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Six suffer partial paralysis after inoculation with Sinovac vaccine

Jonathan Fairfield

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand will continue to use COVID-19 vaccine from China's Sinovac Biotech following six reports of unusual "stroke-like" side effects among recipients,


Confucius said:-


"The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell"

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Just now, Cake Monster said:

A few years ago, the Thai population were not as switched on as they are now. The rise of Social Media has seen to that.


Wow. 'Switched on'. Not a description of Thai people that rings many bells with me.


By 'Social media', are you thinking of the drones who never do anything but look at their phones?


Call me a cynic but...

Edited by ParkerN
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Just now, goatfarmer said:

"completely safe" is a straw man (a misrepresentation of an opponent's argument, usually by exaggeration) No one is suggesting that the vaccine should be completely safe, nor that it should be completely effective. It is a risk balancing calculation. 


So you'll be getting the Sinovac vaccine then - when?

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Not only Covid-19 vaccines have possible side effects, think of all the medication we take that have possible side effects.  If we decided not to take our medicine, then most of us would be heading for an early grave.


Although having said that, I certainly wouldn't take Sinovac.

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5 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

And risk catching the virus and potentially end up in an ICU ward with a tube jammed down your throat?  Really?  Not to mention the problems you'll have traveling.  If that interests you.

This vaccine will be OK for traveling to China, but where else?

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5 hours ago, Zack61 said:

Wondering if this is happening with vaccinations in China as well and if so is it being transparently reported appropriately on the world stage

The data from trials of Chinese vaccines are not available, so the scientific community doesn't know the frequency of this side effect.

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23 minutes ago, ParkerN said:


So you'll be getting the Sinovac vaccine then - when?

A false dichotomy: the choice is not Sinovac or not Sinovac. There are other options. Astra Zeneca is here already and JnJ has been approved?

Any more fallacies? Bring'em on! 

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

I'm betting medical insurance won't cover treatment for side effects of (voluntary) vaccination.

But will cover treatment for catching the disease.


So the vaccination will remove you from the 'insured' list and place you on the 'uninsured' list.

But it might be worth having the shot in countries that provide free hospital treatment.

Good point. I guess it will depend on whether the side effects were reasonably foreseeable. I would argue that only a few days of flu-like symptoms would be reasonably foreseeable and anything requiring medical treatment would not be. 

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Just now, goatfarmer said:

A false dichotomy: the choice is not Sinovac or not Sinovac. There are other options. Astra Zeneca is here already and JnJ has been approved?

Any more fallacies? Bring'em on! 

A false conflict. Papier Mache. Reading the original post(s) again might assist.

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11 minutes ago, placnx said:

The data from trials of Chinese vaccines are not available, so the scientific community doesn't know the frequency of this side effect.

Yes but there are/will soon be plenty of clinical data from countries which have ordered millions of doses: Brazil, Chile, Turkey, Indonesia, Philippines, etc. 

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3 minutes ago, goatfarmer said:

A false dichotomy: the choice is not Sinovac or not Sinovac. There are other options. Astra Zeneca is here already and JnJ has been approved?

Any more fallacies? Bring'em on! 

Tell me what other options I have in Thailand today?

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11 minutes ago, goatfarmer said:

A false dichotomy: the choice is not Sinovac or not Sinovac. There are other options. Astra Zeneca is here already and JnJ has been approved?

Any more fallacies? Bring'em on! 

They are trying to purchase J&J, but so are dozens of other countries.  Not to mention the problems they're having with manufacturing.  Perhaps by December, we'll see this jab.


I believe they are planning on purchasing many millions of doses of Sinovac, and manufacturing AZ locally.  The latter to be available in July.


So for now, the #1 jab that's available is Sinovac.

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The Thai government is looking to lay its hands on another 5 million batches of the Sinovac Biotech ‘CoronaVac’ vaccine from China.


800,000 more doses of the Sinovac Biotech Covid vaccine arrived in Thailand yesterday and will be administered to health workers, the elderly and at-risk areas, according to Thailand’s public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul yesterday. Another 1 million doses, from the initial order of 2 million shots from China, will arrive next month.


200,000 doses of the Sinovac Biotech arrived 4 weeks ago.

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Just now, BritManToo said:

Tell me what other options I have in Thailand today?


5 gets you 10 there is no reply.


Dying in TL is always an option. If you can't wait, then get in a car and drive, that works for a goodly number.

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Would you side with the results found by scientists, or with statements coming from government officials?







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Just now, Jeffr2 said:



The Thai government is looking to lay its hands on another 5 million batches of the Sinovac Biotech ‘CoronaVac’ vaccine from China.


800,000 more doses of the Sinovac Biotech Covid vaccine arrived in Thailand yesterday and will be administered to health workers, the elderly and at-risk areas, according to Thailand’s public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul yesterday. Another 1 million doses, from the initial order of 2 million shots from China, will arrive next month.


200,000 doses of the Sinovac Biotech arrived 4 weeks ago.


Could anyone just remind me which vaccine the PM, minsters and the senate got?

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5 hours ago, crazykopite said:

That’s if you haven't pegged it by then my friend The Astra Zeneca is perfectly safe all my family have had it back in the U.K. with no side effects  


Yes relatively safe. You have more chance of getting a blood clot from flying than you do from the AZ vaccine.

As for side-effects, my energy levels did drop considerably for a day something that also happened to a few of my friends.


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59 minutes ago, ParkerN said:

Yes. There's a matter of technique here. It may be rubbish, but it's helpful to say why you think it's rubbish and make a more positive contribution.


Life is already full of empty vessels making quite a lot of noise but little else of value.

I think the point is that if you don't have an argument, you resort to invective.

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16 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

They are trying to purchase J&J, but so are dozens of other countries.  Not to mention the problems they're having with manufacturing.  Perhaps by December, we'll see this jab.


I believe they are planning on purchasing many millions of doses of Sinovac, and manufacturing AZ locally.  The latter to be available in July.


So for now, the #1 jab that's available is Sinovac.

So we might have to wait. 

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57 minutes ago, starky said:

Whats your comments on the blood clots from that AZ gunk and also the J&J gunk which have 25% fatality rates if your one of the ones unlucky enough to develop the clots 

No point you going out of your front door then mate, your about 5000 times more likely to die on the thai roads. but i dare say you do it every day and dont worry about it.

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Almost any vaccine is based on a virus of common cold. Someone die because of common cold every month. So the same category of people will die after vaccination.
Just ask yourself - Are you from this category of people who can die from a common cold? If you are not, you should go and get a vaccine. That is a simple thing to decide.

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1 hour ago, ParkerN said:

Yes. There's a matter of technique here. It may be rubbish, but it's helpful to say why you think it's rubbish and make a more positive contribution.


Life is already full of empty vessels making quite a lot of noise but little else of value.

There is only so much you can say here

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7 minutes ago, Dtaw said:

Have Xi Jinping or any of his deputies taken the Sinovac or Sinopharm jabs? No. There is a reason for that -they know damn well those jabs are trash. 

No? Not? Perhaps so. But maybe? Possibly? Probably? As the heralded leader it is more than likely the question remains unanswered as part of his "infallible" projected persona.

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