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Thailand starts stricter COVID-19 shutdown, but experts say not enough


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On 4/27/2021 at 7:53 AM, realfunster said:

However, there was a flight by RTAF to pick up Embassy staff from Delhi.

I hope they strictly follow the quarantine process....


The topic of "charter flights from India" did come up at a recent CCSA briefing, where we were told that there are no, nor have there been any such flights (these rumors were bubbling). 


Further we were told that only Thais re-patriating can return back to Thailand from UIndia, and that yes, they will be subject to a 14 day quarantine.


I suspect special people, evacuated on a special aircraft (Prestige, not sure if this is the one with the gold toilets?) may get special treatment? Maybe home quarantine?



Edited by mtls2005
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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The Thai embassy in New Delhi said in a statement that certificates of entry for non-Thai nationals travelling from India will be suspended until further notice.

I wonder if that will include diplomats and military attaches, as well as plebs?

Wasn't that the source of the Rayong cluster-flock last year?


Edited by bluesofa
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Richard Barrow said yesterday the CCSA were meeting on Thursday to reintroduce the 14 day quarantine for everyone entering Thailand.  If this is true I can’t see why as this spike was caused by Thais and not imported by foreigners.

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33 minutes ago, AdamXXX said:

If only we could see any scientifc data that prove that lockdowns work. My research has not come up with any thing that proves lockdowns make any diffrence to mortality rates.

Empirically proven for the deniers. 


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10 minutes ago, AdamXXX said:


Please provide a definition of 'better". 


Here is mine


" Those sites that do not derive direct funding from associates of the principle benificiries of the the money trail behind the narrative, or from advertising revenue generated by promoting the narative created by the principle benificiries "



Certainly, Imperial College data should be part of the mixbut please bear in mind who funds them. (Hint initials BGF)


For balance, here are a list of 127 studies that show lockdowns have no effect




Please dont take this as personal slight, all Im asking for is consideration of other sources of data, particularly those that are not part of the money trail from promoting vacines.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't go out you can't get infected, what part of that don't you understand ??? If you do go out, shopping or paying a bill that can only be paid in 7/11 or the provider's office, double mask, where a face shield and lashings of hand gel/ washing. If more people did that it would slow the contagion significantly.

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11 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

Richard Barrow said yesterday the CCSA were meeting on Thursday to reintroduce the 14 day quarantine for everyone entering Thailand.  If this is true I can’t see why as this spike was caused by Thais and not imported by foreigners.


About 10 days ago, they discovered the deadly Brazil P.1 variant in a traveller from France who became ill on day 6 of ASQ. The Brazil strain is the last thing they need while fighting the UK variant.  They likely realized dropping quarantine to 10 or even 7 days was a bit foolish.


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8 minutes ago, AdamXXX said:


Im not trying to score points, Im not trying to be original, Im trying to ask people to consider all the people affected by the reaction to C19, because I dont belive this discussion is taking place-for a varety of reasons.

Im not trying to attack anyone-if you want to lock yourelf up, if you want to wear masks, if you want to take gene threpy, if you want to listen exclusively to Imperial College and Fauci, more power to you.

If you think this discussion is already taking place, then ok-there is no need to be agressive, and you should just ignore me.


Im not looking to change minds, but instead, organise similar minds in a effective way to provide an scientific ways to deal with C19 that take into account everyone that get hurt by the current C19 response

I'd prefer to listen to Imperial College than you and do not require  your permission to do so. Given the amount of time and text you you dedicate to your iterations I suggest  you are trying to change minds but you are in fact just  re ploughing old furrows. Nothing you reference wasn't being discussed  last year by government departments and media outlets. Their was concensus about the current approach which anyway is under  consideration and constant review..

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Shopping malls and markets should be closed until further notice.

Public transport such as trains should be available for key workers only.

If you can't work from home,tough.

None essential stores should cease trading till further notice.

None essential travel implicated.

1 person person per family only,to use supermarket for essential goods.

If these restrictions seem unreasonable to anyone,tell me again when the death toll is over 100,000

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3 hours ago, pookondee said:


If you considered an infection rate of 10% in some places (other than India) 

that means a massive 90% of people are locked up, no lives, no jobs,

threat of depression, mental illness, suicide,

cant travel

cant visit loved ones...

on and on 


seems very unfair to me

People still get out and about during lockdowns.  I've been through 2 so far and we were still able to go to Makro, the beach, fresh market.  People were working, had jobs, etc.  Not sure what you're on about....but it's wrong.  Sure, many are suffering.  But they'd suffer more if we didn't lock down.  Don't forget about the mental health of those who've lost loved ones.  As you may know, death of a close relative is the most stressful thing that can happen to an individual.

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10 hours ago, InevitableCost said:

Ya just keep being locked down forever. Man the average IQ has really went downhill. Cant believe people still comply with these orders. 

The hardest lockdown countries are among the most hard hit countries in the world in terms of infections and deaths, yet people still think they work and even ask for more. Now this site is even advocating suppression tactics to those who disagree. It is frightening. Many people would rather hide under a rock to extend their death instead of living.

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3 minutes ago, rabang said:

The hardest lockdown countries are among the most hard hit countries in the world in terms of infections and deaths, yet people still think they work and even ask for more. Now this site is even advocating suppression tactics to those who disagree. It is frightening. Many people would rather hide under a rock to extend their death instead of living.

Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan?

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4 minutes ago, rabang said:

Hint. Those countries have one thing in common. Besides Taiwan didn't have a lockdown as far as I know.

You made a claim and I countered it.


What actual difference does being an island make? If a lockdown works it works, whether its a small village in the country, a town, a city, a nation, an Island

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4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

You made a claim and I countered it.


What actual difference does being an island make? If a lockdown works it works, whether its a small village in the country, a town, a city, a nation, an Island

Many more examples show they don't work as well. If they "work" only in a couple of island nations that have strict border policies there must be something more needed.

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5 minutes ago, rabang said:

Many more examples show they don't work as well. If they "work" only in a couple of island nations that have strict border policies there must be something more needed.

They seem to have worked very well in all the countries I've looked at in charts and corresponding falls in cases. Each and everyone.

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12 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

They seem to have worked very well in all the countries I've looked at in charts and corresponding falls in cases. Each and everyone.

I wish it was so simple so I could accept them easier:





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6 minutes ago, rabang said:

Please there's already dozens of credible peer reviewed studies to prove they work, aside from basic commonsense

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19 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Please there's already dozens of credible peer reviewed studies to prove they work, aside from basic commonsense

Maybe, but as it seems highly unlikely that Thailand will be going into anything like a full lockdown, we'll have to hope we come out of this "wave" relatively unscathed.

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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Maybe, but as it seems highly unlikely that Thailand will be going into anything like a full lockdown, we'll have to hope we come out of this "wave" relatively unscathed.

I think you'r right, if there was going to be a full on lockdown it would have happened by now. With numbers stabilizing/decreasing we have to keep our fingers crossed and hope it will all be ok.

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7 hours ago, rabang said:

The hardest lockdown countries are among the most hard hit countries in the world in terms of infections and deaths, yet people still think they work and even ask for more. Now this site is even advocating suppression tactics to those who disagree. It is frightening. Many people would rather hide under a rock to extend their death instead of living.

Reality is the opposite of your perception.


Brazil and India have no national lockdown. The US never had a national lockdown. Those are the top 3 countries in terms of deaths and cases.


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7 hours ago, rabang said:

California has the lowest infection rate in the US. Lower than any major country, as well, excepting the quarantined countries such as Australia.


Florida’s infection rate is many times that of California.


Your opinion is the opposite of reality.



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