take them away.  Do I get points added when they scan my QR code, or do I earn points for every ticket paid.  Just a little confused, is this like a demerit system, and will they make me a road monitor for the day once I loose the first 100 points, or will they suspend my license and stop me from driving, which does not work for the general public anyways as most drive unlicensed to begin with...


Or, you could drive in a way that doesn't amass point deductions ????

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Drivers will start with 100 points on their licence, with deductions varying from 5 points to 35 points according to the seriousness of the traffic offence.


The licence will be suspended when points fall to 50 or below. Drivers must then undergo 2-5 hours of training per offence to restore their points and revalidate their licences.


I guess it's the Thai math I need to understand... 

So if I get absolutely wasted on a bottle of Tequila & six beers, do several lines of coke, plus some meth and a heroin chaser, then I drive my pickup through a Wat, knocking-over a buddha statue or two, before parking the truck on top of a bunch of orphans.  - My max penalty will only be 35-points deducted with a stern warning that I should drive better or I may be suspended next time?

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12 hours ago, alyx said:

Maybe right but I gather that they will use the CCTV to have the offense recorded and the bill sent directly to the owner of the vehicle. Maybe not as sophisticated a system as in Europe (sorry, I do not know about other areas) but pretty sure they will do that.

For that reason more and more license plates will be stolen, as it happens me one time.

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Well in the land of Oz we get 12 demerit points . If you lose points they are given back after two years. 

so for speeding from 1 to 13 over the speed limit you lose one point and pay a fine. from 13 to 30 you lose 3 points.

 30 over the limit you lose your license there and then.  points deducted for all types traffic offences plus fines.  

If you lose all 12 you lose your license for 12 months.  drink driving or on drugs is more serious 

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

April eyed for launch of driving licence points-deduction system

100 points hey ,Suspended when down to 50 points. Doesn't make sense .Why not 50 points and when down to Zero suspend the License ,then do 2-5 hrs training and presumably pay and start again.  

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5 hours ago, asiasurfer said:

Won't do anything to avoid road accidents. The system is far too lax with almost nothing getting enforced except your occasional roadside bribe. What would really help are proper driving schools like they have in most parts of Europe. A 5000 Baht fine and/or compounding vehicles every time for excessive speeding would also teach them if enforced. 

None of the above will ever happen whilst the current system of Policing exists.

They need an independent body to weed out the rubbish cops (start at the top), upgrade the law book and then increase the pay sufficiently to attract replacement diligent workers who will follow the rules willingly or be sacked.

The taxes they'll earn from the lives saved will more than pay for this

Don't hold your breath but.

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