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Police officers hurt, vehicles set on fire in violent protest in Bristol, England


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From the OP -

"The government's Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts bill would give police new powers to impose time and noise limits on street protests."

Looks like Free Speech is alive and well in the UK - 555


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22 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


Its an opinion based on evidence rather than slogans and empty promises.

Of course if you would like to list the benefits of Brexit I would be more than happy to read it.

I couldn't list any advantages or disadvantages at this stage. Same as you cannot either.


I am not a politician. I am more of an economist. I have enough knowledge to know that no one, and I include all politicians, economists, political commentators, Thai Visa forum members, etc cannot comment either.


Far too soon after the event to even think about what could, might, will happen.


The " was Brexit a good idea" argument should not even be contemplated for at least a couple of years. If it is now, it is pure speculation.

Edited by youreavinalaff
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17 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


Yeah right.

You are basically saying "Just wait. The sunny uplands are just around the corner" when in reality the UK is now reeling from the effects of Brexit. 

Keeping your head in the sand might work for you but the rest of the world can see the damage being done.

Like I said, advantages and disadvantages are difficult to quantify now.


You are only speculating. I am not sticking my head in the sand or saying everything will be fine. 


I am looking at the situation to see how it all pans out. Just like any new business, business plan or business strategy, these things take time. That time is a lot longer than 3 months.

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3 minutes ago, superal said:

It is quite evident that the pathetic E.U. vaccine roll out performance (compared to that of the UK) has demonstrated what a good move Brexit was

Oh dear....that is your justification for claiming Brexit was a good move......??

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1 hour ago, youreavinalaff said:

Like I said, advantages and disadvantages are difficult to quantify now.


You are only speculating. I am not sticking my head in the sand or saying everything will be fine. 


I am looking at the situation to see how it all pans out. Just like any new business, business plan or business strategy, these things take time. That time is a lot longer than 3 months.

You are right. However, the absence of substantiated hypotheses about why it may be better is worrying.

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8 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

I certainly hope so the scum have probably run home to mummy and coming off the drugs. 


    Being a regular visitor to Bristol .

     Bristol has become anti White , regime . 

     We gave it all away , so easily ..



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9 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


It is ironic that you lament people holding left wing views while the great 'restart' of the 50s which you want to return to was the result of the world coming together to defeat the scourge of the hard right - it was hard right fascism which tore Europe apart in the 1930s and 40s and it is hard right fascism that our UK government is introducing by stealth, which will tear apart the UK.

Hold on a little longer - you will get another opportunity to restart, although I hope, for your country's sake, you don't continue to enable those corrupt, thieving fascists. 


The defeat of your "hard right" 30s and 40s "fascists" was inflicted by allies led by hard right leaders, with the exception of the Russians. The Nazi era was most  unfortunate but its legacy, infamy and  fascist character is compared to by today's right onto the left, and vice-versa.  I think that fascism is a faulty ideology that can be adopted by any political group, left or right, with a strong fascist as leader, of course. 


Edited by nauseus
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7 hours ago, BenDeCosta said:

It's never going to happen, they use their power to lobby for things that they will personally gain from, or for things that people are paying them to lobby for. They are the greediest people on the planet.

Ooh I thought corruption only happened in Thailand.

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6 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

I wonder how many infections will be transmitted? how many will die? Everyone has a priority though it isn't the health of a nation..

From what I understand, the actual demonstration was a peaceful well organized occasion with the majority wearing masks etc.


It was the rent a mob "anarchist" types who often hijack these events who turned violently against the police.

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17 minutes ago, elliss said:


    Being a regular visitor to Bristol .

     Bristol has become anti White , regime . 

     We gave it all away , so easily ..



Well I don't know Bristol just think a minority were the problem.

What you say has been happening for years and been happening all over UK, just name a few of what I've seen parts of Willesden, parts of Brixton. parts of Watford, nearly all of Southall and numerous other places it's endless and I hope I'm wrong but I think demos are going to get worse.  

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2 hours ago, superal said:

It is quite evident that the pathetic E.U. vaccine roll out performance (compared to that of the UK) has demonstrated what a good move Brexit was  . 

Sorry to deviate from the main post , however it is quite obvious that the recent 2 protest degradations were brought about by known activists , most of whom survive on social security benefits . These deadbeats should be paraded on national TV and then put to some sort of community work , that is visible to the general public , whilst on a custodial sentence .

Finally we all know that large gatherings have been outlawed in order to mitigate the spread of the covid 19 virus .

I'm sure I have said and read this here already, but the vaccine roll out is an individual country decision. That is why not all EU member states paused the roll out of the AZ version as the data was reviewed.

The EU does have some involvement in procurement and import/export decisions to and from the bloc, and it could be argued that they haven't done a great job there. Where the UK government can be applauded was the early backing and funding of the AZ vaccine as 

there appear to be large quantities available.

As I said before, I truly hope that it is as safe as can be given the unusually quick development and approval of the vaccine, faster even than China who have great experience in SARS 2

outbreaks and considered by some folk as having actually deliberately infected the world with this virus.

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31 minutes ago, nauseus said:


The defeat of your "hard right" 30s and 40s "fascists" was inflicted by allies led by hard right leaders, with the exception of the Russians. The Nazi era was most  unfortunate but its legacy, infamy and  fascist character is compared to by today's right onto the left, and vice-versa.  I think that fascism is a faulty ideology that can be adopted by any political group, left or right, with a strong fascist as leader, of course. 



The defeat of your "hard right" 30s and 40s "fascists" was inflicted by allies led by hard right leaders”


Where do you get this nonsense?


FDR was the President of the United States from before the start of WW2 until

the very last months of the war in Europe, FDR can not, even if lacking the very most basic grasp of history, be regarded as a ‘hard right leader’. 



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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:


The defeat of your "hard right" 30s and 40s "fascists" was inflicted by allies led by hard right leaders”


Where do you get this nonsense?


FDR was the President of the United States from before the start of WW2 until

the very last months of the war in Europe, FDR can not, even if lacking the very most basic grasp of history, be regarded as a ‘hard right leader’. 




Must have been. Same as Stalin. Hard right fanatics the lot of em.

It was a close run thing against the loony left Hitler and Mussolini. 

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13 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


It is ironic that you lament people holding left wing views while the great 'restart' of the 50s which you want to return to was the result of the world coming together to defeat the scourge of the hard right - it was hard right fascism which tore Europe apart in the 1930s and 40s and it is hard right fascism that our UK government is introducing by stealth, which will tear apart the UK.

Hold on a little longer - you will get another opportunity to restart, although I hope, for your country's sake, you don't continue to enable those corrupt, thieving fascists. 

er..it was the far left who were rioting and tearing apart Bristol last night, not the far right.
The truth of it is that left and right politics are just constructs of the elites to divide and rule the masses. Both left and right politics are ugly when they go to the extremes. Ideally, somewhere between the two is favourable for a society.

Edited by katana
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3 hours ago, Rookiescot said:


So if the tangible benefits for voting for Brexit will not be known for many years to come how on earth can Brexiteers claim to know what they were voting for?

Wouldn't it be great if we could see results before voting or deciding on anything?


Love to know the results of the FA cup semi finals before betting closed. How about knowing the Euro millions numbers before we bought a ticket. Would be fantastic, wouldn't it?

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