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1 hour ago, 1FinickyOne said:

and you are assuming this is a legitimate post... ?? The guy can read and write and not know how to shower? 


I say he is having some fun wasting your time... which I guess is ok too

On public forums you are never talking to just one person. Over time, thousands of people may read a post (well, okay, probably not on ThaiVisa anymore, but on forums more generally).

If someone asks for advice, you presume they are sincere. If they are not sincere, it does not matter much, someone else will find what you write useful or entertaining.


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Well she must have liked you smelling to high heaven originally otherwise she would not have married you.  Perhaps if you are comfortable knowing that your body odour is such a put off for your wife you should just tell her " You married me knowing what I smell like". Alternatively of course why not take more showers or , like the chemicals you so dislike putting on your body, soap and water is also a problem for you ?


If you wish to counter your wife telling you that you stink then just ask her why do Thais spend 10 minutes brushing their teeth but won't spend 10 seconds cleaning the toilet ? Anyway have a jolly nice smelly day, by the way are you troubled much by flies ? ????????

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Here's what intelligent stinkies do. Step one, eat copious amounts of beans, cabbage and pork. Step two, wait an hour before suggesting going out to dinner. Step three - upon entering said restaurant - place a big slice of lime between your teeth. Step four, seconds after releasing a massive cloud of noxious gas - bite down hard on the lime; consequently your grimace will override the urge to start laughing - thus people will not suspect you of being the culprit. Step five, say "tilac koon klin phylm" (Darling your fart smell.)

45 minutes ago, phetphet said:

I say brush teeth after eating breakfast. GF says no. Brush when get up. Before eating.


I looked it up and apparently she is right. something about bacteria build up overnight.

But I still can't help thinking that cleaning teeth after breakfast is a better start to the day.

Definitely brush after eating.

Upon waking, just swoosh vigorously with water for about 30 seconds and spit it into the sink. Then, drink maybe a pint of water. The swooshing dislodges most of the bacterial build up. Drinking the water rehydrates your mouth and throat, which will significantly reduce morning breath. It also helps to activate and hydrate your body as it passes through your system. I would usually eat about 15 minutes after drinking that pint of water, give it time to clear your stomach.

You should brush maybe 20 minutes after eating, allowing time for your mouth to become less acidic from the sugars in the food. Brushing too soon after eating, while your mouth is still acidic, is more abrasive to your enamel. I tend to swoosh some water just after eating too.

Flossing is a very good idea, probably more important than brushing, but I understand that most people will never develop the habit.


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Where I live the days are hot and I refuse to spray chemicals under my arm pits or use a roll on device. I consider myself to be on a permanent holiday here in thailand (retired) and therefore only use roll on anti perspirants on official (special) occasions. I think its unhealthy to use it everyday. 


My wife thinks its revolting and is complaining a lot. I think Thai's are quite particular about bad smells. She will not even kiss me unless I have brushed my teeth. 


Is anyone else have this problem with their wife? 




Wow, you must be a species. 

She asks you to wash yourself, use some Deodorant, brush your teeth and probably change your underwear?

How dares she.

I would kick her out.

16 hours ago, charliechoc said:

I consider myself to be on a permanent holiday here in thailand (retired)....


My wife thinks its revolting and is complaining a lot.


Obviously having a wife complaining is NOT compatible with being on a permanent holiday - LOL

Ditch the wife and enjoy your retirement as you should



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7 minutes ago, Poet said:

Definitely brush after eating.

Upon waking, just swoosh vigorously with water for about 30 seconds and spit it into the sink. Then, drink maybe a pint of water. The swooshing dislodges most of the bacterial build up. Drinking the water rehydrates your mouth and throat, which will significantly reduce morning breath. It also helps to activate and hydrate your body as it passes through your system. I would usually eat about 15 minutes after drinking that pint of water, give it time to clear your stomach.

You should brush maybe 20 minutes after eating, allowing time for your mouth to become less acidic from the sugars in the food. Brushing too soon after eating, while your mouth is still acidic, is more abrasive to your enamel. I tend to swoosh some water just after eating too.

Flossing is a very good idea, probably more important than brushing, but I understand that most people will never develop the habit.


Well as the OP was posting regarding his wife's complaints of body odour from underarm bacteria perhaps you would be good enough to explain to us all, and the OP, quite how flossing your armpits works and what benefit does it provide in removing bacterial growth in the underarm region ? Or perhaps as this thread has diverged somewhat from the original question why don't we start discussing removing smells/bacteria from the anal and pubic areas ?????????

Just now, Skallywag said:


Obviously having a wife complaining is NOT compatible with being on a permanent holiday - LOL

Ditch the wife and enjoy your retirement as you should




and......please PM me some photos of the wife 

  • Haha 1

Don't forget to shampoo your hair and periodically clean your head wear. Your scalp can really reek if you go for a long period between shampooing.  I was quite grateful to my wife for pointing this out to me.  I rarely use deodorant and don't notice too many Thai men in rural Thailand using deodorant or cologne either.  Nobody's telling me (at least to my face) that my pits stink.


Regarding oral hygiene, does the OP floss and go to the dentist for checkups and cleanings? If the OP's a smoker, maybe yet another good reason to quit?


While I agree that most Thais are conscientious about their personal hygiene, it's not universally the case. I occasionally catch an eye-watering whiff coming from unwashed Thai bottoms as well.



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1 minute ago, Excel said:

Well as the OP was posting regarding his wife's complaints of body odour from underarm bacteria perhaps you would be good enough to explain to us all, and the OP, quite how flossing your armpits works and what benefit does it provide in removing bacterial growth in the underarm region ?

Nope. The OP refers to his wife's hesistancy to kiss, so, the subject is personal hygiene in general, not just body odor.


2 minutes ago, Excel said:

Or perhaps as this thread has diverged somewhat from the original question why don't we start discussing removing smells/bacteria from the anal and pubic areas ?????

While I understand that this may be your first time to participate in a forum discussion or, possibly, any other type of human interaction, I can assure you that it is quite normal for a conversation, as it progresses, to evolve and flow into adjacent areas. If you would like to take us in the direction of reducing anal and pubic odor, I cannot see that as being anything other than appropriate and useful to the OP.


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1 hour ago, charliechoc said:

You're wrong. I do have BO most days. But now I will start to have a 3rd shower (midday perhaps)

That wasn't the part I doubted. 

24 minutes ago, rumak said:

i have been trying to teach this hardcore group of TV  members the benefits of baking soda.

Many references to it for various uses.


Mix a paste in very small bowl................ Use it on your armpits , and anywhere else for that matter.   It KILLS  the bacteria that cause the odor.    C'mon guys,  give it a test.


in shower,  get wet,  smell your pits,   rub on the baking soda paste and scrub a bit,  wash it off.        No more odor.  

Soap just gets a bit of the odor,  does not kill the bacteria,  and has chemicals , some of which are not wanted by certain people .


Also use for washing clothes !    mentioned in previous posts

NOTE  :   and POET ,  hope you try it as well ????

sometimes I use baking soda to brush my teeth too...

5 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Don't forget to shampoo your hair and periodically clean your head wear. Your scalp can really reek if you go for a long period between shampooing.  I was quite grateful to my wife for pointing this out to me.

This is a big blindspot for most of us from colder climes, we somehow forget that our heads smell too ????

Following my own partner's hints, I now pour some water over my head if I am giving my face a quick splash at a sink during a hot day.


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34 minutes ago, Poet said:

On public forums you are never talking to just one person. Over time, thousands of people may read a post (well, okay, probably not on ThaiVisa anymore, but on forums more generally).

If someone asks for advice, you presume they are sincere. If they are not sincere, it does not matter much, someone else will find what you write useful or entertaining.


yeah, I appreciate that, but still figure most people know how to shower if they smell bad... 

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2 hours ago, IvorBiggun2 said:


Says the nation that washes their asses with their hand. The Thais think themselves to be superior to most other nations. Yes we smell, body odor, but not the same as Thais hence why they moan.

Same regarding when cooking food. When we cook food the Thais find it a repulsive smell. Just as much as we find their cooking repulsive. They just can't bite the bullet and get over it. 



I never noticed anyone Thai moaning about body odor... ?? But then again, my friends seem to be pretty clean... and as to cooking, Thai are well aware which is why they mostly cook outside... 


This reminds me of an anecdote from Frank Skinners autobiography, it went something like this.


”  Sunday bath night wasn’t a thing in our house, the bath was always full of old newspapers !! the kids were okay we got showered after games lessons at school . My dad would have a good wash down in the kitchen sink, shirt off and braces down he would have to stand with legs apart to stop his trousers falling down. I never forget the sight of his elbows going  back and forth as he “ washed “ his armpits like some maniacal sumo wrestler !! “

Gotta dig that ebook out now . ????

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Be polite and respectful.

They appreciate frequent showers, mouthwash ( thai pronounce Listaleen) strong deodorant and also some powder under and around your groin.

30 minutes ago, 1FinickyOne said:

sometimes I use baking soda to brush my teeth too...


that would be found in Rumak post 778   section 3   paragraph 6    


I use it also,  but very lightly.    Also good for "mouthwash"  .   


The drug companies try to scare people by saying it will destroy your teeth .  Mine look fine!



  • Haha 1
29 minutes ago, rumak said:

i have been trying to teach this hardcore group of TV  members the benefits of baking soda.

Many references to it for various uses.

Right; courageous of you to take on such a difficult and thankless task. Baking soda alone may irritate one's skin, so the sensitive can create a mix of, say, 50% baking soda and 50% cornstarch (absorbent. non-irritating), keep in a sealed container and apply with a woman's makeup brush (kabuki brush). I did that for a time.


More effective, get a squeeze lotion bottle, fill 1/4 with baking soda and the rest with cheap Thai white spirits like Red Cock. Add a few drops of essential oil in the scent she might like; choose rose and you'll end up smelling like a rose. Shake bottle, squeeze out a bit in your hand and apply. Spread leftover where it's obviously needed. Can layer alum via alum block or Thai alum deo stick on top, if desired. The alum seems to have more the effect of suppressing perspiration than deodorizing. Anyway, this mix is quite effective and will last sufficiently long under normal conditions, easy and cheap to reapply. Been using it for years except for really severe challenges, like a long ride in the heat on the bike to . . . the Immigration Office.????


So that should go far to allay the OP's fear of chemicals and nefarious roll-on "devices." Wonder if he's been having issues getting extensions? Herein may lie the source of so many problems we're constantly hearing about. No wonder supplicants are being offloaded to agents! 


Thai women like a good-smelling man, no question. An investment in the sort of quality man's cologne they normally like (take your girl out to the dept store and go around sampling), to be used judiciously (maybe too stringent a requirement), is worthwhile, if you care. Otherwise, toss some money and gold her way, I suppose, until you can't.


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41 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

I occasionally catch an eye-watering whiff coming from unwashed Thai bottoms as well.



i better not ask ...............

  • Haha 2

short version: "my personal hygiene practice, or lack thereof, revolts my wife and I dont care"


short answer: you are a selfish person

3 minutes ago, BigStar said:

Right; courageous of you to take on such a difficult and thankless task. Baking soda alone may irritate one's skin, so the sensitive can create a mix of, say, 50% baking soda and 50% cornstarch (absorbent. non-irritating), keep in a sealed container and apply with a woman's makeup brush (kabuki brush). I did that for a time.


More effective, get a squeeze lotion bottle, fill 1/4 with baking soda and the rest with cheap Thai white spirits like Red Cock. Add a few drops of essential oil in the scent she might like; choose rose and you'll end up smelling like a rose. Shake bottle, squeeze out a bit in your hand and apply. Spread leftover where it's obviously needed. Can layer alum via alum block or Thai alum deo stick on top, if desired. The alum seems to have more the effect of suppressing perspiration than deodorizing. Anyway, this mix is quite effective and will last sufficiently long under normal conditions, easy and cheap to reapply. Been using it for years except for really severe challenges, like a long ride in the heat on the bike to . . . the Immigration Office.????


So that should go far to allay the OP's fear of chemicals and nefarious roll-on "devices." Wonder if he's been having issues getting extensions? Herein may lie the source of so many problems we're constantly hearing about. No wonder supplicants are being offloaded to agents! 


Thai women like a good-smelling man, no question. An investment in the sort of quality man's cologne they normally like (take your girl out to the dept store and go around sampling), to be used judiciously (maybe too stringent a requirement), is worthwhile, if you care. Otherwise, toss some money and gold her way, I suppose, until you can't.


I sweat easy always make sure i got some cologne ready take it with me in a small spray on if i go out for a long time. Shower myself 2-3 times a day. Not sweating much from the arm pits or anything like that just full body if im out in the sun. No such problems in the nicely aircondintioned malls.


In the gym i sweat so much i consume around 1.8l (size of my bottle) of water with some electrolytes. 


If you know you sweat a lot or smell bad its not that hard to get cologne or take a fresh t shirt with you just in case. 

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

If you know you sweat a lot or smell bad its not that hard to get cologne or take a fresh t shirt with you just in case. 

Yeah, did this sometimes when I needed to be really fresh for an appointment with a client, but a short walk from the train station in the Tokyo heat would leave me drenched. Took along a spare shirt in the briefcase and changed in the lobby restroom.


I use the above mix after a sweaty workout in the gym and shower in the lockeroom. I sometimes applied a quick splash of aftershave. Had some bay rum I wanted to use up, good occasion.


And our wilting flowers who whinge it's too hot to wear a nice shirt to Immigration can do exactly that: wear their usual Chang wifebeater to the building, then change in the nearby restroom before they go in.

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Would point out personal insults like this are usually a sign of hatred from a woman (from personal experience). Best to move on before their hatred becomes more physical IMHO.

To the OP, do you feel you've suddenly started smelling worse?

Or do you think your body odour is unchanged?


Couple of things.      I wouldn't call the  OP's wife necessarily  being insulting to him.    I'd call it more of an observation comment.


Secondly, I suspect the OP cannot judge his body odour since he's  surely used to it.     He needs a third party  to give him an honest assessment.


I pity his wife  or  any wife that has to sleep next to a partner  that stinks from body odour or bad breath.     Not sure which is more revolting.



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11 hours ago, josthomz said:


Honestly what a steaming pile of horsecr**p.... 


Smelling bad is all about not showering enough. Period. 


If you don't wanna use deodorant because of some conspiracy theory and thus you think it is bad for your body. Fine, then you will have to shower 3,4,5 times per day. And you will still perfectly. 


I use deodorant myself, and yet I still need to shower at the very very least 3 times a day.... Every time I go out, I swear. It is normal, Bangkok is too hot.


Water and soap = Good smell. It's the only way. Not eating freaking vegetables. Might help, but won't do anything on its own.

It has a lot to do with food. Certain spices can really make you pong

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Before you got married you obviously took more care of yourself.

You know what you have to do, shower, shave & roll it on before you getting it on

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