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Anyone have them? I have felt like I got a mild case of the flu, tired, ache all over etc. If you had this how long did it go on for? Answers only from those who had the vaccine please.


I had pretty much the same effects for the day I received the shot (which was about 10AM) but was back to normal after a good night's sleep. I didn't exercise for a couple of days afterwards and don't do anything really strenuous anyway, just brisk walking for an hour or so, but I still feel pretty wiped out after doing that, much more so than normal (5 days since the shot).

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Yeah, had mine on saturday, no issue on sunday but woke on monday with what felt like a grand-daddy hangover (without the pleasure of drinking the beer).


All cleared now, just a slight ache at the injection site.


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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Had it last week. No side effects really apart from a bit of tiredness the following afternoon. Arm slightly sore but nothing really. Didn’t feel anything during the actual injection. 

Talking to my colleagues, I seem to be in the minority and most seem to have felt rough with a fever for a couple of days. 

I thought it would be a minority getting a fever rather than the majority? 

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4 hours ago, clivebaxter said:

Answers only from those who had the vaccine please.

Ok, no problem. I won't share what I know.

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1st dose in February - next morning slightly tender arm at the injection site - nothing more.

2nd dose in May -next morning slightly tender arm at the injection site - about 24 hours after the jab, came over cold and shivery for about 2-3 hours - that was it.

Very small price to pay, IMO.


OOI, this is in UK, out of about 10 people I know well aged 60-72 very similar side effects to me.

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Had both vaccinations, went straight back to work after both of them, no problems. My job is road markings. 


A little sleepy and fatigued on the first day. Mild headache that persisted on and off for a few days...went away but then came back for a few days. Treated with panadol. No fever at all and barely a sore arm (maybe a little sensitive on the 2nd and 3rd day). Tried to exercises as normal the next day but only managed half the workout (note to self not to do that for the second shot). 


The wife had a mild fever and headache the next day but seemed to resolve quicky. 


The wife's youngish nephew had a strong fever and couldnt sleep for a couple of days. Maybe the effect is stronger in younger people?


Me: Had jab late Wednesday afternoon. Took rest with Tylenol in evening. Had moderate headache and slept in following morning, but was okay by lunch Thursday. Felt a bit tired and stayed away from the gym, but was back on routine by Friday.


Wife: Had jab at same time. By late evening was suffering from severe chills. Followed by 2 solid days of severe headache, fever and body ache which went to mild headache on Saturday. Only on Sunday got better.


I normally have less reaction to flu jabs. Wife normally has worse reaction. Still 10 weeks away from second AZ jab, of which my wife is not looking forward. My advice is to prepare for a couple days down time.


I was in the lucky 49% that had zero reaction or after effects from the AZ injection. I didn't even have a sore upper arm, which surprised me as pretty much every vaccine I've had in the past left redness or swelling for a day or two. 

Of the nine other foreigners here in Bangkok who I know have had the 1st Astra jab, as I recall seven of them had moderate reactions, and only two had zero reaction like me. 


I had no side effects, but I had a very bad sleeping the night after the vaccine.. not sure this is somehow related to the vaccination or only a coincidence.


Very mild for me.  AZ vac on Saturday, no effects Sunday except I could feel a slight pain at vax site on my arm, Monday felt a little bit like getting a cold - similar to flu jab, Tuesday no symptoms.


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