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Buriram becomes first Thai province to penalize refusal for COVID-19 vaccine

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39 minutes ago, Kwaibill said:

I survived whooping cough, measles, rheumatic fever, etc. Life long complications from some. Wish they had vaccines when I was a child.

Whooping cough especially brings the ocasional nightmare.

Meningitis, too, gives pause every time a headache starts, mercifully few since retirement.????

Thankful for the polio vaccine, which came too late for some of my contemporaries.

You anti vax folks should give thanks every day for winning that lottery.

I am NOT anti vax at all. Read my posts



"Infringement of human rights ??????

I bet you are the guy complaining about us "farang" having to pay, or why er are not included on the free list.

It is the civic duty to help protect those we live & work with

In the UK you are not even told which jab you are getting. They are all coded through the NHS & given as they become available

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6 minutes ago, natway09 said:


In the UK you are not even told which jab you are getting. They are all coded through the NHS & given as they become available

Yeah but in UK you won't face the incarceration if you refuse the vaccine

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According to the article: - "Those who refuse to receive vaccine jabs, as ordered, may face a maximum fine of 60,000 Baht – 20,000 Baht for a violation of the Communicable Diseases Act and 40,000 Baht for a violation of the emergency decree – and/or two years in prison."


There is one important word here - MAY


Other laws, for example, prostitution, use SHALL, but of course are never enforced as this one never will, even if were made a law, which it won't. 


“Any person, being over sixteen years of age, [sic] subsists on the earning of a prostitute, even if it is some part of her incomes [sic], shall be punished with imprisonment of seven to twenty years and fined of fourteen thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life.” 



1 hour ago, bermondburi said:

Any foreigner not happy about forced vaccination should leave Thailand immediately.

Yes General Prayut. Thanks for playing, please come again 

  • Haha 2
31 minutes ago, placnx said:

Where did he get this idea? Sounds like an edict from Xi Jin Ping.

Xi Jin Anutin to be more proper

  • Haha 2
3 hours ago, cjinchiangrai said:

On a non-resident visa. That means you are free to leave at any time, including after you fail to produce vaccination documents for your extension. No rights violated, no problem.

Free to leave not have to leave . It wasn't about not wanting to get vaccine it was about the choice . 

  • Like 2
8 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

According to the article: - "Those who refuse to receive vaccine jabs, as ordered, may face a maximum fine of 60,000 Baht – 20,000 Baht for a violation of the Communicable Diseases Act and 40,000 Baht for a violation of the emergency decree – and/or two years in prison."


There is one important word here - MAY


Other laws, for example, prostitution, use SHALL, but of course are never enforced as this one never will, even if were made a law, which it won't. 


“Any person, being over sixteen years of age, [sic] subsists on the earning of a prostitute, even if it is some part of her incomes [sic], shall be punished with imprisonment of seven to twenty years and fined of fourteen thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life.” 



Yeah, but this imposition has nothing to do with the Communicable Diseases Act. One thing is to punish certain individual behaviors that could help the spread of an epidemic, another is to force people to undergo medical treatment against their will. There's a big difference

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7 minutes ago, fleccer said:

Yeah, but this imposition has nothing to do with the Communicable Diseases Act. One thing is to punish certain individual behaviors that could help the spread of an epidemic, another is to force people to undergo medical treatment against their will. There's a big difference

My point was that Buriram Noi has been working in Pattaya illegally for years and now back home is not going to worry about these laws that are never enforced. 

18 hours ago, connda said:

I just talked to the Mrs about the dictatorial powers of Thai governors.  She responded with a comment directed at the governor that was a reference to male genitalia. The Mrs was never a blushing lass. 
She then shared a spreadsheet she received by someone connected to our local goverment regarding the numbers of villagers taking their government up on their vaccination offer and registering for a vaccination (the Mrs was invited to sign up almost a month ago so vaccination registration has been open for quite awhile).  The average number of those registering was about 30% of villagers from all local villages, in other word, 70% don't want the shot.  In one of the largest villages only 5% of the villagers signed up.  So if you don't know what rural Thais think about all this vaccination rigamarole - now you do.  A lot of the issues involve knowing the global track record of the AZ vaccine and the number of countries rejecting the vaccine.  My Mrs doesn't want to assume the risk.  She is not giving informed consent to take the experimental AZ vaccine that is authorized only under emergency authorization.
Rule 1 of the Nuremberg Code.
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

And here I thought Thais lived in a bubble.  I guess that rural Thais are a little more worldly than I previously thought.  Good for them.
I think mandating masks is one thing as most Thais go along.
But mandating shots?  Repeatedly stating that the manufacturers say they are "safe" doesn't inspire confidence when people are getting sick after vaccinations and suffering from the same symptoms - blood clots.  Yeah, mandating shot will be a different buffalo. 

From the Thai National Anthem:
Thais love peace, but are not afraid to fight. 

I wonder if this will be the straw that broke the camel's back?

I believe that a large percentage of Thais not wanting to be vaccinated is not so much a sign of worldliness but ignorance. A vaccination for all is precisely what Thailand requires and the last thing it needs is large slabs of people reluctant to be immunised. Much more worldly populations than Thailand's are happily accepting the very minor risks and being injected, knowing that mass immunisation is the only way out of this mess.

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6 hours ago, Bradmeister said:

Let's see....hmmmm What do we have in Buriram thats so terribly important that the governor is threatening incarceration..... 


 A worldclass GP race track, a Popular Soccer Club, or would it be the Mechnized Army Bases? 


Yes, it may be he does not want a repeat

of last year (maybe the year before) where small arms went missing and people began liberating themselves....and doing some killing.


It may behoove the Ministry of Defense and of the Interior to start innoculations on all military bases. 


THE 9 DASH LINE IS LESS THAN 1000 Nautical MILES AWAY..... last thing we need is for our military to be weakened and our boarders wide open for an invasion.  

Aside from the GP track, Buri Ram is a boring, desolate and flat rice field with a few mountains in the south. It really is nothing special. Few foreigners have even heard of it. A friend last night asked me "what's Buri Ram" when I sent him a screenshot of this article. 

5 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body. This code also recognizes that the risk must be weighed against the expected benefit, and that unnecessary pain and suffering must be avoided.


However is Thailand a signatory to the code??

I think for it be enforceable they would need to a signatory nation

That's something I'd need to look up, but I'd be surprised if Thailand weren't a signatory nation. I thought all UN member states automatically were? 

5 hours ago, thto said:



It is also not allowed by law of any country to force anyone to vaccine. What a bunch of idiots.



Really? So mandatory vaccinatons for measles, mumps, etc are not allowed? In fact in most nations, such vaccinations are mandatory.

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11 hours ago, robbioff said:

 those who have tested positive in the past, and are not now deceased, are protected in exactly the same way, (as by vaccination) only achieved via natural means.   . . .  why is this fact being ignored?

May be he heard about it.


But  it seems he cannot  understand

1 hour ago, placeholder said:

Really? So mandatory vaccinatons for measles, mumps, etc are not allowed? In fact in most nations, such vaccinations are mandatory.

Yeah, but those are real vaccines, this instead is not a vaccine but a genetic drug

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2 minutes ago, fleccer said:

Yeah, but those are real vaccines, this instead is not a vaccine but a genetic drug

ya sure about that?
  1. a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
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On 5/14/2021 at 8:20 PM, kynikoi said:


Where you will with utmost certainty get covid.



High probability but not certainty.


But don't you think it's rather clever: don't want the vaccine, as a reward, you can join the list of the covid sufferers.


I have read lots of the comments on this thread and of course many of them are loopy.


I know there are doubts about the safety and efficacy of some of the vaccines but most of the stuff here is fantasy or fake news.


Anti vaxxers are nauseous and noxious people and it is good that Buriram is acting along the lines of making everyone think really seriously about their position in life!

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1 minute ago, placeholder said:
  1. a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

That's not what this alleged vaccine does. Do not come to make propaganda to me

1 minute ago, fleccer said:

That's not what this alleged vaccine does. Do not come to make propaganda to me

So what's your problem. It only affects immune cells. And it just tells them to make spikes. 

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1 minute ago, placeholder said:

. It only affects immune cells. . 

And does it seems little to you? The immune system is the key to everything, and must be preserved not manipulated

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