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Thai health ministry denies they are giving free jabs to expats - Thais come first

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5 hours ago, jonclark said:


I am not sure - This is a vaccine gold mine for all companies involved and I would bet my bottom dollar they are producing Vaccine at a phenomenal rate - The amount of cash thrown at rolling out vaccines is staggering. Moderna alone aims for 1 billion doses by the end of the year. I would imagine all the other manufacturers, Sinovac, Sputnik, AstraZeneca, J&J, Pfizer are looking at similar numbers.


With UK population now at 74% vaccinated and most of Europe at 30% (ish) USA aiming for 70% by July 2021. Chinas and India's numbers are harder to fathom but it is likely they are likewise in the same ball park.  But this all points to vaccines production at a high and sustained level. 


In 6 months no hospital is going to turn around a person and their wallet if they seek vaccination.  Despite the outrage of a very small but vocal group of Thai netizens. 



It will be well into next year until the world can get vaccinated, and by that time those who have had weak vaccines will need boosters, a good vaccine if some good samaritan or government can help. It's really unclear where expats in Thailand fit into this picture.

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10 minutes ago, chezy86 said:

Why is anyone surprised? Ex pats are only at the front of the queue when they are paying.

Personally they can stick their jabs as far up as they can get it.
How much of the population needs vaccination to achieve herd immunity anyway? 
Let them take their Chinavac and be the lab rats I say I’ll sit this one out thanks.


How will travel without a Vax passport? What if you or the majority of pensioners that don't have insurance need to get home with a seriouse illness but can't get out? 


What if you become number 2001 infected tomorrow? These are seriouse issues that would be foolish to ignore. 

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11 minutes ago, placnx said:

That's really unrealistic for most expats.

To be honest it's a bit sad to hear that people are literally trapped in Thailand and unable to return to their home countries, even for a couple of months to get vaccinated. I think anyone in that situation really needs to reflect on their life. 

Edited by edwardandtubs
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4 hours ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

Hmmmm. I'm not sure how ''we'' would feel if, when in our own country ''if'' -- during a virulent epidemic -- we found that ''foreigners'' were being given priority with vaccination (with a vaccine in very short supply) over ''us nationals''?


On reflection, I think we'd be pretty ''peed-off'' with our government for letting such a situation happen!


Yet here, so many ''foreigners'' -- many retirees, some long-stayers, some working and paying taxes -- consider they have the same rights as nationals! The Thai government are giving priority for nationals with underlying health conditions at the moment. ''Eventually'', they will give foreigners the vaccine.


[I just wish I was confident that no corruption will be involved!]

So it makes sense that, in countries where there's a lack of vaccines, the expats should be vaccinated through their consulates.

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7 hours ago, smedly said:

back of the line for a shot - Thais first


The Genius master of diplomacy Anutin has spoken 


When are the the foreign tourists coming back - we need them so much


I knew it! 


Just last year raving about dir** fal***,

and now offering "free vaccinations", while, according to a recent news item, 'foreigners should pay for their vaccinations themselves'...


No worries, I can pay the few bucks for my jabs at a private hospital, but please don't complain about a 'lack of tourists', as this expat will spend his holiday money somewhere else next year. And dividing my 2022 holiday budget by the average Thailand traveller's expenses in 2019, all the TAT has to do, is, attract a group of 12-15 Chinese instead of me.

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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Doesn't surprise me at all the Health minister or even this government would discriminate against foreigners!!
What they shouldn't forget is that that Thailand m,ade an agreement with Astrazeneca




2. To make COVID-19 vaccines available for people residing in Thailand on a foundation of ethics, equality, academic-based evidences, accessible supply, and management capability in national context, Thailand has been working under the Communicable Disease Act B.E. 2558 (A.D. 2015). On January 14, 2021, the National Communicable Diseases Committee (NCDC) has formed a sub-committee and tasked it with overseeing the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations. Chaired by Public Health Vice Minister Dr. Sophon Mekthon, the sub-committee comprises all Thailand’s vaccine frontliners and aims at mitigating severe illness and death, stabilizing healthcare system, reducing virus transmission risk, and sustaining economic and social stability. All operations are under the consideration of Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) and with the cabinet’s approval of budget for vaccines to be available for the people across Thailand. The nation-wide vaccination program is scheduled to be completed in 2021.


Maybe there are a few words in that which they probably don't understand interpret differently such as Ethics and Equality?

If this proves to be true we should lobby Astrazeneca in Thailand.

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1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

Maybe what you wish for exists in some make believe place but join us all here in the real world.  I would be delighted to pay 2,000 baht for a vaccine today if it were available to me.


If a private hospital charges you 2,000 baht for a vaccine that could save your life, what is the big deal anyway?  Many expats spend that much for a meal at a fancy restaurant without batting an eyelash, where the markup on actual cost for that meal is often astronomical.


In my own business I've always had clients who nitpicked on my pricing, arguing that I was overcharging them based on material costs, but NOT taking into account my fixed costs of running a business and the huge investment I had in equipment to produce the goods, and in maintaining inventories of supplies necessary for production, etc... 


What you think a product or service costs a provider to make available to you is often far more than you realize.  So, for you to claim that hospitals are ripping you off at 2,000 baht is probably not accurate at all.


The real world might be a harsh place at times, but it is what it is.


I have no problem with profits in a competitive zero monopoly zero cartel market place, but I totally draw the line at profiteering with peoples' healthcare and childrens education. Both of those services should be a public service and human right run by the people for the people, and paid for out of a fair and honest taxation system based on division of wealth.  That is in a society that actually cares about the well being of all its citizens.


Yes I am, sometimes I think sadly, living in the real currently very sick and dystopain world but that does not mean that we should just accept that when it is clearly so very wrong, and adopt an awful  "I'm alright Jack" selfish stance.  I am not a lover of the extreme uncontrolled Capitalism as it is today either but I am a democratric Socialist who believes well controlled and managed Socialism and Capitalism should work together as they do in sucessful socially sound nations like Denmark and yes Russsia too today.


Personally I may be called a cheap Charley in some folk's eyes, but I consider I am more being a sensible Sydney.  So NO I wont pay ridiculous totally unrealistic prices for any meals but I am perfectly happy to pay a reasonable cost to make the restaurant owner and his staff properly and fairly rewarded for their good efforts and services. Tips given too but only good service.

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46 minutes ago, AndyFoxy said:

Ummm....because they are human and could get infected.

You mean they still haven't learned how to prevent infection after more than a year of the pandemic?

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I suspect the Ministry is trying to assure Thais that 1-2 million Burmese "expats" (i.e. migrant labourers) won't get vaccinated before them while vaccines are in short supply. I was unable to register using my pink card or my social security number, but they offered me an appointment when I walked into my registered hospital yesterday. Logistically, it should be easy to include foreigners with a SSN or house certificate number because they are already in a database, but for the rest it might be a challenge.

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2 hours ago, TaoNow said:

I don't understand the panic or sense of urgency in getting the vaccine by all these posters.


Are you in some sort of essential occupation that requires exposure to strangers or people who might have the virus?


If not, then shelter in place as you are supposed to; avoid non-essential travel outside the home; mask up when outdoors in the proximity of others; and use hand hygiene after touching surfaces that strangers have recently touched.


Do that, and you should be a very low risk of Covid.   Jai yen yen for f's sake.

That is only possible if you live alone.

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3 hours ago, Crossy said:


The Chinese vaccines are not approved by me for sticking in my arm too (I'm too old anyway).


The problem is where would these vaccines be coming from, pretty well every production facility is sold out for months? The potential for fake / expired / faulty supplies is massive, at least the government procured stuff should be ok.


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1 hour ago, SomchaiCNX said:

What is so difficult to understand about it for some of you?

If you are in the Thai health security system you are getting your vaccins. If you are not contributing to the system why would you get your vaccines for free from that same system if you are not Thai?


Can I play golf for free when I'm not a member or do not pay green fees?

Agree with this.  But we should as expats living here full time, or as migrant workers, be on the same list as everyone else here based on urgency of need ie in order of vulnerability. When our rightful time comes in the queue we shoudl be offered the vaccine (and ideally a choice of a few) but with the proviso we must pay the true at cost based price for it.  Nothing wrong with that and no need to be ripped off by the private hospitals, or what I find obscene and wrongful to be able to buy your way to the front of the queue when there is not enough vaccines to go around anyway. 


So what is wrong with that fair and balanced idea hmm?? 

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3 minutes ago, orientalist said:

I suspect the Ministry is trying to assure Thais that 1-2 million Burmese "expats" (i.e. migrant labourers) won't get vaccinated before them while vaccines are in short supply. I was unable to register using my pink card or my social security number, but they offered me an appointment when I walked into my registered hospital yesterday. Logistically, it should be easy to include foreigners with a SSN or house certificate number because they are already in a database, but for the rest it might be a challenge.


Sadly, 'having an appointment' might not give a guarantee, esp. if the government restricts jabs to Thais due to 'limited supply'. My bet is that any foreigners will only get jabs once 'every Thai' has had them. 


And how about foreigners that don't have a pink card? 

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My Thai wife says that most Thai people connected to any type of social media knows about all this bull.  All Thais do NOT want that Chinese vaccine with reports of a 3% effective rate.  Also paralysis side effects.  But they keep ordering more at a cost of the proven Moderna vaccine.

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A shot in the arm: foreign residents and their eligibility for a jab



Thailand’s foreign residents are often left scratching their heads at the confusing and sometimes apparently contradictory information on Covid-19 vaccines and their eligibility for a jab


While many Thais are talking about their Covid-19 vaccine choices, if indeed there are any, and vaccination schedules, a large number of expats have been left clueless as to whether they have access to vaccines and if so, which, when and how.


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Okay then if everyone tells everyone known outside Thailand this is how foreigners are treated (when Thais are been treated fairly in the west) then millions of baht will be lost on tourist revenues in the future. I'll make sure of a few!!


How much for a shot again?

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30 minutes ago, orientalist said:

I suspect the Ministry is trying to assure Thais that 1-2 million Burmese "expats" (i.e. migrant labourers) won't get vaccinated before them


From other reports, the Ministry is referring to the foreigners who managed to register on MorPromt 

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