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An entrepreneur in the making! Charming 10 year old making 400 baht a day selling veg to help her gran

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1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

Did the same when I was a kid, my brother and i used to take

barrow around the houses ,sometimes selling potatoes ,firewood,

and eggs,but not for the family,just to earn money for ourselves

work hard and save,you can retire early.

regards Worgeordie

Then..would be necessary to specify and assess risks, I think it is not the same.  Who is safer, you? Me mowing lawn or a Gem near a gas station (in Thailand). waiting for a treasure hunter ?


ZERO tolerance in this case.

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13 minutes ago, timendres said:

This girl is not being exploited.



13 minutes ago, timendres said:

she is enjoying her right



14 minutes ago, timendres said:

losers that sit at home playing on their phones learning nothing.

Absolutely agree. Read UN Children's Rights.

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In a ''normal world'' to support her gran with the daily expenses

should be the duty of the father and mother. I don't see any mention in

the article of them sending money on a regular basis. It's where the main problem is.


Duty and responsabilities, something rarely at work in Thailand.


Tarteso is right in his posts, it's not a good thing to see a 10 yo child at work

she should be learning school stuff or enjoying her free time playing with the

others childs, that's what the child are supposed to do.


Being a young girl looking for some money on the parking of a gasoline station

it's obvious she is actually under a very high risk, what could possibly go wrong

if a kind ''gentleman'' offer to her 5000 bhts just for a walk together in the woods?


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1 minute ago, Venom said:

That's more than 711 pays an adult mother of 3 children! Go girl! 

Yes go girl, go !!!

in 5 years she should be old enough to earn 10X this amount in a Thai karaoke


seriously guys......????

i sometimes really hope you are some sort of irresponsible teen

and not a parent of a child. (I know i am dreaming)

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12 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

Where did she say she isn't?


Do you live in Issan? If you do you will understand the way of life. The story does mention "petrol station nearby". Likely most of the other stalls and stall holders are known to the girl. Many of them doing the same as she is, selling locally grown or produced product. She will be among those that know her and will be looking out for her.


Stories like these don't just fall in the lap of journalists. It would likely have been reported by someone local who was as proud of this girl as her family, particularly grandmother, are.


This is a lovely story of a youngster doing a good thing to give something back to her grandmother. A "thank you" to someone she cares for.

All over the world, in Thailand, in Issan or whatever they are the child loves to play

unfortunately a lot of them haven't the choice. Because of the adults failures


Work is an adult occupation, She is actually working and

it should be an adult doing the job.


Giving enough money to the grandmother to rise the child is the

parents of the child duty.


Putting this duty on this young girl shoulders is wrong in every way.

it really surprise me you fall to see this point.


Now let me tell you a real and sad story about a small village, not in Issan but in a rural area

in the north where i lived during 5 years. 

A young 12 yo girl was selling vegetables and some stuff door to door in the village

A small village with less than 1000 people, where everybody know everybody and where 

they are supposed to looking out for her.

One day it was discovered that the girl was selling not only vegetables,but also some manual services to the  lonely old men in their houses.


Of course the profits for her were more interesting

than few hundred of baht when she was lucky.

And his family was happy that she was bringing more money at home.


I suppose you are still ok with this way of doing things?

After all she was proud to help her family.


What a lovely story isn't it?

  • Sad 3
4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


Is there any mention in the article that the girls mother and father are NOT sending money home to support grandma and their kids? Is there? No. It's that all-knowing 'Thai's make bad parents' judgement call again.


The main problem is with woke foreigners, most of whom have forsaken their own nanny states for their own personal nirvana in Thailand. Then they get all upset when something 'ugly' shatters their home-spun illusion of being a holier than thou goody goody living in paradise.


@Tarteso like yourself, is fully entitled to misguided notions of what constitutes child labor. There's no mention or suggestion of this girl working "within the framework of an economic production system". Absolutely none!


As for you and @Tarteso both banging on about her easily becoming the victim of a sexual predator, that's just plain creepy.



please read my post above

if you don't understant the point

i can not help you

  • Sad 2
13 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Is there any mention in the article that the girls mother and father are NOT sending money home to support grandma and their kids? Is there? No. It's that all-knowing 'Thai's make bad parents' judgement call again.

You should learn to read better

from the OP article:

''She told Sanook that she is getting daily sales of between 300 and 400 baht and the money goes to her gran to help with the household expenses. ''

if the parents were sending money home enough money to support grandma and their kids

the daily 300\400 bahts from the little girl work shouldn't be required

  • Haha 1
17 minutes ago, Venom said:

I had a lemonade stand when I was her age. At this rate she will own your karaoke bar and you will be working for her! ????

Was it every day and weekends all year long outside a petrol station in the heat..... out of desperation to get enough money for your grandparents and you to get food to eat and survive?


Or was it a few times to get money for yourself to buy junk untill you got bored and stopped and went back home to a big dinner and modern house? 



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9 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

You also only " heard" this story. It would be interesting to see the news report about what happened to the bad old men and the girls parents.

obviously you do a lot of assumptions without knowing nothing

it was not only ''heard'', the story was never in the news

for your information nothing at all happened to the old men (They were some dozens of culprits)

nor to the girls parents. 

The only one to be punished was the girl, send in a disciplanary camp where she 

was supposed to learn how to behave better. And a lot of faces saved all other the village.

Sad but true.

  • Sad 1

I fully applaud her entrepreneurial spirit, but a gas station is far from an ideal environment for a pre-teen girl to be in, especially without any type of adult supervision. The constant flow of traffic and transient nature of gas stations carries an increased risk of abduction, public rest rooms are occasionally used as venues for sexual assaults, there's the risk of being hit by traffic (especially by backing trucks and buses), and elevated carcinogen levels from petrochemicals and exhaust fumes. 


I think she should seriously consider looking for a safer environment (even if it means lower sales), and, at a minimum, establish a "buddy system" relationship with another vendor. She should also walk - rather than ride - her bicycle while on the gas station premises, and under absolutely no circumstances work after dark.


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No way is she making 400 baht a day, even if she is growing the veg herself. Good for her but by jebus, just no way.

Anyone else here sell veg direct from the farm gate?

I call it community service.

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