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SURVEY: Should Scotland seek independence from the UK?


SURVEY: Should Scotland seek independence from the UK?  

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4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Scottish fish and shellfish exports to the EU are down 83% 

Whisky down 63%

Meat exports down 59%

Dairy down 50%

EU exports overall down 63%


All because another country demands that my country must follow their path of misguided xenophobic isolationism. 

As far as EU membership goes, "your country" and "another country" don't exist. We are all ONE country.


To echo you and another poster, please provide a link that shows Scotland were a member of EU and that another country told them to leave. 

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21 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Putting your question to one side for a moment, I presume that we agree that the figures I quoted are not in dispute, and that Scottish small businesses are being drastically affected by Brexit?


I never made any reference to Scotland being a member of the EU, but while you may reject the claim that Scotland was forced to leave the EU because England and Wales demanded it, the good news is that most Scots see it the same way as I do - and that is all that matters.

I would dispute you figures.


I would doubt that figures like that would be accurate in only 3 months. You also seem to be forgetting the world is currently reeling from a pandemic. With countries in lockdown, hospitality premises closed and general sales down for the items you listed, Covid19 has to be factored in too.

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16 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


There is also nothing in the Smith Commissions report either. Which took place after the referendum and was supposed to deliver the infamous "Vow" but as always........perfidious Albion.

Yet the unionists can't understand why calls for independence have never gone away.

We were just waiting for the UK to totally stuff something up.

Like Brexit ????  

We? You mean half, at best, of the Scottish electorate?

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37 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


No kind of agreement? On the contrary, there was; the Edinburgh Agreement.


However, there is no mention of any time limit, minimum or maximum, between Scottish independence referendums in the Edinburgh Agreement, the Scotland Act 1998 (Modification of Schedule 5) Order 2013 nor the Scottish Independence Referendum Act 2013. 


This means that the Scottish Parliament can hold another referendum at any time they wish.


Though a win for independence to come into effect would need the approval of the UK Parliament at Westminster. 


Do you really think that any UK government could legitimately ignore the democratically expressed wish of the Scottish; especially if there was a large majority in favour?


Even Johnson's government?


If Scotland hold another referendum without the go ahead from a majority of MPs in Westminister, surely it would not be deemed democratic.

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:



Did the UK obtain the go ahead for the 2016 EU referendum from a majority of MEPs in Strasburg? No; yet that referendum was deemed democratic.


If the majority of Scots vote in a referendum to leave the UK then that is their democratic decision.


Whilst an ardent unionist, I hope that if that is the case then the UK government will allow democracy to prevail and so grant Scotland it's wish.

As you well know, the relationship between Uk and EU and Scotland and UK is totally different. 


Like I have said numerous times before, I have nothing against Scottish independence. In fact, I wish they would get on with it. Then, maybe then, the Scots will stop banging on about how everything is everyone else's fault.

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20 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


You've dodged the question.


You said "If Scotland hold another referendum without the go ahead from a majority of MPs in Westminister (sic), surely it would not be deemed democratic."


I asked you why. Will you now answer?


My MEP remark was a bit facetious; but there are similarities.


The UK was a member of a union; the EU. However, in most areas we had our own laws and our MPs voted on and enacted laws which were specific to the UK and outside the remit of the EU. 


Scotland is a member of a union; the UK. However, in most areas it has it's own laws and MSPs vote on and enact laws which are specific to Scotland and outside the remit of the rest of the UK.


Even before the establishment of the Scottish parliament, only Scottish MPs at Westminster could vote on and enact laws relating to Scotland only. That is still the case.

Correct. But, Scottish MPs can also vote on issues involving only England. Is that fair? 


In answer to your question, Scotland are looking to break up the Union. Therefore I believe that everyone within that union should have a say. The UK and Scotland are connected in so many ways, not just with finance.


The UK voted to leave the EU, not to break it up. UK and EU were not connected in as many ways. None other than financially, trade, etc.



Edited by youreavinalaff
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21 hours ago, Rookiescot said:


Yeah right. There have been no problems at all because of Brexit.

Its just sunny uplands and unicorns all round.

What fishing industry will be left in five years?

The lies on the bus were clear for everyone to see. Pretending now that the words "Lets fund the NHS instead" didnt mean anything is pure deceit. 

The City is desperately trying to get a deal but the EU is going to take all that business.

Liz Truss is doing such a good job for the UK that Japanese car manufacturers are pulling out of the UK.

Did QAnon or the Daily Mail not report that?

Yes yes yes yes, lots of <deleted> nonsense. Facts you deny are staring you in the face.


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17 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Scottish fish and shellfish exports to the EU are down 83% 

Whisky down 63%

Meat exports down 59%

Dairy down 50%

EU exports overall down 63%


All because another country demands that my country must follow their path of misguided xenophobic isolationism. 

As I said, get on with it and declare UDI and put up a border. Bye Bye and good riddance.

See what you get from your precious EU if, IF they let you join.


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17 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Indeed - better to be an equal and respected partner with 27 other countries than one forced to go cap in hand to its neighbour for permission to do the most fundamental of state activities, especially when the neighbour has a significant number of people who show such disrespect.



You seem to be a bit pre-occupied with the printing on the banknotes, but it won't be an issue for you; that said, we can always use BoE notes, which are the majority in cirulation.



This is the most ridiculous of all claims - can you actually point to how Scotland is being destroyed by Sturgeon? Give me examples; don't just parrot the daily express nonsense that your TVF cohorts are incapable of expanding upon. If she is destroying Scotland, why is she so popular? Are we masochists? Why do the SNP continue, after a decade in power, to walk all over the opposition if they are so bad?  Might it possibly be that you have no idea whatsoever about that which you type?



I know that economics is not readily taught in schools, but surely even a few moments thinking about this would help you see that what you wrote totally exposes your lack of knowledge about how countries finance themselves? The UK is in debt to the tune of 2.4 trillion pounds, rising by £5,000 a second. English taxpayers cannot even fund themselves, let alone anyone else. Drop your sense of benevolent superiority because you are not entitled to it - your country is a political and economic basket case, and my country benefits not one iota from being in a union with it. 



I have no idea what you are trying to say, but I appreciate your closing statement. 


Hey, you could take over from Billy Connolly. Farcical.

More nonsense, you accuse me of not knowing the facts when you seem to understand little/nothing about Westminster funding for Scotland or much else that resembles reality. Stop dreaming and stop listening to SNP lies.

That said I hope your dream comes true, I won't miss the Scots and I doubt many English will.




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