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Thai prime minister fined 6,000 baht for not wearing face mask

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 hour ago, jonnit said:

I'm assuming that those wearing a mask in Thailand have no problem with their eyeglasses fogging up while wearing the mask. I hate wearing the mask with my glasses on due to the fogging,  but I'm not in Thailand and probably will not return until all the extra requirements are lifted.

And you are not PM... 

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Its a Good example for the Farangs in Pattaya.. you know the ones who walk up and down the sois refusing to wear the mask because  its uncomfortable or they feel above the law since they are part of the "night" life group.  If the nations number one can be fined then so should the farangs who refuse to follow the rules designed to protect  their neighbors 

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15 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Complete and total scripting and fabrication on the back of ‘politicians breaking rules’ follows by ‘stop pestering our politicians’...  some halfwit who everyone thinks is sharp figured it would be a great idea to present the PM as ‘one of us’......  Wow, even the PM is not beyond the law !! this guy is amazing, what hero he can be fined like the rest of us... 


.... juvenile mindless....



And the latest set of rules highlight the juvenile and idiotic mindset - masks in private cars. 

My Wife’s friend is a news reader and just told my Wife that they will have to wear a mask when reading the news !!! - just dumbflookery at its heights... 




Never ascribe to design that which can be more easily ascribed to ignorance or error. 

Your thesis is not unimaginable but unlikely IMO. I think you give him or his handlers too much credit for cleverness. 

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14 hours ago, Blumpie said:

Publicity stunt

Yes, but a very effective one.  For 6,000 baht he has shown everyone (from the lowest peasant to the Prime Minister) in the country that they must obey this law.  That is an amazing level of effectiveness for a government department.  Kudos

  For those lower than the lowest peasants (expats) take heed, for the full weight of the 20,000 baht fine may come your way.


Just saying

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16 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Complete and total scripting and fabrication on the back of ‘politicians breaking rules’ follows by ‘stop pestering our politicians’...  some halfwit who everyone thinks is sharp figured it would be a great idea to present the PM as ‘one of us’......  Wow, even the PM is not beyond the law !! this guy is amazing, what hero he can be fined like the rest of us... 


.... juvenile mindless....



And the latest set of rules highlight the juvenile and idiotic mindset - masks in private cars. 

My Wife’s friend is a news reader and just told my Wife that they will have to wear a mask when reading the news !!! - just dumbflookery at its heights... 




I disagree newsreaders along with all media broadcasters should be wearing face shields or masks as it sets a good example to the dumb populace - if they stop the mob will stop too.

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16 hours ago, AdamXXX said:

Does anyone actually believe this is anything else than a PR stunt to promote mask wearing?

Yes you are correct a few Thais I have spoken with totally agree it was a stunt to show no one is exempt from paying the fine

Including the Prime Minister

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2 hours ago, Ginner said:

Do you really believe this???? The photo was LATER removed, it's quite possible it was seen by quite a few citizens, so this is just to  water down the fall out. Anybody questioning why he wasn't wearing a mask, they already have their answer.


Actually not sure why. Was it possible orchestrated to make him look like not untouchable above the law? You cannot put anything beyond and impossible with this Junta. 

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17 hours ago, AdamXXX said:

Does anyone actually believe this is anything else than a PR stunt to promote mask wearing?

all propaganda..false Thai media  Reports   ha ha .these are so crooked they couldn't lie strait in bed 

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2 hours ago, AquaThai said:

Its a Good example for the Farangs in Pattaya.. you know the ones who walk up and down the sois refusing to wear the mask because  its uncomfortable or they feel above the law since they are part of the "night" life group.  If the nations number one can be fined then so should the farangs who refuse to follow the rules designed to protect  their neighbors 

Maybe they should also look at the type of mask that some people wear that offer little or no protection to others.

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17 hours ago, RobMuir said:

Brave governor.


But revenge will be paid.


Prayut is like that.


A few weeks in Attitude Adjustment Camp will sort this punk out.

Probably just a PR stunt to get people to wear masks. I never wear a mask in the village because it isn't a danger zone but during the last two days I have noticed that now everybody is, as the only falang in the village I am conspicuous so I am trying to change my ways but old habits die hard, I'm half-way to the shop before I remember.

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18 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

The prime minister made an inquiry to city hall about the restrictions, which specify that masks should be worn at all times outside residences, prompting his fine, said Aswin.


Thank God he wasn't a farang, then he would have paid the 20,000 THB Farang-Price.

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18 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

"I informed the prime minister this was a violation of rules", Bangkok Governor Aswin Kwanmuang wrote on his official Facebook page. The move came after a photograph of Prayuth appeared on his Facebook page showing him not wearing a mask in a meeting. The photograph was later removed.

Everytime we see a government official, a high-profile "expert", or other Hi-So "somebodies" standing at a podium maskless, or in meetings maskless, or having photos taken maskless - they better be fined or else the government reinforces the "One set of rules for me, another set of rules for thee" which we already know is the gold-standard of behavior.  Commoners get fines; elites get a pass.  Poor, poverty stricken Prayut didn't even get the full 20,000 THB fine.  Nope - that fine will be reserved for Farang.  You can bet on that.

-May you live in interesting times?  Yeah, I never expected to live long enough to be a member of a repressed public in dystopian future teetering on totalitarianism.  Yet?  Here we are.

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18 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Complete and total scripting and fabrication on the back of ‘politicians breaking rules’ follows by ‘stop pestering our politicians’...  some halfwit who everyone thinks is sharp figured it would be a great idea to present the PM as ‘one of us’......  Wow, even the PM is not beyond the law !! this guy is amazing, what hero he can be fined like the rest of us... 

I think your assessment is spot on the mark.  There was probably no exchange of money from the PM's wallet.  Looks like playacting for the benefit of the mindless-masses.

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17 hours ago, AdamXXX said:

Does anyone actually believe this is anything else than a PR stunt to promote mask wearing?

Thailand was way advanced in mask-wearing, temperature-taking than the UK, it was something I noticed when I travelled back to the UK from Thailand a year ago. And, Thailand's a country that hasn't been hit nearly as hard as the UK has by COVID 19.

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18 hours ago, AdamXXX said:

Does anyone actually believe this is anything else than a PR stunt to promote mask wearing?

anyone whose brain hasnt been rotten away by cynisism and hatred and sees  evil conspiracies "by the elites" everywhere, likely will take this as genuine news.


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18 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Well, that is my good laugh for the day.

Now how about calculating a bill for Khun Anutin, who has gone bare faced pretty much throughout. (other than days he was promoting mask wearing on camera of course!)

These are all "Special People" and "Special People" are exempt from rules meant to keep a knee on the neck of little people, plebs, commoners, and dirty foreigners.

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19 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Just saw news over dinner. How about arrest the rules dodger. 6000 baht is nothing to this guy.

Written off on expenses I would imagine. 

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