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23 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Both men and women are responsible for the transmission, I'm not sure why you say men are responsible?

Not many HIV threads these days.  He is probably thinking that since a male ejaculates into a female, they are more responsible.  It is true from studies that women are at greater risk.  Then in turn, they can give it to a man.  IV drugs of course another way to obtain. To add, most lie about their sexual habits.  

One of the biggest lies of expats here is "I always glove up".  Please, stop the lies.  They do not want to be judged. However, from my further conversations with men and women most do not.  Add the gay, LB, and Bi men here.

PREP yes you are right.  Get on it as it can greatly protect you and others from transmission.

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8 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

I think there is an aspect of "what happens in Thailand stays in Thailand"

Lots of guys are having sex with ladyboys and are in complete denial when asked their sexual orientation or history. In their mind they are straight and have never had sex with a "man".

The data is only ever going to be as accurate as the information shared.




Of course men are having sex with ladyboys and in denial but the articles and I'm sure loads others are clear it's being caught with women as well. Men use the ladyboy excuse to not bother using a condom with women


With the new drugs HIV has not become the death sentence it once was people live pretty normal full lives

The PREP is good prevention.  In addition to the HIV meds now they have also been working on or actually deployed I believe in Canada, a shot that is administered every few months as opposed to taking the daily pill regiment.  A shame though all these new treatments took decades to develop.

  • Like 2
7 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

In another tread you posted on PrEP, a poster felt the health tests required for supply of the drug, sucked.

That was me and I was blissfully ignorant at the time. It was a great thread though and my thanks to the OP for enlightenment.

8 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

I'm not sure why you say men are responsible?

Maybe because they are!  But in another sense, as you remarked, many are very irresponsible.

  • Haha 1

I followed the HIV saga in Thailand over 35 years & have seen a couple of "old boys"

die from it.

Let's have some figures of HIV positive Causican men who say they have contracted it in Thailand by hetro sexual sex. It would be surprisingly low.

Other nasties (& there are many) is a different story

9 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Both men and women are responsible for the transmission, I'm not sure why you say men are responsible?

Because its usually the men that don't wear a condom. Never heard a girl complaina bout a guy wearing a condom the other way around many. I hate them too but would not go without especially with sexworkers.

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Why Me said:

Seems trials have been running in our backyard. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV_vaccine_development :

Many trials have shown no efficacy, but one HIV vaccine regimen, RV 144, has been shown to prevent HIV in some individuals in Thailand.

I watched a few vids and read a few articles, a year is possible. Many were saying they may never develop a covid 19 vaccine



  • Like 1
23 minutes ago, natway09 said:


Let's have some figures of HIV positive Causican men who say they have contracted it in Thailand by hetro sexual sex. It would be surprisingly low.


If you read those articles I quoted they are referring to men who caught HIV from women in Asia specifically Thailand

8 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Women have less power (especially in Asian countries) in the sexual dynamics.

They are still perfectly capable of keeping their legs crossed.

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Inala said:

It's very difficult for a man to catch HIV from a woman in normal heterosexual encounters. If you don't have any lesions, the virus cannot enter.

If you are circumsized, you have even less chance, as removal of the foreskin removes the Langerhan's cells on the inner wall which have been demonstrated to attract the virus.  

But still, those articles above say men are catching it from women in Asia\Thailand. Apparently easier to get if you have other STIs, so if men aren't getting tested they are increasing the risk. Lot's of factors involved, I think best not to be complacent and think it's very difficult to catch

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, LivinLOS said:

wait what ??? ????

Ruby Redpalm and Her Five Sisters will be surprised to hear that too. 

Many chickens have been choked and many monkeys spanked without a condom as well. 

9 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Most women do (it appears)  prefer, and( anecdotally I am informed) "receive" extra to not use condoms

Most Thai sex workers prefer condoms. 

It's the customers who don't want. 

  • Haha 1
5 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

PREP is good prevention

No,  it's not. 

PreP is not easily available for Thai sex workers. 

PreP is a racist medication so the rich from the global north can better f*** the poor from the global south. 

The rich are helped by all advances of modern medicine.  The poor, if they get AIDS, go back to their village to die.

  • Sad 1
1 minute ago, Kiujunn said:


PreP is not easily available for Thai sex workers. 

I'm pretty sure they can get it cheaply with effort, no more than 400 baht a month for me so probably cheaper for them, but I know from experience, if you talk to them about PrEP it goes in one ear and out the other

  • Like 1
10 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

They are the ones having the condomless sex, while each of us are responsible for our health outcomes. Women have less power (especially in Asian countries) in the sexual dynamics.

Most men do (it appears)  prefer, and( anecdotally I am informed) pay extra to not use condoms.

The men are the ones seeking services from the "working women",  men rarely have sexual health checks unless they have symptoms of infection,  and are frequently asymptomatic carriers of other STIs (chlamydia being the most frequently untreated one). 

Ok then let's make the point of Choice , It comes down to the Women/Working Girl to say NO . If they Don't say No than It's Greed from the Sex Workers and they take the Risk and they Will pass it on to their Next John. So Who's Guilty ? Both Men and Women No Difference.

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