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Next 7 days to determine COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand: DDC

Jonathan Fairfield

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39 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Mmmmm? Let's think about that. Mass testing picks up infections then the state can do what they think is approprite. Lock downs, quarantine, contract tracing ect happens. Reduce the numbers of infections and eventually you will bring down the number of deaths. This is logical and unarguable. Do not mass test and you miss positives who have aready or will spread the virus. Greater spread is now happening in Thailand and deaths are rising. This is also to a dgree unarguable other than numbers are being underreported and very little testing is happening.

Ya missed it. You said if no tests, levels will go down. But that won't stop the spread of the virus and for sure won't stop the deaths.

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23 hours ago, BKKTRAVELER said:

No restrictions have been put in place during Songkran and even now when things have clearly escalated, the very little they are doing to prevent the spread is a joke.


And then, they come out and say: let's wait and see how it goes in a few days or so, but let's not do anything in the meantime... And then, you have the PM clown doing his daily speeches saying everything is under control and that he is confident the economy will skyrocket again. And then, you have TAT coming up every now and then with the most ridiculous schemes and figures that make no sense whatsoever, like half the world will visit Thailand this year, or better next month when the virus has disappeared and we have a 150% growth in the economy!


We officially have a full circus in effect!

They have to say it because it's all they've got...

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23 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

and resulted in more lung infections perhaps caused by the prevalence of the so-called English variant, reported Daily News

Hah hah! Gotta keep plugging this to divert blame.........I suggest all incoming mail originating in UK is incinerated on receipt.

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2 hours ago, anthony0339 said:

Don’t seem to understand other people. When they get the bad news about the restrictions, they complain can’t go to the bar, can’t drink, can’t go play in Pattaya. When the government does not impose further restrictions, they complain they aren’t doing enough. ????

I have always agreed about restrictions. I have been ok that they lifted them to boost the economy while numbers were really low and under control. But the fact that they let everything happen for Songkran while the third wave was already spreading with the new strain was complete madness. Hotels and airlines should have been told to keep the money deposited and offer 1 year for people to reschedule their holidays for free. They got their money and people could have travelled later when it was less risky. Now, it will take months before numbers get back to 100 or less per day and more people will die.

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On 4/24/2021 at 3:55 PM, ikke1959 said:

Why are the Government opposition and coalition parties not in a meeting to discuss the behaviour of Anutin and Prayuth for their incompetent behaviour about this crisis


Everybody understands and knows why

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Im befuddled by the insatiable misgivings of our government to postulate and procrastinate. 


Apparently they were never taught to: Improvise, adapt and overcome. 


Let's give them a helping hand.... 


1. Full lockdown and curfew, all districts effective immediately.


2. All military personnel be deployed to protect and repel boarders on all neighboring countries.


3. Marine department, Royal Thai Police and Thai Navy initiate regular and unscheduled patrols. Including Rivers, Gulf, or Sea. 


4. All covid positive tested (non asomatic) to be quarantine in home.  Ampur or subs districts to be assisted by Thai Police or other L..E.O. in area.


5. All import licensing relative to the Covid 19 pandemic be canceled. All drugs, pharmaceuticals and or supplies for any medical treatment ( shall have priority) for air cargo of any and all international vaccines or remedial drugs to be allowed duty and tax free, effective immediately. 


6. All residents, international investors, retirees, or spouses of Thai Nationals and any Non Thai Citizens by birth or Oath who have been continuous in yearly Long term Visa's for at least 3 years with no criminal record: be granted Permanent Residency and allowed to volunteer for any government service as that agency sees fit. 


That should get "The Ball" rolling....

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On 4/24/2021 at 3:55 PM, ikke1959 said:

a little bit too late... last year a few cases and the whole country locked down. Nobody understood. Nowadays 100 times more cases and nothing happens. Nobody understands. 

Vaccines which are not effective enough are coming in small  amounts to Thailand. Nobody understands.

Why do they start in June/July with mass vaccinations?? Nobody understands

and so on and so on..... 

Why are the Government opposition and coalition parties not in a meeting to discuss the behaviour of Anutin and Prayuth for their incompetent behaviour about this crisis

Because perhaps they fear that they may end up fired from their job, have a 'freak accident', be prosecuted or throw in prison for defamation / fake news / computer crimes.etc.

Edited by jak2002003
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Its like watching a train wreck ocurring in slow motion.  The government is in denial.  Guys like this know the healthcare system is within 2 or 3 days of being overwhelmed., as he hinted a couple of days ago,  but he was told to put out the official line is wait and see to prevent panic.  Nothing done to prepare for this possibility for over a year but the current constitution and political system means that the government can remain in power indefinitely no matter what it does or does not do.   


Need an immediate nationwide lockdown with curfews again.   Just saying hair salons have to stop doing nails and closing convenience stores in the wee hours is not going to avert an Indian scale catastrophe.  Make the tough decision now and avoid worse economic damage later. 

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