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Virologist warns spread of South African COVID-19 variant from Malaysia possible via natural border


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2 minutes ago, lks7689 said:

We have never lived as a united world


In an ideal united world we'd all have done a worldwide 14 day lockdown, contact tracing and quarantine, and beat SARS-CoV-2 within a month.

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1 hour ago, vandeventer said:

You truly sound like you are pro-China, 18% in the last quarter. Maybe it is from all the fake n95 and kn95 masks they are selling to the world. I for one have little time for China as they put the world in so much pain and worry of what to do next 

Pro China?  Far from it.  Other than they've done a great job dealing with the virus.  And yes, their economy rocked.  Shows that if you deal with this properly, life can get back to normal. 


Yes, they are probably responsible for this virus.  Just like others in the past.  But how they dealt with it should be a model for the rest of the world.  Sadly, many countries are totally botching their response.  India and Brazil are the latest examples, both led by covid deniers.

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Some posts with false or misleading information have been removed.  Others will be removed as needed after review.  


Some troll posts and replies have been removed. 


An off topic post about China's economy recovering has been removed. 

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6 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Pro China?  Far from it.  Other than they've done a great job dealing with the virus.  And yes, their economy rocked.  Shows that if you deal with this properly, life can get back to normal. 


Yes, they are probably responsible for this virus.  Just like others in the past.  But how they dealt with it should be a model for the rest of the world.  Sadly, many countries are totally botching their response.  India and Brazil are the latest examples, both led by covid deniers.

Please enlighten me in this road to recovery. Just how many Chinese died down this road? How many were put down because they had the virus and how many die from the virus? We will never know because they lie. So please don't talk about other countries botching things up as this is a new as very dangerous virus. Show some respect to the dead.

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14 minutes ago, apetryxx said:

How many variants are you folks going to go hysterical over? Get a grip, viruses are with us as they have been since before man went upright. Live with it and get on with living a life!


The reason why Brazil, South Africa and India variants are of concern is because their spread could undo all the efforts of vaccination.


South Africa's tests showed that Astra Zeneca, which will be primary vaccine in Thailand, had barely any effect on the virus at all (prompting SAR to give away a million doses of it), where other vaccines reportedly aren't much if any better against it. India variant is mutated South African one, and it's already in Malaysia, and possibly in Thailand as well (either directly or through Malaysia or more likely, India).

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8 hours ago, Fromas said:

Studies have concluded that this variant is tougher on all vaccines, not just the China vaccines.


Seems like all these SPECIAL variants are a cover up of inadequate vaccine process .. Good PR for China too .. UK don’t have any

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I still maintain contact with several PRC graduate students in my classes. They evacuated en masse at the end of March last year. According to them, yes, things are pretty much back to normal. They are living their lives much as they lived them before the pandemic. Funny thing, however, is they are all anxious to return to Thailand. They liked it here, apparently enjoyed the relative freedom. FWIW they were all excellent students, very likable and attentive to work. I would rather teach them than American students.

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4 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

A friend is in Singapore.  A lady went into quarantine for 2 weeks.  2 weeks later, she was sick.  They've no idea how it happened and they're doing a fantastic job there of contact tracing, etc.  Scary.  We just don't fully understand this virus yet.  Especially the variants.


Indeed. There is little sign of us being able to defeat the virus, only contain it at best with lockdowns and now vaccines. Quite the opposite, with it in many places getting stronger and more resistant. The situation in India now is really scary and it could get completely out of control there.


At the same time, many are suffering from pandemic fatigue and letting their guard down. There is a very, very long way to go before the world gets on top of this, if it ever will, and I can't see life returning to normal until the end of next year at the earliest. The virus can't be wished away, and the restrictions and disappointments are just something we are going to have to live with for the foreseeable future.

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8 minutes ago, Millcx said:

Seems like all these SPECIAL variants are a cover up of inadequate vaccine process .. Good PR for China too .. UK don’t have any

Seems like you don't understand how vaccines work and viruses replicate!

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2 hours ago, lks7689 said:

Yes, China could have done a lot better. But the rest of the world could have done better too when they saw it coming. It's probably hard for you to swallow but the fact is places which took draconian measures subsequently are doing better and China is one of them. 


This pandemic has shown that some nations are resilient. Others are not. I agree that rigid hardline responses seem to work. For all the criticism of Thailand, the Thais have undertaken actions that have worked and simply would cause people's heads to explode in the West, such as the field hospital detention and forced hospitel isolation. 

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24 minutes ago, Harm Hendrik Reitsma said:

Also posts that were Proven right are removed now???!!!

Well, at this point it should be clear which team they play for.  Like all other mainstream media after all, there's no difference at all

Edited by fleccer
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2 minutes ago, connda said:

Lordy - look at that will ya!!!
We already need ฿oosters for the $hots that the majority of the world's population haven't even received yet, nor will receive until well into 2022 especially outside of the First World.
And so-call Covid Vaccination Created Herd-Immunity?  it will be a creature that will be as shy and elusive as a Unicorn.  "Experts" will promise the Herd of Humankind that the mythical beast exists and will come cresting over the Pandemic Horizon with Sir Anthony Fauci riding tall (kinda) in a shining suit of Covid Armor wearing the Mask of Informed Consent and carrying The Lance Of Covid Boosters to lead the masses into the Heavenly Gates of The New Normal and Beyond.

I think I'll go watch some Monty Python re-runs while I am patiently waiting for the first Covid shots to arrived considering that the Thai Bureaucracy is isn't allowing the import of vaccinations that would compete with the established single-source monopoly. 
"We are not interfering with the importation of vaccines!", they say.
Of course not..............<pops popcorn>  Let see, Life of Brian? Time Bandits? Ah, here we go - Monty Python and The Holy Grail.  Perfect!  Priceless!

Well... could put any of the smilies to this post. Sad one, or a Laughing one. Funny, sad and true at the same time. Maybe that calls for Confused one as well, so Thank you for it. But I had to choose one...

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Let's make it a moot point.


Allow the delivery of Pfizer, Moderna or J&J tomorrow.


Minister Auntin continues to shortchange the people of Thailand for the sake of money. 


You have to buy more than you think the country needs? Too Bad. That's business Minister.... stop allowing people to get sick and die because of greed.


All citizens and residents of Thailand could have been vaccinated by now... and your travel bubbles, Sandboxes and sexy tours could be rebounding as I type this post. 

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1 minute ago, Bradmeister said:

Let's make it a moot point.


Allow the delivery of Pfizer, Moderna or J&J tomorrow.


Minister Auntin continues to shortchange the people of Thailand for the sake of money. 


You have to buy more than you think the country needs? Too Bad. That's business Minister.... stop allowing people to get sick and die because of greed.


All citizens and residents of Thailand could have been vaccinated by now... and your travel bubbles, Sandboxes and sexy tours could be rebounding as I type this post. 

Yeah.... No.

Actually you can invite them all to send all their stuff over, there's still none available. He should have asked for this a year back.


But, in all wisdom available in entire Universe, the bet was made on a single vaccine, produced locally.

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...methinks Thailand should be concentrating on the impoverished and hunted Myanmar folk fleeing their country for their lives...Thailand should be stepping up patrols of their lengthy border to curb this and punish severely those Thais, officials and others, who are assisting all illegals to get entry.

Any illegal immigrant must be quarantined and vaccinated.

Come  on Thailand, get your act together, as it is already getting far too late.

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Last year April there was a rush to pawn shops to sell stuff and that was only one month in of these lockdowns. Thais do not have much savings. The situation is now much much worse. It is easy to all these geezers here to just say deal with it because their monthly pensions (for now) are not in danger. 

Edited by JackSalesman
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Correct me if i am wrong, but I am sure i read recently that 11 African countries and including South Africa, are barred from coming here at the moment. Who needs their variant we have enough of our own. !!!!! 

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6 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

First, they don't really know enough about this new Indian variant.  So who knows if it's more deadly or not.  But the other variants have proven to be more deadly.  Either because they spread easier or like the Brazilian one, are going after younger people.


And no, the vaccines do not work against all of them.  Some yes, some no, some only partially.  And some, they just don't know.


Coming up on some 2,000 variants now.  That they know of.


China is doing great now.  Borders are closed, and the virus is in check. 


"China is doing great now.  Borders are closed, and the virus is in check."


That's what Thailand's PM and Deputy PM said a few weeks ago "It's all under control"! 

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It looks like this pandemic will continue for another couple more years because most people are already infected or incubating the virus, so infections and deaths will continue.

It will stop in some point, eventually, like any other past pandemic.

Until then we have to wait for the scientists to find a real solution.

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1 hour ago, Millcx said:

Seems like all these SPECIAL variants are a cover up of inadequate vaccine process .. Good PR for China too .. UK don’t have any


The "variant" theory is an easy scapegoat for vaccine injury and death also.

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In the US there were about 350 000 COVID deaths last year, overwhelming majority were old people. The mortality rose by 17 percent total and 2/3 of that was COVID. Thailand would have about 300 deaths per day with US situation last year, on top of normal about 2500 daily Thai deaths. 


These lockdown measures are not justified. Protect the elderly but otherwise this is totally crazy.

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