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Thailand targets 3 million foreign tourists this year under phased reopening


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17 hours ago, madmen said:

The proposed Phuket opening pushed back to 9 th and from 7 to 14 days and not even close to being approved 

Keep changing quarantine dates at will.  How can you plan any travel.  If you’re vaccinated and had multiple covid tests ...Thailand needs to get over the fear of covid being brought in.  Its here already. 

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2 hours ago, Tracyb said:

Chinese tourists coming into Chiang Mai, by the tens of thousands(pre-Covid) prepaid in China for their entire trip.  They spent next to nothing while in Thailand. I guess we call them “penny tourists.”


There is no reason to expect any difference when Chiang Mai opens up again to the invading hordes.  Meanwhile, tourist based businesses remain closed, food lines remain long at the giveaway points in the city, and hope remains dim for the future.


could it GET any worse?

     Got a big laugh from your post.  First, you say that Chiang Mai used to get Chinese tourists 'by the tens of thousands(pre-Covid)...'.   But, according to you they 'spent next to nothing while in Thailand'.  

     The 'tens of thousands' of Chinese tourists are not visiting CM now and you next describe the current Chiang Mai:  'Meanwhile, tourist based businesses remain closed, food lines remain long at the giveaway points in the city, and hope remains dim for the future.'   Hmm.  Something's not adding up with those two paragraphs.  

     It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the 'tens of thousands' of Chinese tourists were, indeed, contributing to Chiang Mai's tourist economy.  And, Pattaya's, where I am.  Just open your eyes and look around--it's on stark display every day now with all the closed businesses in the tourist areas.  

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17 hours ago, kimamey said:

Has the Phuket opening been pushed back to the 9th? I haven't seen that anywhere although I know about the change from 7 to 14 days.

I do wonder where they get these figures from. Not long ago there was talk of 10 million visitors and 6 million were coming from the UK alone.

I saw a post on tv which had an attached announcement in Thai that said something along the lines that Phuket opens on 1st July with first arrivals allowed from 9th.


I don’t know if that is official official, or just expected but not yet confirmed, or just not true.

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7 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

I don’t know if that is official official, or just expected but not yet confirmed, or just not true

Not true. There is a thread about it. 

The confusion started from group of 20 USA folk coming 9th.

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35 minutes ago, RR2020 said:

Before people talk about Chinese tourists.........




Anyone entering China (local or foreigner) must do 21 days quarantine.   No exemption.


So how many Chinese tourists are going to leave China knowing they have to do 21 days quarantine on return to China ?


Billions according to TAT ???  ????????????????????????

Exactly. Certainly not me and everyone else I know that either calls Thailand home or goes to visit regularly.

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4 hours ago, clivebaxter said:

The way we sometimes get treated here, eg current vaccination, I hope they get no tourists at all, it's what they so richly deserve.


Why are you living in a country (not yours) that you so much hate?

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Pretty sure this is going to turn out just like the STV visa, so only expats living in Thailand would use this as a way to return to the country. Hardly too many real tourists would bother coming to Phuket – especially in the summer. In the winter months sure, maybe some will come.

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We already know that at least a third of the 20,000 who rushed back to the UK from India to avoid quarantine had fake Covid-19 test certificates from corrupt Indian doctors. So, how will Thailand be able to ensure that anyone coming from slightly suspect countries actually have genuine vaccination certificates?

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20 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Most of the three million arrivals are expected in the final quarter, with spending estimated at between 240 billion baht to 300 billion baht ($7.7 billion to $9.6 billion), Siripakorn Cheawsamoot, deputy governor of the TAT, told Reuters.

Here are some numbers for Khun Siripakorn:



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