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Anyone suffer from Indigestion? Suggest medication

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

This one seems to be the most favored by my tribe.



???? I found this stuff to be short time relief. This stuff ???? works great and is not expensive at all with not only all day relief but improvement also. It's called Miracid. 'Me la sit' (say it fast or just show them the picture)



Heartburn medicine Ya me la sit.JPG

1 hour ago, rumak said:

But all you ever hear about is  pills,  pills,   pills  from the pharmaceutical establishment

Bang on the money.


Most of these pills, potions and injections are poisons. Keep them out of your body. 


Indigestion is mostly caused by the digestive system not keeping pace with the food that's being eaten. It accumulates and the body rushes energy to the area to solve the issue. Heartburn is actually the body trying to unblock the system and should be welcomed.


Best remedy. Fresh ginseng. Dice it very small. Do the same with an equal amount of ginger. Add boiling water. Let it settle and fidgerate. 


Swig as required.


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What people describe as heartburn is most definitely NOT "the body trying to unblock the system".


Depending on what was meant by the term (which has no precise meaning and is used differently by different people) it is either:


1 - stomach contents refluxing into the esophagus or higher. Will happen occasionally to everyone if they overeat and/or lie down too soon after eating, happens more often in obesity, hiatal hernia, pregnancy,  smokers, people who consume a lot of caffeine, and people with or LES weakened by age or medications.


2 - pain from inflammation of the mucosa of the stomach and/or duodenum, with or without ulceration. Often due to h. pylori which needs to be treated, can also be caused by some medications. Smoking, caffeine, carbonated drinks are also risk factors.


In both instances, like most pain/physical discomfort heartburn is a sign something is wrong . A warning that should be heeded and certainly not a good sign to be welcomed.

13 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Most of these pills, potions and injections are poisons. Keep them out of your body. 


we are 2 lone wolves ....... barking up  a tree that could care less.


many many health issues are NOT major ones at first .    diet,  natural remedies, exercise, being

aware of what your body is telling you        well, its worked for me ????


happy to see you are on the same path......


Note:  i am now 70 !   broke my hip with a fall on the playground.   WOW .

many older people die or have long and miserable recoveries.  I just hit the

3 month post op period.    From being totally bedridden I am now just starting

to walk............... without a cane.  And no pills.....

  • Like 1
53 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

did you change your diet? for me that was the problem, stomach had enough of high levels of chilli and coffee. 


Hunting for H. Pylori can be barking up the wrong tree, I wouldn't bother to start with, based on my experience

Ha...come from Yorkshire.......diet is very bland.....no, I have a hiatal hernia so the LOS doesn't close properly.......doctors warned against having an operation.....my brother went for it and it left him with the most awful, debilitating hacking cough.


Three of my four kids suffer something similar and my dad died from oesophageal cancer!!!!


PPI's are our life saver.

1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

Hunting for H. Pylori can be barking up the wrong tree, I wouldn't bother to start with, based on my experience

Based on my experience, hunting for H Pylori was a priority  and it saved me  from decades of unbearable pain and possibly other life threatening complications such as peritonitis and cancer.

28 minutes ago, rumak said:


we are 2 lone wolves ....... barking up  a tree that could care less.


many many health issues are NOT major ones at first .    diet,  natural remedies, exercise, being

aware of what your body is telling you        well, its worked for me ????


happy to see you are on the same path......


Note:  i am now 70 !   broke my hip with a fall on the playground.   WOW .

many older people die or have long and miserable recoveries.  I just hit the

3 month post op period.    From being totally bedridden I am now just starting

to walk............... without a cane.  And no pills.....


Think of the body as a fortress on a hill. It has a strong high wall and outside of that, surrounding the fortress, is a moat.


When under attack the moat impedes the invaders. If they get past the moat they have then to climb the wall. They have ladders and ropes. But at the top the fortress defenders can easily repel the attackers. They can push the ladders away and send the foreign army packing.


The moat is akin to the skin; first line of defence. The wall and what's inside is the immune system. Most diseases can be repelled without too much trouble. But occasionally a major attack causes damage to the interior. 


When a person takes a pill, medicine or an injection, the wall is breached automatically and the body can not always sort it out.


Going back to original post. Heartburn is a sign that the body is trying to sort out a problem. What would happen if indigestion did not cause discomfort or pain? Serious things for sure. Just as a rash is the body excreting toxins from the body. It's not the rash that's the problem (although it can be if more undesirable potions are then put on the rash), it's the poisons that are being got rid of.

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, Surelynot said:

Plus the risk of Barrett's esophagus....which I was steadily traveling towards.....but the endoscopy would pick that up at the same time I guess.

I was diagnosed with Barretts oesophagus in New Zealand, this after I had been getting reflux, although not with much pain, just a nagging one.


The gastroscopy confirmed it and for me it was caused by stress and working far too many hours.


I had to change my working life, so I did and I also went on to Omeprazole, morning and night, along with Triazolam to help me sleep (which I wasn't doing much of at all) and to relieve anxiety, due to the work I was doing.


Changing my lifestyle helped tremendously as did the PPI and I was able to drop down to just one 20 mg capsule in the morning.


I was told to make a note of foods which aggravated it and my doctor told me to give up spicy foods, onions, red wine, chocolate and perhaps cheese. However the only food which really does aggravate it is red capsicum!


That was about 15 years ago and when I moved to Thailand (just around that time) I got back onto spicy foods, red wine, chocolate and cheese and none of it made any difference, although red capsicums still do.


For me it appears that the key antagonist was stress, which when curbed, allowed me to get back into some sort of normality.


Much research done on the links between stress and anxiety, and acid reflux, so my doctor got it spot on.


Don't suffer from it now at all, although I do keep some omeprazole in the fridge, just in case!

Oh, and my Barrett's oesophagus has disappeared; in fact it disappeared quite a few years ago after I got onto a natural remedy called D Limonene, and the result was so startling that when I went back to NZ for another gastroscopy, the doctor was astonished, and when I told him about this natural remedy, he immediately got onto his computer to look at up........then ordered some!!

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23 minutes ago, xylophone said:

I was diagnosed with Barretts oesophagus in New Zealand, this after I had been getting reflux, although not with much pain, just a nagging one.


The gastroscopy confirmed it and for me it was caused by stress and working far too many hours.


I had to change my working life, so I did and I also went on to Omeprazole, morning and night, along with Triazolam to help me sleep (which I wasn't doing much of at all) and to relieve anxiety, due to the work I was doing.


Changing my lifestyle helped tremendously as did the PPI and I was able to drop down to just one 20 mg capsule in the morning.


I was told to make a note of foods which aggravated it and my doctor told me to give up spicy foods, onions, red wine, chocolate and perhaps cheese. However the only food which really does aggravate it is red capsicum!


That was about 15 years ago and when I moved to Thailand (just around that time) I got back onto spicy foods, red wine, chocolate and cheese and none of it made any difference, although red capsicums still do.


For me it appears that the key antagonist was stress, which when curbed, allowed me to get back into some sort of normality.


Much research done on the links between stress and anxiety, and acid reflux, so my doctor got it spot on.


Don't suffer from it now at all, although I do keep some omeprazole in the fridge, just in case!

Oh, and my Barrett's oesophagus has disappeared; in fact it disappeared quite a few years ago after I got onto a natural remedy called D Limonene, and the result was so startling that when I went back to NZ for another gastroscopy, the doctor was astonished, and when I told him about this natural remedy, he immediately got onto his computer to look at up........then ordered some!!

Something very similar......my esophagus was red raw....looked like flames licking out of the stomach........can't come off the PPI's though....12 hours can feel it starting again...... 24 hours life isn't worth living.......my main fear now is that someday they might stop working....

6 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Something very similar......my esophagus was red raw....looked like flames licking out of the stomach........can't come off the PPI's though....12 hours can feel it starting again...... 24 hours life isn't worth living.......my main fear now is that someday they might stop working....

I think I got to mine before it got too bad, or at least the doctor/surgeon did, and although you could see the lesions on the oesophagus it wasn't too bad.


I remember asking him about taking omeprazole for long periods of time, and he said that he had patients who had been on them for decades, with no side-effects to speak of.


Luckily enough I was able to come off them in a relatively short space of time.


Good luck with your condition, and it seems like you are managing it well, so good on you.

1 hour ago, LosLobo said:

Based on my experience, hunting for H Pylori was a priority  and it saved me  from decades of unbearable pain and possibly other life threatening complications such as peritonitis and cancer.

Yes I had the test too but I don't think people should go running to get the test done until they've ruled out other more likely causes I.e. diet triggering the problem

10 minutes ago, xylophone said:

I think I got to mine before it got too bad, or at least the doctor/surgeon did, and although you could see the lesions on the oesophagus it wasn't too bad.


I remember asking him about taking omeprazole for long periods of time, and he said that he had patients who had been on them for decades, with no side-effects to speak of.


Luckily enough I was able to come off them in a relatively short space of time.


Good luck with your condition, and it seems like you are managing it well, so good on you.

Cheers......can eat anything, drink anything (I don't).....but as the root cause is the LOS valve I doubt I will ever come off them.......have dropped from 40mg to 20 mg with no problems.

4 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

I rarely get it Sheryl, usually once in 2 or 3 months, and have had it on and off for 20 years as do many people. Coconut can do it to me, probably other things too. The first time I got it I actually did think it was a heart attack. Was getting referred pain from my chest up the outside of my neck, around my jaw. When I would take Zantac or Ranidine would be gone in minutes. I got that Diagest once before while I was away and I think it worked ok though not that quickly. Thanks for your advice


I recently had bad bloating issues which lasted longer than normal, usually a week before it would clear up, however this went on for a month and made a post here asking what could be the cause/s, with the bloating came reflux and indigestion.


As you, it would come every now and again, over the last 20 years, but only really paid attention of late as it prolonged, kind of working out early that I had IBS, irritable bowl syndrome, now having a heart attack, earlier in life, I knew the pain of a heart attack so the reflux wasn't anywhere near the pain a heart attack makes you take note.


What I did was cut all food off of my menu and start from scratch, noting that I recall adding broccoli and cauliflower to my diet over the last month, and I found that to be the main cause as it ferments causing gases and takes a while to clear the intestinal track, add to that other things which would cause reflux, so the gut wasn't pleasant, one day runny, next day constipated, never want to go through that again, and wanted to bring up the food as the reflux would kick in.


So you first have to eliminate the foods you eat that will cause the reactions, think about it for a minute, why is this happening, it's because something your eating or drinking is causing the issues, isolate that/them and your half way there.


Within a week my bloating and reflux issues went away after I stopped the broccoli, cauliflower, beer and more, then I slowly started trying things and everything was going good, then I had some chocolate with roasted almond nuts and the bloating came back, but went away quick, next day I said, I am going to put some almost in the blender when making my banana smoothie and bang, instant bloating, so almonds are off of the list for me, I don't question why the almonds, broccoli, cauliflower and beer cause me issues, they just do, so I have cut them all out except the beer which I will have twice a week 3 days apart in a limited quantity and it works.


Sheryl has offered you some good advice re the heart and H. pylori, good to get them checked out if the above doesn't sort your issues. Also would be good to check if there are any heart issues in your family, as they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, this one didn't and I didn't realise that all apples are pretty much the same if they are on the same tree.

3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Gallstones = same symptoms.

Just saying, you really need a doctor to diagnose the problem and the correct treatment.

Gallstones would mot usually cause pain in the chest. 


Abdomen yes but chest pain, which is what OP describes, is usually eithet cardiac, gastric or pleuritic.


My wife has this problem.  For a long time she was taking Omeprazole.  But I don't think taking it everyday for long term is healthy for you.  I read about people using probiotics for the problem and got my wife to try them.  She takes one before each meal.  It has helped her a lot.  Hasn't used Omeprazole for years now and occasionally uses some Gaviscon.  Getting good probiotics in Thailand is hard and expensive.  You can get better by ordering from iherb or vitacost and even with shipping much cheaper.  Have to keep the order small to avoid customs checking it, under 1,500 baht and less than 2kg.  I get 3 bottles at a time.  Super8 or a similar brand.

21 hours ago, Surelynot said:

Been on this for 12 years now.....tried to come off it a few times....no way.....it is as close to a miracle drug (for me) as you can get.

Can't agree more on the Omeprazole. I used it for 20 years for chronic indigestion, then I lost 35 pounds and stopped eating an evening meal except for a small portion of rolled oats with sliced fruit added at around 5 PM. You can take it one hour before your morning meal, and that may do you all day. This works by turning off your acid pumps, so it has to be taken waaaaaay before the meal in order to be effective. The local doctors will tell you to take it three times a day before meals, but that wasn't necessary for me. Once a day was enough, so experiment with it yourself. You won't find a better miracle cure for indigestion....I've tried them all. Also, cut out coffee, alcohol and spicy foods. I know that's a drastic step, but you'll be glad you did for more reasons than just indigestion. You can do it!

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I use Miracid. Invariably, the "little blue pill" will cause indigestion by the end of the day. The only other time I experienced indigestion which did not go away was preceding heart issues (resulted in 5 by-passes in 2005).

41 minutes ago, Scottie12 said:

Get your Miracid from a big Supercheap, only 50 Baht per packet of 14 tablets. Most pharmacies charge two to three times this amount.

Looked on google....but the name Supercheap brings up everything under the sun....do you have a location for any outlets in Bangkok...please.

23 hours ago, Sheryl said:

This is a brand of omeprazole.


If it is just an occasional problem I'd just take Gaviscon. No systemic effects.


If it is happening more often then need ro be evaluated for possible h. Pylori and treated if present.

Hi Sheryl, Sorry it's off topic. I am running out of my Meds I need Atorvastatin 20mg and Clopidogrel 75mg. I normally use Atotstat 80mg and split into 4 as it is far cheaper than buying 20mg. Can you tell me what is available, that are produced in Thailand. Oh and I need Asprin 81mg.

17 minutes ago, mirage said:

Hi Sheryl, Sorry it's off topic. I am running out of my Meds I need Atorvastatin 20mg and Clopidogrel 75mg. I normally use Atotstat 80mg and split into 4 as it is far cheaper than buying 20mg. Can you tell me what is available, that are produced in Thailand. Oh and I need Asprin 81mg.

Will send you a message in your inbox as I just went through the same thing and found a really cheap place, transferred funds, products arrived the next day.


It was all done using LINE and I did shop around but these guys were the cheapest by far, and delivery with the courier was only 35 baht.

On 2/27/2021 at 10:20 PM, Kenny202 said:

Talking about the type of indigestion / heartburn when you get the waves of pain in your chest. Not acid reflux. I don't get it often but when I do man it is uncomfortable. Always took a medication here called Ranidine, which is generic Zantac. I believe these products have been banned in the States and indeed in Thailand as they were found to have cancer causing agents. 


My pharmacist gave me some other pills but they just don't work. The Ranidine (Zantac) was almost instant relief. Can anyone can suggest anything? Photo of the pack would be great I can show my chemist.

The best thing you can do is to change your diet. This is not so easy as all alcohol and sugar must be eliminated. Taking drugs like Omeprazole only get rid of the symptoms by suppression, they do not stop the cause, which is primarily your diet. I got rid of the acid reflux and the associated discomfort from it by doing this. It is has been over a year now since I've taken drugs. It works but you have to be disciplined. If you don't stop it now, it will get worse and then it will be harder to stop and take longer. Take the advice of someone who has been there.

On 2/28/2021 at 5:18 AM, scubascuba3 said:

Omeprazole helped me get rid of gastritis, took a few weeks before changing diet, mainly less coffee and chilli. A couple weeks to ween myself off. 


Recently I've been trying Apple cider vinegar or other vinegars, I've noticed better digestion. Once I run out I'll see how my digestion is effected

All that is fine, but you need to go further and are at risk of it returning. Alcohol, sugar, breads/grains, and dairy, are known irritants to the digestive system. Many studies done. When you eliminate these things from your diet, you take away the major causes of it. While doing this, there are some very effective herbal products called Gemmotherapy. I took Fig and Walnut for several months. These help your digestive system to detox and drain the stomach and intestines of what has accumulated in your system. The herbals are not expensive and widely available in Europe, mostly France and Benelux. HerbalGem brand is the one I used. Gemmotherapy is outstanding for this ailment. 

On 2/28/2021 at 8:55 AM, northsouthdevide said:

These work well for me.

Can't remember the price, but reasonable.



Very cheap but only suppresses the symptoms. It will not cure the problem, so it returns, over and over again, any you wind up having to recover from the medicine. I took it for years. It does damage, ultimately. 

On 2/28/2021 at 9:54 AM, Moonlover said:

As with earlier posters, I do my best to avoid this problem by being cautious about what I eat and when I eat it.


But the best laid plans sometimes get screwed up mainly due to social obligations, so Madam Moon always has a bottle of this stuff in the fridge. It's worked very quickly every time I've used it. 


Will not work for those who take Omeprazole and have serious indigestion. Maybe as a tonic it would be okay if you don't suffer from real reflux or stomach ulcers. 

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Many off topic posts have been removed. For the last time:


OP does not have reflux!


Op does not have bloating!


He has pain in chest area which he thinks is gastric in origin.


Please stay in topic and stop talking about unrelated problems and what you take for them. If you want to discuss reflux, hiatal hernias., bloating etc etc please start a separate thread for it.

2 hours ago, Surelynot said:

Sadly.....as the root cause is the LOS valve...... diets, life style ,weight loss etc (my BMI is 23) have little effect.

Yes, that was what my surgeon/Dr said in NZ and I was getting so desperate after a while that I considered having the dreaded Nissen fundoplication operation which can have some very poor outcomes.


Of course diet was something else I considered, as I mentioned before, and there were only a couple of foods which triggered it, so I cut them out (red capsicum and basil pesto!).


Now here's the thing, after about four years of reflux, I have been free of it for about 10 years now and can eat anything, including raw chilis, onions, alcohol etc. I also have a sweet tooth so chocolate is always on the menu, especially dark chocolate.


Getting back to the LOS situation, I met a retired Swiss doctor in NZ who was about to start up a health company and I got talking to him about my reflux and he said he had suffered the same and nothing seemed to fix it, until he found a natural remedy, which he put me onto.


He was not selling this so I had to buy it from the US and I will put a link to it at the bottom of this post, and it will also pay to do a bit more research on it on the Internet because there are many articles written about the effect of it on reflux, and a few of them readily admit that they don't know why it seems to have the effect it does (support of normal peristalsis perhaps?), however one of the effects appears to assist in tightening up/shrinking the LOS, and I believe that's what happened to me, as I took it for many months and as I mentioned previously, my NZ doctor/surgeon was amazed at the results, because by Barrett's oesophagus had completely healed, and of course the reflux stopped and I was able to eat anything, and still am, and I also enjoy the occasional cigarette at night after a few glasses of red wine!



D Limonene….

Being a solvent of cholesterol, d-limonene has been used clinically to dissolve cholesterol-containing gallstones. Because of its gastric acid neutralizing effect and its support of normal peristalsis, it has also been used for relief of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). D-limonene has well-established chemopreventive activity against many types of cancer. Evidence from a phase I clinical trial demonstrated a partial response in a patient with breast cancer and stable disease for more than six months in three patients with colorectal cancer.


1 minute ago, xylophone said:

Yes, that was what my surgeon/Dr said in NZ and I was getting so desperate after a while that I considered having the dreaded Nissen fundoplication operation which can have some very poor outcomes.


Of course diet was something else I considered, as I mentioned before, and there were only a couple of foods which triggered it, so I cut them out (red capsicum and basil pesto!).


Now here's the thing, after about four years of reflux, I have been free of it for about 10 years now and can eat anything, including raw chilis, onions, alcohol etc. I also have a sweet tooth so chocolate is always on the menu, especially dark chocolate.


Getting back to the LOS situation, I met a retired Swiss doctor in NZ who was about to start up a health company and I got talking to him about my reflux and he said he had suffered the same and nothing seemed to fix it, until he found a natural remedy, which he put me onto.


He was not selling this so I had to buy it from the US and I will put a link to it at the bottom of this post, and it will also pay to do a bit more research on it on the Internet because there are many articles written about the effect of it on reflux, and a few of them readily admit that they don't know why it seems to have the effect it does (support of normal peristalsis perhaps?), however one of the effects appears to assist in tightening up/shrinking the LOS, and I believe that's what happened to me, as I took it for many months and as I mentioned previously, my NZ doctor/surgeon was amazed at the results, because by Barrett's oesophagus had completely healed, and of course the reflux stopped and I was able to eat anything, and still am, and I also enjoy the occasional cigarette at night after a few glasses of red wine!



D Limonene….

Being a solvent of cholesterol, d-limonene has been used clinically to dissolve cholesterol-containing gallstones. Because of its gastric acid neutralizing effect and its support of normal peristalsis, it has also been used for relief of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). D-limonene has well-established chemopreventive activity against many types of cancer. Evidence from a phase I clinical trial demonstrated a partial response in a patient with breast cancer and stable disease for more than six months in three patients with colorectal cancer.


Wow...thanks for that...although we are not allowed to discuss it....I will follow it up...cheers.

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