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Thai health ministry denies they are giving free jabs to expats - Thais come first

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Yes. god forbid they'd do anything for the falangs here...


There are supposed to be priority people and that is those over 60. Period. Full stop.


Nice denial though.


I wouldn't take Simonvac or Spupnik if you paid me anyway...

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18 minutes ago, anthony0339 said:

If you don’t like it, go back home!  No reason to complain. What did you think was going to happen? I really don’t understand some expats that think they should have the same rights as Thai people. 

I understand and I agree. I'm not a worry-wart type and I am not particularly in a hurry, but if a unit comes open in one of our buildings in CA (with rent control can't ask people to leave) I guess I'd be crazy not to take the opportunity to get on a plane and say goodbye to this place for a year or two. Kaiser is waiting for me, I'm over 80.

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4 minutes ago, madmitch said:

I think you've missed my point.


It could well be that Government hospitals or mass vaccination facilities will allow their vaccines to be used on foreigners?

Yes Mitch they will.


This has already happened among the migrant population in Samut Sakorn and it will be extended as part of a national vaccination program to include anyone living in Thailand. 




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But did Anutin not say that the jabs were free for everyone - Thais and foreigners?


Maybe he meant that the free jabs for foreigners only applied after ALL Thais had been vaccinated - which would make sense going by his past record!

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Just now, sambum said:

But did Anutin not say that the jabs were free for everyone - Thais and foreigners?


Maybe he meant that the free jabs for foreigners only applied after ALL Thais had been vaccinated - which would make sense going by his past record!

Yes, he did.  BUT he did not say when.  The government has made it clear though in recent days that foreigners who had registered via the Mor Prom app or the LINE app would not be offered vaccination in the June or July roll out.

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As disgusted as I am by this (if I was Thai I'd be embarrassed by this discrimination that could cost lives) I feel like I owe the Thai government a debt of gratitude -  Considering how the US vaccinated immigrants, both legal and illegal, along with the general population I actually feel, for the first time in several years, pride in being from the US.  After the last five years I never thought that would happen again.


(I'm sure that many of you from other western countries feel the same sense of pride and for good reason).  Yes we are better than this.

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6 minutes ago, Geir Rasch said:


I do not know where you are from, but in my home country (Norway) it would be totally incorrect to think like that. We want to practise that all residents are equal with the same access to public health care.


You are mixing something up:



and tourists


I would bet, 99% here on this Forum do not have residency status,

they are mostly tourists with a visa or pensioners with an extension of stay. Having a work permit and paying into the system is a tiny minority here.


Whereas I would assume, in Norway, the residents mostly work, pay income tax and contribute to the social welfare system.


Additionally, afaik I know, staying in Norway, you pay a VAT of 25% (not to talk about the ridiculous alcohol tax 555).

Compare that to Thailand‘s 7% VAT !


We have a lot of people here coming from places, where the Cost of Living Index is easily 2, 3, even 5 times higher than in Thailand.

That means: even based only on a tourist status, it allows you to save a huge amount of money.


There ain't no such thing as a free lunch !


... if you are keen on getting the vaccine,

do not ask for a „free jab“,

pay with a small amount of that money, you saved by staying here.

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4 minutes ago, jonclark said:

This has already happened among the migrant population in Samut Sakorn

That was a knee jerk reaction at the very commencement of what has become the third wave........ an attempt to prevent it..........if the virus were widespread and rampant at that time do you seriously believe they would be rushing to vaccinated illegal migrant workers????

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3 hours ago, smedly said:

seems that foreigners in Thailand don't get covid - spread covid or die from covid


This health minister a real genius and we all thought he had the intelligence and memory of a goldfish 


This Health Minister speak with "forked tongue"!

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26 minutes ago, KhunMorris said:

What I would say though is that if expats can spend 2k on an afternoon delight with some splay-toed massage girl then surely they can fork out a few purple persuaders to go private and buy the vaccine??

I pay social and taxes so why should I have to pay again for what non-contributing Thais get for free?

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2 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

That was a knee jerk reaction at the very commencement of what has become the third wave........ an attempt to prevent it..........if the virus were widespread and rampant at that time do you seriously believe they would be rushing to vaccinated illegal migrant workers????



well ... ????


If arguing like that,

you are literally crushing all the News

about the rampant, extraordinary dangerous increase of the virus spread at that time...


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Just now, BernieOnTour said:



well ... ????


If arguing like that,

you are literally crushing all the News

about the rampant, extraordinary dangerous increase of the virus spread at that time...



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8 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Every country in the world with vaccine rollouts has placed a priority on their own citizens in terms of who gets vaccinated first.  What should Thailand be any different? 


You can argue moral grounds that the deciding criteria should be risk category and not nationality, but citizens of any country have a right to expect that their needs come first.

Exactly, every country in the world has had arguments over priority, the reality is not everyone can be first and decisions have to be made.

Everyone wants a choice, but deny the government the right to choose how to govern.

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2 hours ago, Minime said:

[email protected] that is his email. Hope it woks?

It doesn't, mine just bounced


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Oh great so we get to spread the virus amongst the population while the vaccinations go on.  I guess since there is no hope of procuring it at a private hospital.  This is indeed the grandest of all debacles. 

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20 minutes ago, MAN2SIN2BKK said:

This answers why my pink Thai ID has been rejected for the past 3 days when I have been trying to log on............ As I read it the fact that I have paid Thai NI for 20 years, paid tax, have a Thai Yellow Residents Book, have a Thai residents ID, am married to a Thai and have 3 Thai kids means sweet <deleted>, nice!

You are not actually Thai......back of the queue.....I have diabetes...I have a heart condition......I have had a stroke......don't care.......back of the queue.

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