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A Farang Kicked a Thais Dog


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I seriously don't understand humans some times.....


So certain guy, suddenly sees two dogs fighting, and he goes and kick one of them ????


Sometimes real life is even more fictional than science fiction movies...

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1 hour ago, ctxa said:

I seriously don't understand humans some times.....


So certain guy, suddenly sees two dogs fighting, and he goes and kick one of them ????


Sometimes real life is even more fictional than science fiction movies...

Humans are very similar - with 98+ percent identical DNA- to Chimps. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-prince-evolution/201203/humans-chimps-and-the-1-percent

Also consider that chimpanzee societies, in their natural state, wage war. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gombe_Chimpanzee_War

Perhaps our high regulated societies - replete with strong families, and schools, serve to drive our inner chimp into the depths of our unconscious; however, how does a society socialize members who possess low intellect, and come from bad homes who; consequently, are in touch with their inner chimp?

Edited by rcuthbert
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1 hour ago, ctxa said:

I seriously don't understand humans some times.....


So certain guy, suddenly sees two dogs fighting, and he goes and kick one of them ????


Sometimes real life is even more fictional than science fiction movies...

Yeah, at least kick both of them!

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1 hour ago, onebir said:

Yeah, at least kick both of them!

Yes. Actually maybe he wasn't so wrong after all!!! If he kicks both dogs he will force them to give up their hostility towards each other and team up to attack the silly human ????


Making enemies become friends, deserves credit.

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7 hours ago, rcuthbert said:

Yesterday, two dogs had a fight on Soi Bukhow. Then a Farang starts kicking one of them. It's owner yelled "you no touch, you no touch" The loudmouth  Farang justifies his actions by claiming "that he raised dogs, and kicking them stops the fight" WT%! Now he is surrounded by angry Thais, and the moron keeps justifying his actions. He had no idea that A, he was in danger, and B, his size would not save him. But - he got lucky.


An even bigger Farang - with scull tattoos  walks up to him, and says " so you like hurting dogs - you stupid ar@e&ole" The loudmouth - who now looks afraid - backs up about 15 feet, then jumps into a baht bus. The dimwit had no idea the other Farang had saved his ass.



Any point to this story?

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49 minutes ago, HashBrownHarry said:

Any point to this story?

We have touched on cruelty towards animals, crowd psychology, DNA's effect upon behavior, and how socialization can influence it's expression. Even a high school student would comprehend the "point/s" and understand their relevance.

"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed."

Mark Twain.




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17 hours ago, rcuthbert said:

Yesterday, two dogs had a fight on Soi Bukhow. Then a Farang starts kicking one of them. It's owner yelled "you no touch, you no touch" The loudmouth  Farang justifies his actions by claiming "that he raised dogs, and kicking them stops the fight" WT%! Now he is surrounded by angry Thais, and the moron keeps justifying his actions. He had no idea that A, he was in danger, and B, his size would not save him. But - he got lucky.


An even bigger Farang - with scull tattoos  walks up to him, and says " so you like hurting dogs - you stupid ar@e&ole" The loudmouth - who now looks afraid - backs up about 15 feet, then jumps into a baht bus. The dimwit had no idea the other Farang had saved his ass.




I wonder if the big guy was the same guy who came off his bike on Klang last night.


Riding one of those big bikes that have no fender at the back; so has a 'u' shaped tube bent and screwed around the axle to hold the number plate. Unfortunately something caused that to move and come loose and the whole thing with the number plate slid underneath and locked  the wheel. Bad design.

He must have had no idea what was going on until the sparks flew and he came off. Not pleasant.

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On 2/4/2021 at 8:51 AM, jacko45k said:

Personally think the problem is with the owners of said dogs, free to roam and fight and they fail to stop them. If a dog will attack another dog, would children also be in danger? 

maybe only if the mutts Stop for a lunch break

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On 2/4/2021 at 4:51 AM, jacko45k said:

Personally think the problem is with the owners of said dogs, free to roam and fight and they fail to stop them. If a dog will attack another dog, would children also be in danger? 

In our village there are upwards of 30-40 dogs all roaming free. And I'm sure there's an equal number of kids also on the loose.


The dogs rarely fight and if they do, it's usually over mating rights and the issue is generally settled quickly without any harm or intervention. And no child has ever been attacked, neither do they show any fear of the dogs.

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1 hour ago, Moonlover said:

In our village there are upwards of 30-40 dogs all roaming free. And I'm sure there's an equal number of kids also on the loose.


The dogs rarely fight and if they do, it's usually over mating rights and the issue is generally settled quickly without any harm or intervention. And no child has ever been attacked, neither do they show any fear of the dogs.

My village has a fair number too..... 3-4 different packs. Mostly they seem benign, although having to dodge them on the bike as they seem to like to lay down in the road, is a slight hazard. But one night, for Loy Kratong, I suggested we walk to where things were happening. On the walk back these dogs were aggressive. You can often detect odd ones that have perhaps been hit by a bike and become bike chasers.  They don't like joggers... and well cyclists can probably add to this.


Not to mention the noise they make.

Edited by jacko45k
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