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1 hour ago, Poet said:

Nope. The OP refers to his wife's hesistancy to kiss, so, the subject is personal hygiene in general, not just body odor.


While I understand that this may be your first time to participate in a forum discussion or, possibly, any other type of human interaction, I can assure you that it is quite normal for a conversation, as it progresses, to evolve and flow into adjacent areas. If you would like to take us in the direction of reducing anal and pubic odor, I cannot see that as being anything other than appropriate and useful to the OP.


"Nope. The OP refers to his wife's hesitancy to kiss, so, the subject is personal hygiene in general, not just body odor."


Well as you are a proponent of heavy flossing perhaps too much has affected your eyesight. Go back to the OP's post and read it again. Kissing was only a secondary issue the primary being his body odour. Anyway as he said he disliked chemicals on his body, or at least that was his excuse , soap and water also appears out of favour with him. 

15 minutes ago, Andy from Kent said:

Couple of things.      I wouldn't call the  OP's wife necessarily  being insulting to him.    I'd call it more of an observation comment.

When have you ever heard any Thai say something disparaging to the face of another Thai.

Thais generally avoid insulting one another at any cost, because a Thai husband would beat her unconscious (or to death) for saying something like that to him.


I despise the way white men hate and put down other white men.

Which is why I generally avoid contact with other white foreigners.

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55 minutes ago, robblok said:

I sweat easy always make sure i got some cologne ready take it with me in a small spray on if i go out for a long time. Shower myself 2-3 times a day. Not sweating much from the arm pits or anything like that just full body if im out in the sun. No such problems in the nicely aircondintioned malls.


In the gym i sweat so much i consume around 1.8l (size of my bottle) of water with some electrolytes. 


If you know you sweat a lot or smell bad its not that hard to get cologne or take a fresh t shirt with you just in case. 

Nothing worse than the smell of BO & cologne mixed together!    LOL

18 hours ago, charliechoc said:

My wife thinks its revolting and is complaining a lot.

The problem is not your wife's - its yours! So be aware of the choices you have:

1) Learn proper hygiene. A bath and some roll-on may save your marriage but I suspect there are other issues you need to resolve as well.

2) Live alone.

3) Find a wife who will tolerate horrific odors. 


Respectfully, Dear Abby

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I guess he could send his wife out to one of the places where Covid is prevalent, hoping she catches it and loses her sense of smell.    555

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Charliechoc, I agree with you about putting toxic chemicals under my/your arm pits or any where else on your body. Your/our skin is the largest organ of our body and when toxin's are on your skin transdermal penetration transfers those toxins into your blood stream.

What I do is use flower essence oils you can buy readily over here. I use mallee ( jasmine ) and that fits the bill for no BO. Oil of a flower. Pick one that doesn't make you smell like a lady boy though. LOL.


Try "Alum", dirt cheap, natural, odorless and working ...... Your wife certainly knows where to get it - the Thai word would be "สารส้ม". Available at any online shop and they come in handy user packaging. Search for "โรลออนสารส้ม grace" and there you go. 


  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

Try "Alum", dirt cheap, natural, odorless and working ...... Your wife certainly knows where to get it - the Thai word would be "สารส้ม". Available at any online shop and they come in handy user packaging. Search for "โรลออนสารส้ม grace" and there you go. 


And to avoid extra shopping there is that old invention called soap and water, OP should try it sometime, very often if he is a profuse sweater, works wonders.

  • Haha 1
21 minutes ago, Excel said:

"Nope. The OP refers to his wife's hesitancy to kiss, so, the subject is personal hygiene in general, not just body odor."


Well as you are a proponent of heavy flossing perhaps too much has affected your eyesight. Go back to the OP's post and read it again. Kissing was only a secondary issue the primary being his body odour. Anyway as he said he disliked chemicals on his body, or at least that was his excuse , soap and water also appears out of favour with him. 

Excel, if you are going to be this pedantic, I might as well be talking to an actual spreadsheet.

My eyesight is fine. In under 100 words, and just 3 paragraphs, the OP explained his situation. He mentioned a few things. He did not number, stack, rank, or otherwise prioritize his concerns. We can intuit the central thrust of his worry is that is wife finds him distasteful, and has refered to both his BO and his bad breath. As Britman has already pointed out, her actual problem might simply be that she is generally unhappy with him.

It is you who has deliberately mischaracterized his situation, suggesting that he does not shower when, in fact, he has said that he already showers twice a day and will now try showering three times per day.


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Just now, Poet said:

Excel, if you are going to be this pedantic, I might as well be talking to an actual spreadsheet.

My eyesight is fine. In under 100 words, and just 3 paragraphs, the OP explained his situation. He mentioned a few things. He did not number, stack, rank, or otherwise prioritize his concerns. We can intuit the central thrust of his worry is that is wife finds him distasteful, and has refered to both his BO and his bad breath. As Britman has already pointed out, her actual problem might simply be that she is generally unhappy with him.

It is you who has deliberately mischaracterized his situation, suggesting that he does not shower when, in fact, he has said that he already showers twice a day and will now try showering three times per day.


Yep you should talk to a spreadsheet, because clearly human interaction is beyond your comprehension. Now have a nice day and happy flossing.

3 minutes ago, Excel said:

Yep you should talk to a spreadsheet, because clearly human interaction is beyond your comprehension. Now have a nice day and happy flossing.

"Poet never did find out what it was that Excel had against tooth floss, but he knew, deep down, that it must have been something pretty bad to scar a man like that"

58 minutes ago, Andy from Kent said:

He needs a third party  to give him an honest assessment.


We all certainly do. I used to go for a regular sauna on a Friday evening back in the UK due to having a dirty daytime job. Dunno why but Asian men also seemed to like going on a Friday also. Their body odor absolutely reeks and isn't for the faint hearted. I can only conclude that it was down to their spicy food intake. 

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

I sweat easy always make sure i got some cologne ready take it with me in a small spray on if i go out for a long time. Shower myself 2-3 times a day. Not sweating much from the arm pits or anything like that just full body if im out in the sun. No such problems in the nicely aircondintioned malls.

I'm the same way. I thought you and anyone else who perspires heavily might appreciate this story. About 6 months ago, I noticed that I was perspiring a lot less than I normally do, and at first I thought this was great and it really was. But then I started to notice that I was having to get up 4-5 times a night to use the bathroom. This went on for about a month. Then, just as suddenly, things went back to normal. I started sweating again, but I was sleeping like a baby, no more nighttime trips to the bathroom. I was like: 'welcome back hyper hidrosis, my old friend!!!!' Let me tell you, if I ever had to choose between getting up constantly in the middle of the night to pee or sweating during the day, no question I would chose the latter. So my message to anyone who sweats a lot is: don't let it get you down, it might just be a blessing in disguise!


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Try "LUSH The Greeench" powder. Amazing stuff. Developed in the U.K., manufactured in Japan, if I remember correctly. There are LUSH shops in some of the Terminal 21 shopping centres, otherwise you can order it online,

see https://th.lush.com/products/greeench


This site certainly is not cheap deodorant powder+postage+vat= ฿635 (£16 !!!)


 Get an Alum stick from any 7/11, Tesco Express or basically almost any store, very cheap, very effective, after showering, before you dry yourself, rub under arms then dry yourself as normal.


It's a natural product with no artificial scent, Voila, no BO.


As for your breath, clean your teeth more often. ????

20 hours ago, charliechoc said:

Is anyone else have this problem with their wife? 

Stick to your guns, do as you wish.... your wife will eventually leave you for a sweet smelling man and your problem will be gone.

  • Haha 1

Sounds to me that you think being hygienic is unhealthy. 


It probably doesn't matter to you what we think on this forum - we don't have to live with it, but what about your wife? Her feelings and senses appear not to matter to you either?

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