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Private Hospitals & Vaccine name

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On 5/14/2021 at 2:31 PM, Sheryl said:

None of the private hospitals have vaccine at this time.


They are required to get it through government so none at this time know what type they will get nor when.


This may be official but it is not correct. We are booked for June at a well known hospital. 


As I said - seems to be a definite 2-tier system in place here.  I know it sounds dodgy but TiT.

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11 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

Your wife and son may get vaccinated, but doubt if you will yet.

But either way it will not be Moderna (as this is not due into the country until the last part of the year (at the earliest). 


That's the issue I raised - but she said - "we are paying, they are fine".


Also - no vaccine for the 11 year old - I thought they were vaccinating kids in the US - but they would not let us book our daughter.

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15 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

Your wife and son may get vaccinated, but doubt if you will yet.

But either way it will not be Moderna (as this is not due into the country until the last part of the year (at the earliest). 


That is what I told my wife - Moderna isn't scheduled to be here till October.


But - we are booked for Moderna - all I can do is go and see what happens, right? The people that called us and asked us if we wanted them to get us in are usually reliable and reasonably connected.

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OK - Just checked - no big secret apparently - so Bangkok Hospital, Petchaburi Rd, Moderna, June - didn't ask which date and she's out gallivanting right now.

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55 minutes ago, pedro01 said:

OK - Just checked - no big secret apparently - so Bangkok Hospital, Petchaburi Rd, Moderna, June - didn't ask which date and she's out gallivanting right now.

Let us know what actually happens on the visit, and be sure to see the vial yourself.

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1 hour ago, pedro01 said:


That's the issue I raised - but she said - "we are paying, they are fine".


Also - no vaccine for the 11 year old - I thought they were vaccinating kids in the US - but they would not let us book our daughter.

The  "only"  vacine approved for kids is Pfizer


Pfizer Will Ask For Approval To Give COVID-19 Vaccine To Children Ages 2 to 11




The FDA is expected to soon authorize Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for teens.


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5 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Let us know what actually happens on the visit, and be sure to see the vial yourself.


Will do - it's all a bit odd. Wife's friend calls and asks if we want to be booked in. You know - it's not normal for friends to book you doctors appointments.


Maybe they are just getting people on the queue and not worrying if they have the actual vaccine.


I tend not to ask many questions

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On 5/13/2021 at 7:14 AM, Jeffr2 said:

My friends doc said he'd be lucky to get Moderna by the 3rd quarter.  4th quarter is more likely.  This is from a big private hospital.  We're stuck with Sinovac and AZ for quite a few more months.





Looking at this list I can tell you right now the only 2 vaccines Thailand will use is Sinovac and AZ. Reason, They are the cheapest ones out there especially Sinovac. Moderna and J&J have been approved but no deal . What's that tell you. The longer they wait to place a order, The longer the delivery time prosses


On 5/14/2021 at 1:24 PM, Phillip9 said:

Yah but Thailand hasn't actually ordered any moderna vaccine yet.  And moderna has so many orders already that in recent deals with other countries, moderna won't deliver the vaccine until 2022. 


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11 hours ago, pedro01 said:


Will do - it's all a bit odd. Wife's friend calls and asks if we want to be booked in. You know - it's not normal for friends to book you doctors appointments.


Maybe they are just getting people on the queue and not worrying if they have the actual vaccine.


I tend not to ask many questions

I emailed them right after reading your post and got this reply:


We are pleased to inform you that we are on process of acquiring the Covid-19 vaccine. At the moment, you may download our Bangkok Hospital Line Official, once the vaccination is available, we will announce the news on the Time Line. https://page.line.me/bangkokhospital?openQrModal=true, Facebook or Website.


And of course nothing is on the Line app. So they are not registering people in general.


Being Thailand it is not unusual that those with connections can get an appointment ahead of it being opened up. 


But what is hard to understand is how they can have Moderna so quickly.  I really don't see any way that is possible. They can certainly be vaccinating in June but only with AZ and Sinovac.


Anyway do check the vial when yo ugo and report back.

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11 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

I emailed them right after reading your post and got this reply:


We are pleased to inform you that we are on process of acquiring the Covid-19 vaccine. At the moment, you may download our Bangkok Hospital Line Official, once the vaccination is available, we will announce the news on the Time Line. https://page.line.me/bangkokhospital?openQrModal=true, Facebook or Website.


And of course nothing is on the Line app. So they are not registering people in general.


Being Thailand it is not unusual that those with connections can get an appointment ahead of it being opened up. 


But what is hard to understand is how they can have Moderna so quickly.  I really don't see any way that is possible. They can certainly be vaccinating in June but only with AZ and Sinovac.


Anyway do check the vial when yo ugo and report back.

I have read reports of some getting the Pfizer jab here.  At hospitals.  Have you heard this?  IMHO, makes sense to take care of the front line workers quickly!!!!

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1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

I have read reports of some getting the Pfizer jab here.  At hospitals.  Have you heard this?  IMHO, makes sense to take care of the front line workers quickly!!!!

No Pfizer in Thailand as far as is known.


Not even approved by Thai FDA yet.


Pfizer and Moderna will not sell to a hospital (or anyone else) without government approval


So if there is any of wither here, it was somehow smuggled in. Not impossible but  not easy to do.


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8 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

No Pfizer in Thailand as far as is known.


Not even approved by Thai FDA yet.


Pfizer and Moderna will not sell to a hospital (or anyone else) without government approval


So if there is any of wither here, it was somehow smuggled in. Not impossible but  not easy to do.


Well I guess if embassies wanted to provide this vaccine to themselves or others say on health risk aversion grounds then they could be brought in as diplomatic cargo as defined by the Vienna convention, just saying, and that would not be classified as smuggling and would obviously have been purchased by their respective governments.

Edited by Excel
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Just now, Excel said:

Well I guess if embassies wanted to provide this vaccine to themselves or others say on health risk aversion grounds then they could be brought in as diplomatic cargo as defined by the Vienna convention, just saying, and that would not be classified as smuggling.


You are right re Embassies and I believe some have brought it in for their own staff.


But if hospitals have it, it came in through an "irregular" channel. And likely would have to be a small amount.

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1 minute ago, Sheryl said:


You are right re Embassies and I believe some have brought it in for their own staff.


But if hospitals have it, it came in through an "irregular" channel. And likely would have to be a small amount.

yes agreed it would be more difficult for hospitals here to "acquire".

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9 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


You are right re Embassies and I believe some have brought it in for their own staff.


But if hospitals have it, it came in through an "irregular" channel. And likely would have to be a small amount.

So theoretically this could be a diversion from an embassy stash!

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On 5/15/2021 at 1:50 PM, homeseeker said:

Thank you Sheryl : a sound and sensible realistic posting.

Some people need to just calm down and stay safe and be patient.


I ain't a bookmaker but I would say that the odds of any foreigner getting the Covid 19 virus at this time is at worst 100/1...

So relax!


We have 2 in our condo as of last week, plus one Thai. All three in hospital. That darned virus does seem to get around, and has no recognition of nationality.


As yes, we are an upmarket condo, (darned Covid doesn't seem to show courtesy to that either), and yes, we have, and have had very strict protocols for many months, including closure of all common area facilities, but obviously if residents, (even those who self-isolate, as we have been doing for three weeks), and their staff go in and out of the building and into the environs of Bangkok, it is inevitable some are going to be infected. (And for that reason I have paused my maid for 3 weeks.)


I imagine our condo is not unique in having cases; time will tell how many, as this current wave spirals out of control, on its current trajectory.

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On 5/14/2021 at 9:54 AM, StevieAus said:

AstraZeneca is being produced in Thailand and is expected to be available in early June many hospitals are are already gearing up fo administer it, see my post below.

Is AstraZeneca safe for the 50 - 59 age grouping ? 

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2 minutes ago, CANSIAM said:

Yeah thanks, its concerning for me anyway...... 

As a matter of interest just googled and it seems they are giving it to people over 50 years in Australia.

They have been pretty conservative to date so can only assume it’s ok.

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48 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

As a matter of interest just googled and it seems they are giving it to people over 50 years in Australia.

They have been pretty conservative to date so can only assume it’s ok.

I mean what the hell to choose AZ or Sinovac if you are in the 50 - 59 bracket and your sitting here in the 4th quarter and Moderna or Phizer has not landed yet........ keep hiding possibly as one OP said before.......

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11 hours ago, Sheryl said:

I emailed them right after reading your post and got this reply:


We are pleased to inform you that we are on process of acquiring the Covid-19 vaccine. At the moment, you may download our Bangkok Hospital Line Official, once the vaccination is available, we will announce the news on the Time Line. https://page.line.me/bangkokhospital?openQrModal=true, Facebook or Website.


And of course nothing is on the Line app. So they are not registering people in general.


Being Thailand it is not unusual that those with connections can get an appointment ahead of it being opened up. 


But what is hard to understand is how they can have Moderna so quickly.  I really don't see any way that is possible. They can certainly be vaccinating in June but only with AZ and Sinovac.


Anyway do check the vial when yo ugo and report back.


It's a mystery. It'll probably turn into a farce.


But I will report back next month.

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On 5/16/2021 at 12:17 AM, StevieAus said:

Fortunately he speaks pretty good Thai and told the person to check with their manager.

Surprise Surprise they registered him.


That's one way to make him go away...  The proof will be in the actual jab.

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14 hours ago, pedro01 said:


It's a mystery. It'll probably turn into a farce.


But I will report back next month.


I suspect that whoever gave the information, knew they were going to start vaccinating in June and also that they were trying to procure Moderna and mistakenly assumed the two things went together i,.e. would be vaccinating with Moderna in June,


Anyway, let us know what happens. My money is one you being offered vaccination as scheduled but not with Moderna.

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On 5/16/2021 at 6:01 PM, Tony125 said:

The  "only"  vacine approved for kids is Pfizer


Pfizer Will Ask For Approval To Give COVID-19 Vaccine To Children Ages 2 to 11




The FDA is expected to soon authorize Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for teens.



That is in the US.


Whats is approved in the US and what is approved in Thailand differs considerably. 


In Thailand so far no vaccine  approved for under 18s, though there are indications they will soon approve Sinovac to teens.



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22 hours ago, StevieAus said:

I really don’t know,  from my reading they seem to be giving it to people 60+ in most countries.


Varies greatly by country. Some still give it at any age.

UK gives it to over 40s.


A big consideration is the availability of alternative vaccines. It is certainly safer than no vaccine, at any adult age.  But for those countries which have ready access to mRNA vaccines,  it makes sense to offer those to younger people.


This may get further fine tuned as more data becomes available. It has been difficult to quantify risks precisely because the adverse effect is so very rare in both vaccinated and unvaccinated people.  As a result it was not initially clear if there was a significant difference between those who got the vaccine  and the general population. Eventually, by combining data from multiple countries,  it became clear there was. It needs a lot of more observations to be able to stratify rates by age and sex.



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11 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


That is in the US.


Whats is approved in the US and what is approved in Thailand differs considerably. 


In Thailand so far no vaccine  approved for under 18s, though there are indications they will soon approve Sinovac to teens.



I know that the report was from USA ( about Pizer use in USA) I was simply explaining to the poster that when he asked if his 11 year old could get a shot as well as him and his wife ( in Thailand) that presently the only vacine approved for kids anywhere in the world is Psizer of which Thailand has none of yet and is not authorized for use in Thailand by the Thai FDA


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